The annual inflation rate is to drop by 1.2% in 2009, down to 4.8 %, with this drop to be the result of the administered prices

The annual inflation rate is to continue to go down in the next years, with an estimated level of inflation to stand at 3.6 % in 2010, 3.2 % in 2011, and 2.8 % in 2012.




Moreover, due to the restrictions in the monetary policy which have appeared very clear from BNR repeated increase in the key interest in 2008, there is expected a certain stagnation in the depreciation of the exchange rate, nevertheless with the
nominal appreciation trend to be resumed soon enough. With regards to the exchange rare, there was estimated a moderate appreciation, but which is expected to contribute to the cut in the import prices and also in the administered prices depending on euro. Experts estimate the continuation of the process to push inflation downwards in the interval ahead, through the maintaining of a firm conduit of the monetary policy and also of the other components of the economic policy. Another efficient way to anchor the inflationary anticipations is to maintain the appreciation trend in real terms of the national currency as against euro. This is
very possible while taking into account the perspective of a more accelerated growth in the productivity in the Romanian economy as against its main foreign partners.

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