Corporate Corporate Finance – ROMANIA

Corporate-Corporate-Finance ,ROMANIA.We advise private companies on measures that may boost their value, often in preparation for initial public offerings, venture capitalists and investment banks regarding the impact of regulatory requirements or upon the corporate environment for financing transactions, and nonprofit organizations on how corporate governance reforms impact their own boards.

For clients drafting and implementing steering documents such as internal regulations, corporate directives, policies and procedures, we provide counsel along with model documents outlining compliance requirements, and we advise them on enforcing those steering documents.

In addition, we have extensive practice on company restructuring, reorganization and amalgamation, international bankruptcy, business relocation, expansion, outsourcing and insourcing.

Apart from transactional work, we also advise on compliance with the regulatory and legal requirements which affect the everyday course of clients businesses, including complex and evolving areas of law such as directors duties, shareholders general meetings, shares management and transactions (listed or unlisted) and trade register office procedures.

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