The Emil Boc Government has the scheme filled up, after the two main parties, Democrat Liberals (PDL) and Social Democrats (PSD) finished negotiating the way ministries should be shared.

PDL nominees:
Finance Ministry: Gheorghe Pogea
Born in 1955, Pogea graduated from a technical faculty to become general



manager of the Hunedoara Steel Plant (1997-2001). After 2001, he was general manger at SC „Marmosim” SA Simeria, a company owned by the former Bucharest mayor, Adriean Videanu. Videanu is also part of the current Government scheme.

Transport Ministry: Radu Berceanu

PDL vice president, Berceanu was a deputy ever after 1990. He also was Minister of Industry Trade (1998-1999) and Transport Minister (2006-2007). He was accused in several occasions of illegal affairs, from illegal VAT return and debts to the state budget to car trafficking.

Economy Ministry: Adriean Videanu

PDL executive president, entered politics since the early ’90’s. Bucharest mayor between 2005 and 2008.

Defense Ministry: Mihai Stanisoara

Deputy between 2004 and 2007, presidential counselor, president of the Defense, Public Safety and National Security Commission. Also former secretary general of the Defense Ministry (2000)

Regional Development and Homes Ministry: Vasile Blaga

Graduate of a technical aviation school and of the National Defense Institute; former Interior Minister (2004 – 2007) and Bucharest Senator. Also former Regional Customs Department chief in Oradea. Considered as the best candidate for the Interior Ministry, he was rather put aside during the PDL – PSD negotiations.

IT&C Ministry: Gabriel Sandu

Culture Ministry: Toader Paleologu

Youth and Sport Ministry: Monica Iacob Ridzi

Tourism Ministry: Elena Udrea

PSD nominees:

Vice Prime Minister: Dan Nica

Labor, Family and Social Protection Ministry: Marian Sarbu

Education Ministry: Ecaterina Andronescu

Health Ministry: Ionut Bazac

Agriculture Ministry: Ilie Sarbu

Interior Ministry: Gabriel Oprea;

Foreign Ministry: Cristian Diaconescu

Environment Ministry: Nicolae Nemirschi

SMEs, Trade and Business: Constantin Nita

Ministry for the Relationship with the Parliament: Victor Ponta

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