IP-IT-Technology ROMANIA.
- •Business process outsourcing contracts
- •Contractual performance of developers
- •Software piracy and avenues for recovery
- •Management of liability under the data protection legislation and consumer complaint management
- •Regulatory compliance for business involved e-commerce information society
- •Options for recourse in failures to perform and deliver on contractual claims
- •Information systems, including batch system, interactive systems, office automation, client/server systems and network computing
- •Recovery of compensation and damages
- •Guidance on auditing contractual performance of contractors and developers against specifications and performance compliance to contractual obligations
- Drafting software licensing and exploitation agreements to meet your specific needs and requirements
- •Defining appropriate IP rights
- •Registering software with the Copyright Office
- •Drafting distribution, resale and end-user agreements
- •Managing the protection of know-how
- •Patent rights
- •Verifications on whether un-patented products might infringe an existing patented invention
- •Business process outsourcing
- •Infrastructure outsourcing
- •Providing legal advice on outsourcing obligations
- •Ensuring design matches implementation
- •Licensing requirements
- •Proposed contractual obligations including limitations and exclusions of liability, indemnities
- •Performance obligations
- •Service levels and service levels compensation
- •Drafting and amending schedules
- •Negotiating
- •Advising on legal and contractual risk
- •IT & telecommunications software, hardware, systems and equipments public acquisitions
- •State aid schemes
- •Financing R&D