The Romanian state to pay compensation to a prisoner for being beaten up by policemen

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that the Romanian that was tortured by policemen during an investigation 11 years ago should receive compensation from the Romanian state. After attempting to sue the state in Romania at the military court the man decided to file a complaint in



Strasbourg. Thus, the man will receive 7,000 euro as moral prejudice for being subjected to inhuman treatment. Ion Lupascu, aged 49 is currently imprisoned for a 19 year punishment for robbery that lead to the death of the victim. On September 1997, the man engaged in a fight with the seller that he hit several times.

Lupascu was convicted and says that during the investigation, three aggressive policemen beat him up. The next day, the man obtained a medical certificate that attests the treatment he was subjected to.

Doctors estimated that the man will need 2 to 3 days of medical care for his wounds. Investigated by the military court, the policemen were found not guilty as they claimed that the victims wounds were caused because the victim opposed his arrest.

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