Divorce in Romania -Romanian lawyer

Acording to the Romanian Law (article 166 and article 170 Law no. 105/1992), the registration of the divorce pronounced in a non-UE foreign country (or other modification in the person civil status), regarding a Romanian citizen, can be made only after the Romanian competent Court recognize it with a final and nonapealling decision.

Divorce- in- Romania

Divorce- in- Romania

The District Court is competent for the recognizing the decision. The request can be made in person or by a mandator with a special mandate through the Romanian Consulate.

After the Romanian decision is final too, the person must address to the local authorithy of the place where the marriage certificate was made.

Divorce in Romania

divorce in romania
The mandate must contain the identification dates, the addresses, the number of the divorce decision and the Court that pronounced it, the name and surname of the person that receive the mandate, the address, and personal dates from the identity card.


