How to get $12,000 from the US Government in 30 days

This is money I do not have to pay back. You can get this too, by just filling out one simple form online.


The Quick Facts:

My name is Carl Phillips, and in 30 days I was able to get a $12,000 check from the US Govt which I never have to pay back. All I had to do was fill out 1 form online for a Free grant kit *:


The rest was easy. I got my first grant money within 30 days and was able to pay off all my debt, and I started my own business that I love. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I’m a full time fireman and doing all this from my home computer. If I had more time to devote to this, I’d probably be making so much more.

Right now I am a proud firefighter and family man, born and raised in Austin, Texas. But it wasn’t always this way. Year after year more and more money kept coming out from my bank account than I deposited from my salary. Gas, mortgage, taxes, kids all seem to add up, and I have nothing by the end of the month. My credit cards went out of control after buying just a couple nice things every once in a while. When the bank called saying that I was three months late, and they were going to take my house, that’s when I got my wake up call. Things weren’t going to just get better. So I needed to find a way to get some money.

I started to do some research, and asked my high school friend for advice since he has been running his own business since 2004 and doing great. I’m really glad I did. He recommended I apply for a government grant by using a program you can get online called Grants For You to help me get started and clear my debt and save my house.

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