In practica este diferit:ANRP explica situatia despagubirilor acordate cetatenilor romani a caror imobile au fost abandonate in Bulgaria, Basarabia, Bucovina de Nord sau Tinutul Herta

Senatul Romaniei a aprobat, in sedinta din data de data de 30.09.2014, proiectul Legii privind unele masuri pentru accelerarea si finalizarea procesului de solutionare a cererilor formulate in temeiul Legii nr. 9/1998si al Legii nr. 290/2003, acte normative prin care s-au acordat despagubiri catatenilor romani care au abandonat imobile in Bulgaria, Basarabia,Bucovina de Nord sau Tinutul Herta.

Proiectul de lege a fost aprobat de Guvernul Romaniei inca din 26 iunie 2014 si urmeaza sa fie dezbatut in Camera Deputatilor. Dupa aprobare, legea va fi promulgata de catre Presedintele Romaniei, astfel incat noile prevederi sa poata fi aplicate incepand cu anul 2015.

Principalele prevederi ale proiectului de lege sunt urmatoarele:

– Unica masura compensatorie o constituie despagubirile banesti;

– Plata despagubirilor se efectueaza in ordinea cronologica a emiterii hotararilor comisiilor judetene, in transe anuale egale, esalonat, pe o perioada de 5 ani, incepand cu anul 2015;

– Autoritatea Nationala pentru Restituirea Proprietatilor va emite titluri de plata care se vor plati de catre Ministerul Finantelor Publice in cel mult 180 de zile de la emitere;

– Sumele aferente despagubirilor se vor majora/actualiza prin decizia Presedintelui Autoritatii Nationale pentru Restituirea Proprietatilor, cu suma aferenta perioadei cuprinse intre momentul emiterii hotararilor comisiilor judetene si data emiterii deciziei de actualizare;

– Comisiile judetene, respectiv cea a municipiului Bucuresti, pentru aplicarea Legii nr. 9/1998 si Legii nr. 290/2003 au obligatia de a solutiona, prin hotarare, cererile de acordare a despagubirilor inregistrate si nesolutionate, dupa cum urmeaza:

  • in termen de 9 luni, comisiile care mai au de solutionat un numar de pana la 500 de cereri depuse in temeiul Legii nr. 9/1998 si Legii nr. 290/2003;
  • in termen de 18 luni, comisiile care mai au de solutionat un numar intre 501 si 1.000 de cereri depuse in temeiul Legii nr. 9/1998 si Legii nr. 290/2003;
  • in termen de 36 de luni, comisiile care mai au de solutionat un numar de peste 1000 de cereri depuse in temeiul Legii nr. 9/1998 si Legii nr. 290/2003.

Lawyers attorney.Romanian lawyer COLTUC

We are a team of Romanian lawyers characterized by experience, efficiency, confidentiality and passion for what we do.Our professionalism, experience and flexibility lead to the possibility of developing a wide range of legal solutions that can be applied to solve our Clients problems, regardless of their complexity.

Clients’ interests have been and will always remain on first place in our law office, respecting the confidentiality of data and information received.

We offer miscellaneous legal services such as consultation, legal applications, legal assistance and representation  in litigation in front of Romanian courts and public authorities, operations regarding company formation, debt recovery and insolvency procedures or mediation.

Our Bucharest Law Office provides legal advice and representation in various areas of law, with affiliates throughout Romania and abroad.



Online Gambling -ROMANIA

Online Gambling -ROMANIA.Whether you are applying for an online or land-based gaming licence in Romania or involved in a merger or acquisition, all parties would need to know that representations made by the other parties are correct.


Effective liaison with gaming, tax and financial authorities will save you time and money. Authorities generally tend to use intelligent bureaucracy; however, getting to know their rules and procedures might be frustrating.Non-compliance with regulatory requirements may lead to the suspension or cancellation of the license, to substantial fines or even criminal prosecutions. Further, according to the Romanian gaming legislation, any change in your structure, organization, games, processes etc. needs to make the subject of notification and approval by the Gaming Commission.




Business Model Validation

Business / Facility Planning





Corporate Strategy

Due Diligence

Incorporation & Domiciliation Services | Office Space

Intellectual Property


Legal Strategy, Consultancy and Opinions

Mergers & Acquisitions

Offshore Services

Online and Land based Licence Applications

Regulatory Policy and Compliance

Taxation and Tax Planning 


Dispute-Resolution-ROMANIA.Our lawyers are qualified to plea trial cases in front of all courts of justice from Bucharest or Romania. CAB.COLTUC had successfully advised and represented numerous major clients in hundreds

of court cases in Bucharest or other first court or appeal courts throughout Romania up to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Constitutional Court of Romania in corporate, commercial, insurance or financial litigation

Criminal-Defense- ROMANIA

Criminal-Defense- ROMANIAWinning criminal cases requires a winning trial strategy. When it comes to criminal defense, the best defense truly is a strong offense. While some criminal cases are dismissed before trial, in most of the cases they complicate due to an inconsistent and incoherent defense strategy, which is generating sat-backs,

ramifications of investigations, and millions of other loose-ends that most defendants would want to avoid. This is why it is fundamental that every case be treated from the outset as a case that will go to trial, and our lawyers have thus found that diligent and aggressive preparation for trial means a higher probability of securing dismissals that do not require prison time.



  1. Jurisdiction and venue
  2. •Bank account seizures, assets freezing and other injunctive measures
  3. •Emergency court ordinances for debt collection



  1. •Complex debt collection cases trial on common law
  2. •Insolvency or bankruptcy applications
  3. •Removal of charges
  4. •Breach of fiduciary duty
  5. •Collateral guarantees
  6. •Fraudulent transfers/agreements
  7. •Directors’ personal liability
  8. •Preferential transfers
  9. •Appointment of trustee director
  10. •Complex claims objections
  11. •Assumption or rejection of executory contracts
  12. •Adversary proceedings
  13. •Debtor reorganization
  14. •Company dissolution
  15. •Winding-up
  16. •Appeals


Corporate-Corporate-Finance-ROMANIA.Our key strength is advice on large, complex transactions, often of a cross-border nature, where our international capability is enhanced by our alliance with leading European, Asian, U.S. and Middle Eastern top law firms. Our clients are also able to draw upon the formidable reputation of our dispute resolution practice on transactions where management of risk is a key issue.

We counsel public and private companies and their boards of directors on corporate governance best practices, structure, oversight and fiduciary duties (and appropriate contractual provisions to enable them to satisfy those duties) with respect to mergers, acquisitions and financings, on conducting investigations and crisis management, and in dealing with their relationships with outside auditors, compensation consultants and other third party advisors.

Corporate Corporate Finance – ROMANIA

Corporate-Corporate-Finance ,ROMANIA.We advise private companies on measures that may boost their value, often in preparation for initial public offerings, venture capitalists and investment banks regarding the impact of regulatory requirements or upon the corporate environment for financing transactions, and nonprofit organizations on how corporate governance reforms impact their own boards.

For clients drafting and implementing steering documents such as internal regulations, corporate directives, policies and procedures, we provide counsel along with model documents outlining compliance requirements, and we advise them on enforcing those steering documents.

In addition, we have extensive practice on company restructuring, reorganization and amalgamation, international bankruptcy, business relocation, expansion, outsourcing and insourcing.

Apart from transactional work, we also advise on compliance with the regulatory and legal requirements which affect the everyday course of clients businesses, including complex and evolving areas of law such as directors duties, shareholders general meetings, shares management and transactions (listed or unlisted) and trade register office procedures.

IP-IT-Technology ROMANIA

IP-IT-Technology ROMANIA.

  1. •Business process outsourcing contracts
  2. •Contractual performance of developers




  1. •Software piracy and avenues for recovery
  2. •Management of liability under the data protection legislation and consumer complaint management
  3. •Regulatory compliance for business involved e-commerce information society
  4. •Options for recourse in failures to perform and deliver on contractual claims
  5. •Information systems, including batch system, interactive systems, office automation, client/server systems and network computing
  6. •Recovery of compensation and damages
  7. •Guidance on auditing contractual performance of contractors and developers against specifications and performance compliance to contractual obligations
    1. Drafting software licensing and exploitation agreements to meet your specific needs and requirements
    2. •Defining appropriate IP rights
    3. •Registering software with the Copyright Office
    4. •Drafting distribution, resale and end-user agreements
    5. •Managing the protection of know-how
    6. •Patent rights
    7. •Verifications on whether un-patented products might infringe an existing patented invention
    8. •Business process outsourcing
    9. •Infrastructure outsourcing
    10. •Providing legal advice on outsourcing obligations
    11. •Ensuring design matches implementation
    12. •Licensing requirements
    13. •Proposed contractual obligations including limitations and exclusions of liability, indemnities
    14. •Performance obligations
    15. •Service levels and  service levels compensation
    16. •Drafting and amending schedules
    17. •Negotiating
    18. •Advising on legal and contractual risk
    19. •IT & telecommunications software, hardware, systems and equipments public acquisitions
    20. •State aid schemes
    21. •Financing R&D

Company Commercial -ROMANIA

Company-Commercial -ROMANIA. Advertising agreements.Application service provider agreements

Assignment of agreements

Bond and collateral guarantee agreements

Commission agreements

Confidentiality and Non-disclosure agreements

Construction agreements

Consultancy agreements

Consumer goods agreements

Contract management services

Credit and Loan agreements

Data processor and Personal data transfer agreements

Debt restructuring agreements

Distribution, Dealer and Agency agreements

e-Commerce agreements

Financing and refinancing agreements

Franchise agreements

Guardianship, protection and security agreements

Outsourcing and Procurement

Governmental contracts

Hire and Personnel transfer agreements

Insurance and Reinsurance agreements

Joint ventures

Know-how and Technology transfer agreements

Lease and Sublease agreements

Manufacturing agreements

Marketing agreements

Memorandum of Understanding

Novation agreements


Publishing agreements Service

Works and Performance agreements

Software development agreements

Software licenses agreements

Sponsorship agreements

Supply, Sell-Purchase and Reseller agreements

Terms & conditions of business

Transport agreements

Waiver of liability

Warranty agreements

Web development, Hosting and Maintenance agreements

Antitrust Trade Regulation -ROMANIA

Antitrust-Trade-Regulation -ROMANIA.Antitrust and Unfair Competition.Our lawyers have extensive experience in counseling clients on compliance with national and EU antitrust laws and laws governing unfair competition. Areas of expertise include laws relating to agreements among competitors, economic concentrations, laws governing the relationship between manufacturers and



their distributors, antitrust regulation of mergers and acquisitions, rules governing below-cost pricing and exclusionary practices by dominant firms, price transfer agreements, and a variety of other competition-related regulations. We also represent clients in front of the Romanian Competition Council for various notifications, clearances and procedures, including for economic concentrations, or before courts of justice in matters of antitrust or unfair competition.


Advertising Law

We advise both sellers of products and advertising agencies on the laws relating to advertising. Our lawyers have expertise in advising clients on requirements of accuracy in advertising, defamation, product disparagement and other issues that may arise in the advertising process.



Within this field we handle preparation and negotiation of franchise agreements and franchise offering documents, give advice concerning regulatory compliance, and handle disputes between franchisors and franchisees. We also counsel franchisors and franchisees in business planning, financing and other aspects of doing business.


Consumer Protection

Our lawyers counsel clients on a broad range of issues relating to consumer protection laws and regulations, including EU relevant legislation and the National Authority for Consumer Protection procedures related to food, non-food or services matters.


Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights

Antitrust Trade Regulation-ROMANIA

Antitrust-Trade-Regulation-ROMANIA.Sales and DistributionOur Antitrust and Trade Regulation practice encompasses issues arising in the sales and distribution process. The sale of goods and services involves a contractual relationship between the seller and the buyer.

Antitrust and Unfair Competition

Our lawyers have extensive experience in counseling clients on compliance with national and EU antitrust laws and laws governing unfair competition. Areas of expertise include laws relating to agreements among competitors, economic concentrations, laws governing the relationship between manufacturers and their distributors, antitrust regulation of mergers and acquisitions, rules governing below-cost pricing and exclusionary practices by dominant firms, price transfer agreements, and a variety of other competition-related regulations.

Advertising Law

We advise both sellers of products and advertising agencies on the laws relating to advertising. Our lawyers have expertise in advising clients on requirements of accuracy in advertising, defamation, product disparagement and other issues that may arise in the advertising process.


Within this field we handle preparation and negotiation of franchise agreements and franchise offering documents, give advice concerning regulatory compliance, and handle disputes between franchisors and franchisees. We also counsel franchisors and franchisees in business planning, financing and other aspects of doing business.

Consumer Protection

Our lawyers counsel clients on a broad range of issues relating to consumer protection laws and regulations, including EU relevant legislation and the National Authority for Consumer Protection procedures related to food, non-food or services matters.

Trademarks, Patents and Copyrights

Divorce in Romania -Romanian lawyer

Acording to the Romanian Law (article 166 and article 170 Law no. 105/1992), the registration of the divorce pronounced in a non-UE foreign country (or other modification in the person civil status), regarding a Romanian citizen, can be made only after the Romanian competent Court recognize it with a final and nonapealling decision.

Divorce- in- Romania

Divorce- in- Romania

The District Court is competent for the recognizing the decision. The request can be made in person or by a mandator with a special mandate through the Romanian Consulate.

After the Romanian decision is final too, the person must address to the local authorithy of the place where the marriage certificate was made.

Divorce in Romania

divorce in romania
The mandate must contain the identification dates, the addresses, the number of the divorce decision and the Court that pronounced it, the name and surname of the person that receive the mandate, the address, and personal dates from the identity card.

Romanian Law Online – Romanian Law Resources

The Romanian Law has evolved a lot in the last years, in multiple directions: it has to reflect the Romanian reality requirements, and it has to be in compliance with the European Community Legislation. This process is sustained by both Parliament Laws and/or Governmental Decrees, so a Romanian Law specialist must and has to be always aware of the last Law updates. It’s a difficult task, but the last years showed that the Romanian society is evolving and adapting to all these changes.

Romanian Law Online Romanian Law Online

This Section is dedicated to those interested in different Romanian Law aspects and its purpose is purely informative, for a first contact with the main problems in the discussed topics. The documents don’t have an official character but they present a Romanian Law specialist oppinion.

If you have questions regarding the presented topics or others, you can contact Att. Coltuc Marius

Romanian Family Law

Romanian-Law -Online – Romanian- Law- Resources

 Romanian Law Online

    The Divorce in the Romanian Law

    The Divorce Registration in Romania

    Parental Responsability in Romania

    Foreigners Marriage with Romanians

    Romanian Lawyer, Attorney, Law Office

    The Power of Attorney in Romania

    The Romanian Lawyer

    Law for the organization and practice of the lawyer as profession in Romania

 Romanian Law Online: Romanian Law Resources

    Romanian Law

    The Romanian Constitution

    The Romanian Patent Law

    The Romanian Law on the Procedure of Reorganization and Judicial Liquidation

    The Romanian Law on the Repression of the Unfair Competition

    The Romanian Law on Marks and Geographical Indications

    Romanian Emergency Ordinance on the Regime of Aliens in Romania

    Romanian Law on the protection and promotion of the rights of the child

    Romanian Law, EU Law

    CCBE: Protection of Confidences between European Lawyer and Client

    CCBE: Resolution on Acces to Justice and VAT

    Romanian Law Miscellaneous

    The Romanian Citizenship

    Founding a Company in Romania

    Work permit, long time visa for foreigners

    Romanian Passport Renewal

    Romanian Social Security Number for Expats

    The statement of the Ministry of Justice on the draft law regarding the setting up of the National Integrity Agency

    IT Strategy for the Reform of the Judiciary 2005-2009 in Romania

    Addresses, information

    Romanian Consulates

    Romanian Embassies

    About Romania and Romanian Cities

    The Executive and Legislative Power in Romania

    The Romanian Judicial System

    The Official Gazette of Romania

    Negotiation chapters – Accession of Romania, Romania in EU, Romania and IMF

    Justice and Home Affairs

    IMF: Romania2 013 Article IV Consultation, Concluding Statement of the Mission

    Romanian Business Framework

    The Offshore Development Framework in Romania

Romanian english news

An 85 year-old woman who survived the most cruel and notorious serial killer in Romanai some 40 years ago, recently fell from the first floor of her apartment building and she walked away safe and sound, Cancan newspaper reports today (Thurs).

Iulianei Fruzinschi run away from her death some 40 years ago when serial killer Ramaru tried to kill her.

The woman didn’t loose her cool and defended herself, smashing the head of the killer with the hammer he had on him in order to cut her head.

The serial killer modus operandi was to rape and cut the heads of the victims, burying the body parts in different parks in Bucharest.

He killed four women in the early 70s and attacked 14 others, he used to drink their blood and rape the victims after he killed them.

At 85, the serial killer’s survivor miraculously survived after she stumbled and fell from the first floor. The woman is the only surviving member of her family, both her sons and husband died when she was 50.

English news

While family businesses have a history of hundreds of years internationally and many of them long outlive their founders, a tendency among private companies in post-communist Romania shows that the death of their founders meant insolvency in many cases. Top local companies such as Aldis or Edy Spedition are such cases where businesses faced serious financial troubles following the death of their initiators. What makes the local market different for such a tendency to occur?

In the case of „first generation” family businesses, management issues have yet to be put in order clearly and become a vulnerability or risk factor.

„Of course, each insolvency case has its very own story and causes. But there are certain generally valid characteristics for „family businesses” which sometimes open them to more risks than a similar, but corporate-style or multiple-shareholder business”, says Alexander Milcev, Partner/Tax Advisory&Compliance Services at Ernst&Young.

There are several Romanian business cases which have reported considerable drops in revenue or faced insolvency since their founders passed away.

The more recent cases are those of transport company Edy Spedition and food company Aldis.

In the case of Edy Spedition, local leader in goods transportation, several lenders called for the insolvency of the company two months after founder Alin Popa died in a traffic accident. The situation at food producer Aldis is similar, as months after founder George Naghi died – also in a traffic accident – the company opted for layoffs and rumors appeared about a possible insolvency procedure.

Milcev says that in today’s Romania a family business is often established and controlled by a single individual entrepreneur or possibly two or three members of a family, usually with one dominating mind. Therefore, the business relations, reputation capacity to react and entrepreneurship of such a business are tightly linked to that very specific person. It is a major influencing factor especially during difficult economic periods such as the current one.

Why? Because, sometimes, business partners, banks, lenders, providers lean more on the personal capability of such an entrepreneur – and not of somebody else – to solve issues than on other factors.

On the other hand, if that specific individual becomes incapable to run the business, the trust may disappear and any latent or until then potentially solvable problems of the business come to light and sometimes may lead to insolvency.

„Obviously, such situations can be solved if succession is prepared, if the business is run by a management team capable to efficiently replace the main entrepreneur. However, in the case of „first generation” family businesses (as are the majority of those in Romania) these aspects are not often well settled and therefore become a vulnerability or risk factor. In other words, the high dependency of such a business on the individual entrepreneur can be an extremely valuable asset when things go smoothly, but can become a burden if things don’t go well and that individual is no longer available to solve problems,” Milcev says.

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Businesses in NYC.Selecting a good business lawyer involves finding someone with the experience and knowledge you need to solve your problem quickly and properly.How do I find a Business Lawyer? Business lawyersare essential for commercial enterprises to ensure that they remain knowledgeable of the laws regulating.

Do I need a lawyer?

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  • You’re facing a family problem such as divorce or child custody dispute

If any of these sound like you, you should consider talking with several lawyers before choosing one.  Get started now by browsing or searching for lawyers who match your needs.

Casa de avocatura Coltuc

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Attorney, lawyer, and law firm directory to find a lawyer, attorneys, and local law firms. is the #1 lawyer directory.A lawyer, according to Black’s Law Dictionary, is „a person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel or solicitor; a person who is practicing law.”Romanian Lawyer, Lawyer in Romania About the Lawyer/Attoney powers in Romania.

Contact a Romanian lawyer.Lawyers advise and represent individuals, businesses, or government agencies on legal issues or disputes.Find lawyers or attorneys in our local law firm directory. You can use our site to contact lawyers directly or ask lawyers questions

Casa de avocatura Coltuc

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 Oriented towards Foreign Investors® Business Law&Litigation since 2003.The Romanian Law has evolved a lot in the last years, in multiple directions: it has to reflect the Romanian reality requirements, and it has to be in compliance with the European Community Legislation. This process is sustained by both Parliament Laws and/or Governmental Decrees, so a Romanian Law specialist must and has to be always aware of the last Law updates. It’s a difficult task, but the last years showed that the Romanian society is evolving and adapting to all these changes.

This Section is dedicated to those interested in different Romanian Law aspects and its purpose is purely informative, for a first contact with the main problems in the discussed topics. The documents don’t have an official character but they present a Romanian Law specialist oppinion.About Our Law Firm. bucharest attorneys We are a specialist Commercial law firm with headquarters in Bucharest and Alba Iulia, Transylvania.Directory of law firms and lawyers in Romania by city listed in alphabetical order

Casa de avocatura Coltuc

Employers are laying off workers at faster pace – despite hope recession is easing

 Employers are laying off workers at a faster pace despite a few hopeful signs recently that the recession – now the longest since World War II – could be easing.

The Labor Department on Friday is slated to release a report expected to show that a net total of 654,000 jobs were lost last month. That’s more than the population of Baltimore.

If economists are right, it would mark a record four straight months that job losses topped 600,000.

„It’s going to be another month of gargantuan jobs losses,” predicted Stuart Hoffman, chief economist at PNC Financial Services Group. „Companies were slashing jobs and not filling vacant positions.”

With employers axing payrolls, the nation’s unemployment rate is expected to jump to 8.5 percent, from 8.1 percent in February. If that happens, it would mark the highest jobless rate since late 1983, when the country was recovering from a severe recession that drove unemployment past 10 percent.

As the recession, which started in December 2007, eats into their sales and profits, companies are laying off workers and resorting to other cost-saving measures. Those include holding down hours, and freezing or cutting pay, to survive the storm.

Looking forward, economists expect monthly job losses continuing for most – if not all of – this year.

However, they are hoping that payroll reductions in the current quarter won’t be as deep as the roughly 650,000 average monthly job losses in the January-March period. In the best-case scenario, employment losses in the present quarter would be about half that pace, some economists said. That scenario partly assumes the economy won’t be shrinking nearly as much in the present quarter.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the recession could end later this year, setting the stage for a recovery next year, if the government is successful in bolstering the banking system. Banks have been clobbered by the worst housing, credit and financial crises to hit the country since the 1930s.

Even if the recession ends this year, the economy will remain frail, analysts said. Companies will have little appetite to ramp up hiring until they feel the economy is truly out of the woods and any recovery has staying power.

Given that, many economists predict the unemployment rate will hit 10 percent at the end of this year. The Fed says unemployment will remain elevated into 2011.

$1 to professor fired for 9/11-Nazi essay

A jury Thursday found that former college professor Ward Churchill, who referred to victims of the September 11, 2001, attacks as „little Eichmanns” in an essay, was wrongfully terminated by the University of Colorado, according to a court official.

Ward Churchill was dismissed as a professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2007.

 But the jury, which deliberated for a day and a half after a trial that began March 9, awarded Churchill only $1, the minimum they could award while still finding in Churchill’s favor, according to Robert McCallum, pubic information officer for Colorado’s 2nd Judicial District Court.

While an ethnic studies professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Churchill came under national scrutiny for a 2002 essay entitled, „Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens,” which criticized U.S. foreign policy.

In a reference to Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann, the Gestapo officer who was one of the chief architects of the Holocaust, Churchill referred to victims of the World Trade Center attacks „little Eichmanns.” Churchill argued the victims were „a technocratic corps at the very heart of America’s global financial empire.”

Churchill’s essay drew little notice until an 1,800-student college in upstate New York invited him to take part in a 2005 forum on prisons and Native American rights.

The invitation was rescinded after criticism from then-New York Gov. George Pataki, then-Colorado Gov. Bill Owens and hundreds of relatives of those killed in the attacks created a media firestorm. Churchill was fired in 2007.

Churchill argued during the trial that he was fired from his tenured position for expressing politically unpopular, but constitutionally protected, views.


Google is in late stage negotiations to acquire Twitter

Twitter turned down an offer to be bought by Facebook just a few months ago for half a billion dollars, although that was based partially on overvalued Facebook stock. Google would be paying in cash and/or publicly valued

stock, which is equivalent to cash. So whatever the final acquisition value might be, it can’t be compared apples-to-apples with the Facebook deal.

Why would Google want Twitter? We’ve been arguing for some time that Twitter’s real value is in search. It holds the keys to the best real time database and search engine on the Internet, and Google doesn’t even have a horse in the game. In a post last month called It’s Time To Start Thinking Of Twitter As A Search Engine, I wrote:

More and more people are starting to use Twitter to talk about brands in real time as they interact with them. And those brands want to know all about it, whether to respond individually (The W Hotel pestered me until I told them to just leave me alone), or simply gather the information to see what they’re doing right and what they’re doing wrong.

And all of it is discoverable at, the search engine that Twitter acquired last summer.

People searching for news. Brands searching for feedback. That’s valuable stuff.

Twitter knows it, too. They’re going to build their business model on it. Forget small time payments from users for pro accounts and other features, all they have to do is keep growing the base and gather more and more of those emotional grunts. In aggregate it’s extremely valuable. And as Google has shown, search is vastly monetizable – somewhere around 40% of all online advertising revenue goes to ads on search listings today.

If this is accurate, it’s a brilliant deal for Google – the value of Twitter is only going to go up over time. And it will be Twitter founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone’s second sale to Goolge – they sold Blogger to them just five years ago. But there’s one big question – where’s Microsoft in all this? Letting Twitter go to Google only hurts them, badly, in the long term search game. This is an asset they need to be competing for aggressively.

Of course, it’ll be sad to see Twitter become just another subsidiary of Google, if this happens. I would have liked to have seen the company spread its wings a little longer to see what it could do.


11,000 free pizzas

CINCINNATI – The Domino’s pizza chain has given away nearly 11,000 free pizzas because of a never-used promotion that a Web customer stumbled upon. Tim McIntyre, spokesman for Ann Arbor, Mich.-based Domino’s, said


 Wednesday that the company had prepared an Internet coupon for an ad campaign that was considered in December but never activated.

McIntyre said somebody discovered that the code word „bailout” was good for a free medium pizza ordered online. The information quickly spread Monday night on the Web, until the code was deactivated Tuesday morning.

The owner of 14 Domino’s locations in the Cincinnati area says his stores gave away more than 600 pies. Owner John Glass told The Cincinnati Enquirer that Domino’s promised to reimburse him for the pizzas.


Information from: The Cincinnati Enquirer,

„Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”

Excitement around „Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” the sequel to the enormously successful 2007 movie, has been building steadily since we got our first glimpse of the action in the ad that played during the Super Bowl.

Two weeks later the trailer was released, and it looked like director Michael Bay wasn’t lying when he promised bigger and badder robots than in the first flick.

Now, to get the fans even more energized, Paramount Pictures has released to us the full list of all the giant robots that will appear in the new movie. Plus we have new photos with first looks at two of the evil Decepticons that will battle the heroic Autobots when the movie hits theaters this summer.

How to get $12,000 from the US Government in 30 days

This is money I do not have to pay back. You can get this too, by just filling out one simple form online.


The Quick Facts:

My name is Carl Phillips, and in 30 days I was able to get a $12,000 check from the US Govt which I never have to pay back. All I had to do was fill out 1 form online for a Free grant kit *:


The rest was easy. I got my first grant money within 30 days and was able to pay off all my debt, and I started my own business that I love. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I’m a full time fireman and doing all this from my home computer. If I had more time to devote to this, I’d probably be making so much more.

Right now I am a proud firefighter and family man, born and raised in Austin, Texas. But it wasn’t always this way. Year after year more and more money kept coming out from my bank account than I deposited from my salary. Gas, mortgage, taxes, kids all seem to add up, and I have nothing by the end of the month. My credit cards went out of control after buying just a couple nice things every once in a while. When the bank called saying that I was three months late, and they were going to take my house, that’s when I got my wake up call. Things weren’t going to just get better. So I needed to find a way to get some money.

I started to do some research, and asked my high school friend for advice since he has been running his own business since 2004 and doing great. I’m really glad I did. He recommended I apply for a government grant by using a program you can get online called Grants For You to help me get started and clear my debt and save my house.

The Coast Guard was searching off Florida’s Gulf Coast on Sunday for a fishing boat carrying NFL players Corey Smith and Marquis Cooper

Smith and Cooper were on a 21-foot vessel that left Clearwater Pass for a fishing trip Saturday morning and did not return as expected, the Coast Guard said Sunday. Crews used a helicopter and a 47-foot boat to search a


750-square mile area west of Clearwater Pass, but poor weather made the search difficult. Officials did not receive a distress signal from the missing craft.

ESPN’s Sal Paolantonio reports that the Coast Guard has added two Air Force helicopters, a C-130 transport plane, and an 87-foot Coast Guard cutter to the search.



„We are in contact with the Coast guard and Corey’s family has been informed,” Smith’s agent Ron Del Duca told’s Bill Williamson. „Corey is one of the good guys out there. We’re just waiting for more information and hoping for the best.”











Troy Asmus, one of Cooper’s agents, said he has been in contact with the NFL and that the league is aware of the situation.

„I have been in contact with the Coast Guard and they are continuing to work hard to find everyone,” Asmus told Williamson. „We are hoping and praying for the best.”


Cooper owns the boat and he and Smith have been on fishing trips before, Del Duca said. The pair had been teammates on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2004. Two others were aboard: Will Bleakley and Nick Schuyler, both former University of South Florida players.

Bob Bleakley, father of Will Bleakley, spoke with Paolantonio. Bob Bleakley, who owns a car dealership in Crystal River, Fla., and is a former U.S. Navy officer, said, „I’m extremely hopeful they are going to find him.”

Bleakley added, „The boat they were in was very seaworthy … almost unsinkable.”

Bleakley also said his son is an experienced fisherman and has been fishing since he was 12.

Coast Guard Capt. Timothy M. Close said the weather early Saturday had been fair, but worsened toward the evening as a front still battering the area moved in. The National Weather Service said seas were about 2 to 4 feet Saturday morning and increased to 3 to 5 feet in the afternoon. Late Saturday night, a small craft advisory was issued, when winds were around 20 knots and seas were up to 7 feet or more. There were no thunderstorms in the area.

Close said the men were traveling in a boat manufactured by Everglades. At least one of the men was an experienced boater, and relatives provided the Coast Guard with GPS coordinates from previous fishing expeditions.

Close said there was no communication with the men even before the weather started to pick up. They were expected home by early evening. No sign of them or the boat had been spotted by late Sunday afternoon.

Poor weather conditions could be dangerous for a boat the size of Cooper’s.

„A 21-foot boat is a relatively small vessel to be 50 miles off shore in bad weather conditions, certainly the current weather conditions,” Close said.

The Coast Guard search was mainly taking place by air, and was hampered by the poor weather, Close said. He said there were 14-foot seas offshore and wind gusts of up to 30 mph. Water depth in the area where they are searching ranges from 20 to 50 feet.

Close said there was no sign yet that the men sent a distress signal.

„That’s not to say they didn’t send one out,” he said. „We didn’t receive anything.”

Smith, 29, had 30 tackles, including three sacks, and an interception in 12 games last season for the winless Lions. Smith, who is 6-foot-2, 250 pounds, also played for the San Francisco 49ers and played college ball at North Carolina State. He lives in Richmond, Va.

Del Duca said Smith was planning to start visiting teams as a free agent this week.

„They’ve assured me that they’re deploying all available resources to look for these guys and get them back,” he said.

Cooper, 26, has played five seasons with the Buccaneers, Seahawks, Jaguars, Steelers and Raiders. He appeared in 26 games with the Buccaneers in 2004 and 2005, recording 30 tackles. He has played sparingly since as he has bounced between teams, appearing in 13 games and recording 10 tackles. Cooper, who is 6-foot-3, 230 pounds, played college ball at Washington. His hometown is Mesa, Ariz., and his father Bruce is a prominent sportscaster for KPNX-TV in Phoenix.

Cooper told The Seattle Times in 2002 that one reason he chose Washington was the abundant fishing.

„I like fighting the fish,” Cooper told the newspaper. „And just relaxing out there and being alone and being outside.”

Lions spokesman Bill Keenist and Raiders senior executive John Hererra said the teams are monitoring reports.

If you’re trying to lose weight, you probably have a goal, your ideal weight, in mind.

Is it what you weighed in high school? Is it what health experts suggest you should weigh, based on your age, body frame and body type?While weight loss is an admirable goal for a woman who is truly overweight, many women


who want to lose weight don’t need to.  In study after study, researchers have found that the majority of normal weight women think they need to lose 10 or 15 pounds:  what I call vanity pounds. 

Why is this a problem?

If our happy weight is based on unrealistic expectations, it will cause us much pain and suffering. We’ll exhaust ourselves, trying to achieve the impossible. We’ll live in fear:  when we’ve lost weight, we’re fearful of gaining it back; when we’ve gained a few pounds, we’re fearful that the scale will keep rising. We may delve into all sorts of whacked out behaviors:  crash dieting, food obsession, fasting, and overexercising in our desire to reach our goal.

Unrealistic expectations can create an unhealthy focus on our appearance. You can only be 10 pounds underweight if you’re working very, very hard:  by exercising for hours a day and being very stringent about what you eat. These behaviors can easily morph into an eating disorder.

The flip side, accepting a realistic happy weight, may mean giving up our wishful thinking of being a size 2. This can be painful; I know. But the rewards of letting go of our impossible expectations are many: vitality, feeling satisfied by the variety and amount of food we eat, energy, stable moods, confidence and a healthy appreciation for our appearance instead of obsession. It’s also a sure way to temper the jealousy you may feel about other pretty women.

How can you find a weight that is realistic for your body? Here are 5 tips:

1. Look at the unique factors of your body. Self magazine has a calculator to determine your happy weight which takes into account your age, exercise habits, and if you’ve had children. You can also factor in your eating and self-care habits:  Do you have ways of comforting yourself without turning to food? If not, accept that this may mean weighing a bit more than you’d like until you have stronger nurturing skills. As you learn how to care for yourself, your weight may go down. But accept where you are right now. Then, as Maya Angelou says, as you know better, you do better. And then you can adjust your goal. Having realistic expectations is about looking at what is – not what you’d like to be – and using that information to shape and mold a positive, yet honest expectation for change.
2. Aim for a healthy body fat percentage. One of the best ways to compute a realistic happy weight is by basing it on a healthy body fat percentage. Start by figuring out your current body fat percentage. Then, you can use this number to figure out how much of your weight is comprised of core, lean mass:  your organs, muscles, water, and tissues, and how much of your weight is fat. It can also tell you if your body fat percentage is in a healthy range. So, if you want 22% body fat, which is considered a healthy body fat percentage for a woman, you can see whether you need to lose a few pounds, or if your body is healthy just as it is. With hard data, and real numbers, you can see if your expectations are realistic.
3. Look at media images of women with a critical eye. Look at window mannequins in most women’s clothing stores, and you’ll see a woman whose body fat would make her underweight. Likewise, the „ideal body” that is touted in the movie industry, fashion industry and media is also underweight. This skews our perception, where, as Stanley Tucci’s character in The Devil Wears Prada famously quippped, a size 2 is the new 6; a size 6, the new size 14. Separate yourself from these images by recognizing them for what they are: unrealistic. This doesn’t mean turning into the body image police. When I see celebrities who look clearly underweight, I bypass judgment. But I do feel compassion for them – think of the enormous pressure they must feel to always look their best. I know I wouldn’t want to live with that kind of scrutiny on my appearance.
4. Give yourself enough time to lose weight. If you are wanting to lose weight, one of the best ways you can support yourself is by giving yourself time to accomplish your goal. You didn’t gain weight overnight; you won’t lose it overnight, either. If you’re holding onto an unrealistic expectation about how quickly you can lose weight, you’ll either be discouraged and frustrated because it’s taking longer than you think it „should,” or you’ll delve into drastic measures to lose the weight faster, such as starving yourself, purging, or overexercising. This is being kind to yourself, allowing time for changes to manifest. It’s nature’s way – growth and change take time.
5. Recognize that your happy weight will change over time. Health is dynamic, not static. Our bodies are always changing, and life is always in flux. The media focus on Jessica Simpson was ridiculous because it denied this basic truth. It is normal for our weight to go up and down, particularly as women. One year you have a baby; another year, you have major surgery and have limited exercise capabilities; another year, you’re under tremendous stress and gain weight. All of these things can effect what a realistic weight is for your body at this moment in time. Accepting that your ideal weight may be higher than you’d like – for now – doesn’t mean that this will always be the case. Accept the ebb and flow; the highs and the lows, and learn to love a weight range for your body, not just one ideal weight.  

We are so much more than a number, but as women in an appearance-conscious society, it is very, very eased to get hooked by the promise of an ideal body. It’s easy to believe that it will solve all our pain – our confidence, our needs, our desire for intimacy, acceptance, and belonging.

These needs are valid and important. But the problem is when we use our bodies to feel these needs, instead of our innate worthiness, our beingness. It creates too much pressure, too much focus on one area of our lives. It keeps us from enjoying the present moment, trapped in a place where we are never satisfied; always striving to improve. It keeps us from appreciating what our bodies can do, how we live in them and enjoy their many gifts.

It’s a gift to live in a female body. Our beauty should be cherished and appreciated; our sexuality, enjoyed; our strength, celebrated. Yes. While we are not our bodies, we do live in them – and when we love and care for them, we send a message of love and care for our entire selves.  

So, yes, love and care for your body as a loving caretaker, even as a mother lovingly cares for her children. Exercise. Move, sweat, dance, run play. Rest when you’re tired. Eat when you’re hungry. Feed it whole foods that nourish your particular body (because no one diet is right for everyone.) Breathe. Dream. Release your hurts.

But do so with detachment.  Do it out of love, not out of hatred, fear, jealousy or disgust – I am such a fat cow! … I am going to run 5 miles because I ate that pizza last night…. I am so sick of being fat … I hate that skinny b***ch. Love your body with acceptance, embracing every stage and weight of your body, recognizing that your real worth has nothing to do with a number on a scale

Man helped push 3 people out of path of pickup truck before being struck.Video

DENVER – A good Samaritan who helped push three people out of the path of a pickup truck before being struck and injured has gotten a strange reward for his good deed: A jaywalking ticket.


Family members said 58-year-old bus driver Jim Moffett and another man were helping two elderly women cross a busy Denver street in a snowstorm when he was hit Friday night.

see here!

After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original „Superman and Friends” comic book will make a comeback – at a price of about $400,000

Starting Friday, comic book collectors and Superman fans will have the opportunity to bid on a comic classic – an „unrestored” copy of Action Comics No. 1, said Stephen Fishler, owner of Comic Connect, an online


 liaison between comic book buyers and sellers. The book’s owner is not being identified.

The auction is attracting a lot of interest.

„One bidder wanted to trade his Ferrari for the comic book,” as part of an under-the-table deal, Fishler joked. But he said the auction will remain public. „I couldn’t see myself trading in my Toyota Prius” – even for a $375,000 car.

Why is this comic book so unique?

„Of the 100 existing copies, 80 percent have been restored, but people want an untouched copy,” Fishler said. The book is listed in „fine” condition, a six on the 10-point rating scale.

„It’s the Holy Grail of comic books,” Fishler said.

Co-created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the comic book first appeared on newsstands for 10 cents a copy in June 1938.

Nearly 12 years later, a young boy on the West Coast found himself in a secondhand book store, where he persuaded his dad to loan him 35 cents to buy the comic book.

Until 1966, the owner forgot about the book, which was hidden in his mother’s basement. Since then, he’s been holding onto it, hoping to see it increase in value, Fishler said. He has not been disappointed.

„There has been a lot of interest shown on the book in the collectibles market,” said Fishler, who predicted the comic book will sell for about $400,000. But, he added, no minimum price has been set for the auction, so „whatever it sells for, it sells for.

„I’ve known Action Comics to sell for around $750,000,” comic book sales associate Bill Peterson said. „I don’t have any intention on making a bid, but I know people who don’t mind dropping several thousand for a classic comic.”

The comic book marked the first appearances of Lois Lane, Giovanni „John” Zatara and, of course, Superman. The book is in high demand because „there was no such thing as a superhero before Superman. It spawned everything that came after – like Batman and Spider-Man,” Fishler said.

Even during the current economic downturn, Fishler expects the book to do well.

Those who can afford to bid, he said, „would ordinarily put money into the stock market. But that’s a shaky proposition.” These days, the comic book may even be a better investment than putting money into a CD or a bond, Fishler speculated.

Tim Lincecum agreed to a $650,000, one-year contract with the San Francisco Giants on Thursday.

The 24-year-old Lincecum won the National League Cy Young Award in 2008, going 18-5 with a 2.62 ERA while striking out a major league-leading 265 batters in 227 innings.


He ranked third in the major leagues in ERA and winning percentage, and was second in the NL in ERA and victories.

Lincecum, who made his major league debut on May 6, 2007, is likely to be eligible for salary arbitration after the 2009 season

Claims that President Barack Obama’s tax plans are an assault on small business

WASHINGTON – Claims that President Barack Obama’s tax plans are an assault on small business skirt the likelihood that most job-producing small businesses wouldn’t feel that pinch at all.


Obama is proposing to raise taxes on households earning over $250,000 by increasing the rate on the top two tax brackets and limiting deductions, starting in 2011.

Republicans and other critics, knowing they will get little mileage from defending the rich, instead are casting the plan as a tax hit on people who run industrious little companies driving job growth.

That’s not likely, according to one in-depth analysis, which found that more than 95 percent of small business owners would be off the hook.

Obama does not propose higher business taxes.

But critics reason that owners of many small companies report business income on their personal tax returns instead of filing corporate taxes. That exposes their business’s earnings to Obama’s higher tax rates on the wealthy.

To be sure, some business owners would get caught in that net.

But for one thing, most small businesses don’t create jobs. They tend to be lawyers, accountants and other professionals who earn some of their money from partnerships or otherwise organize themselves as a business entity.

As well, many small businesses with employees don’t earn enough to put their owners over the threshold for the higher tax rates.

Indeed, most of them — like Joe the Plumber of presidential campaign fame — would probably get Obama’s tax break for the middle class.

Obama also proposes to eliminate capital gains taxes on small businesses and make a research tax credit permanent. He would expand a provision that allows money-losing companies to get refunds from taxes paid in previous years, when the companies were profitable.

Still, Obama is not cutting taxes for 95 percent of Americans, as his supporters often say. The president himself asserted Thursday that he’s giving a „a middle-class tax cut to 95 percent of hardworking families.”

An independent analysis estimated that 75.5 percent of all U.S. households would get his tax credit for workers. A higher percentage of working families would get it.


_”In fact, a majority of those penalized by the proposed tax increase in this budget are small businesses.” — Republican Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia.

_”Small businesses and the entrepreneurs who lead them have been the primary drivers of job growth over the past decade. This plan would punish them with higher taxes, resulting in less government revenue, less economic growth, and fewer jobs — not more.” — Bruce Josten of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


The U.S. has roughly 6 million businesses that employ people, and 20 million businesses without employees.

The latter group includes solo operators, professionals in partnerships and those who organize themselves as a business for tax purposes but earn little if any income from the enterprise.

Small businesses are defined as having fewer than 500 workers each.

Sizable companies within that group wouldn’t be snagged by Obama’s personal tax rates simply because they are too large to report income on the individual return of the owner.

Many truly small operations simply don’t make enough to qualify for the tax hit.

Last year the Tax Policy Center run jointly by the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution examined the likely effects of Obama’s plans to raise taxes on couples making over $250,000.

Hillary Pressuring Israel To Speed Up Aid To Gaza

 a swift about face from her views as New York’s senator, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now hammering Israel over its treatment of Palestinians in Gaza.

As First Lady, Clinton raised eyebrows when she kissed Suha Arafat.

Since she was then seeking a Senate seat the resulting brouhaha caused her to „re-think” her positions.

„I’m a very strong supporter of Israel,” Clinton said back in February 2000.

On Thursday, as Secretary of State she had yet another about face in the form of angry messages demanding Israel speed up aid to Gaza. Jewish leaders are furious.

„I am very surprised, frankly, at this statement from the United States government and from the secretary of state,” said Mortimer Zuckerman, publisher of the New York Daily News and member of the NYC Jewish Community Relations Council.

„I liked her a lot more as a senator from New York,” Assemblyman Dov Hikind, D-Brooklyn, said. „Now, I wonder as I used to wonder who the real Hillary Clinton is.”

Clinton’s decision to hammer Israel comes as the Clintons and President Barack Obama are planning to give the Palestinians $900 million toward the rebuilding of Gaza in the wake of the Israeli offensive that was sparked by Hamas rocket fire.

„We are working across the government to see what our approach will be,” Clinton said. 

 Is Hillary Taking Sides? Submit Your Comments Here.

„I don’t believe that we should be in a position at this point to do anything to strengthen Hamas,” Zuckerman said. „We surely know what Hamas stands for as I say they are the forward battalions of Iran.”

For some, Clinton’s change of position is upsetting.

„I feel it’s unfortunate that they don’t continue the policy of the Bush administration, which was much more pro-Israel,” said Akiva Homnick of Jerusalem.

„I happen to have a lot of family who live in Israel and I feel, personally, when you are dealing with people who are very strong against you, you have to stand up to them,” said Tami Davudoff of Kew Gardens.

„Hillary had Mrs. Arafat here and she invited Mrs. Arafat for lunch when she was the first lady,” added Babak Chafe of Great Neck. „She is pro-Palestinian 100 percent, really. Of course, we always knew it.”

„The easy way to make a peace agreement is to pressure Israel because you can’t pressure the Arabs,” said Solomon Loewi of Monsey, N.Y.

All this could lead to a chilly reception when Mrs. Clinton arrives in the Middle East next week

Is Japanese wireless carrier SoftBank making way for a new version of the iPhone, or are sales just sluggish?

Who can say, but from Friday through the end of May, you can sign up for an 8GB iPhone 3G in Japan for a grand total of zero.AppleInsider and CrunchGear report that starting Friday, SoftBank’s new „iPhone for

Everybody” campaign (translated page is here) will offer the 8GB iPhone for free, so long as you sign up for a new two-year contract. The promotion apparently runs through May 31.

Meanwhile, SoftBank will sell the 16GB iPhone for a steeply discounted price—just 11,520 yen (about US$119), and you can even pay for the handset in monthly installments, which come out to less than $5 a month during the two-year service agreement.

SoftBank subscribers will still have to pay monthly voice and data charges, of course, although as AppleInsider notes, the carrier is chopping its standard data plan (about US$62 a month) by more than 25 percent.

Here in the U.S., of course, the iPhone 3G is still $199 for the 8GB and $299 for the 16GB model—although if you’re a Reward Zone member at Best Buy, you can snap up an 8GB iPhone 3G for $99 (through February 28 only).

So, what’s the deal? Hard to say; as CrunchGear points out, Apple has yet to release iPhone sales figures for Japan, while Ars Technica speculates that SoftBank might be struggling to fulfill its promised sales goals for Apple given the worldwide economic crisis.

Hornets’ halftime performer eats rim.Video

I originally thought this was a Pistons’ dunker based on Detroit’s dreadful week (see: eight consecutive losses, line-up issues, angrily thrown towels), but nope, I’m told this is a member of the Hornets’ trampoline dunk team

eating some rim. I really should have known better, given the Hornets’ previous halftime woes


see here!

A topless coffee shop that raised the ire of many residents of a small central Maine town is open for business.

The Grand View Topless Coffee Shop, located at the site of the former Grand View Motel, opened its doors Monday on busy Route 3 in Vassalboro. A sign outside says, „Over 18 only.” Another says, „No cameras, no touching, cash only.”


On Tuesday, two men sipped coffee at a booth while three topless waitresses and a bare-chested waiter stood nearby. Topless waitress Susie Wiley said men, women and couples have stopped by.

Dozens of residents objected to the shop when the Vassalboro planning board meeting took up the matter last month. But town officials said the coffee shop met the letter of the law.


Information from: Kennebec Journal,

Eight key questions to ask your mate – and yourself

There is something exhilarating about taking the big leap from dating to becoming a permanent „item” and making that final commitment. But before you run off into the sunset with your mate, make sure that the time you
 choose to commit is the right time – and with the right person.
As a divorce attorney, I have found over the years that most couples who wind up splitting do so because there are discrepancies or control issues over what I term the „Big Six.” These six categories include: wealth/property and money; children; health, physical and mental; growth, professional and personal; intimacy and loss of love; and fear, both physical and emotional. I ask my clients to take a close look at each of these categories to determine if there are major conflicts, not only with his or her chosen mate but also conflicts within themselves.
Have you found the right person? Is it the right time? Here are eight key questions to ask your mate – and yourself. The answers will be very telling.
1. How do you believe we should spend our money and on what? If your mate says, „On fun stuff and we’ll get to the bills later,” you better reconsider going the commitment route until your mate grows up a bit. Most marriages and long-term relationships break up due to stresses and squabbles over money. Splits happen when a couple’s values in spending and saving simply do not match. Don’t overlook this question. It is critical in determining whether you or your mate are a match and whether you are both ready for a mature relationship – one that requires fiscal responsibility.
2. What are your thoughts about starting a family? If your mate says, „This is not something I can even think about right now,” do not ignore that remark. It could be that your mate will put this decision off longer than you wish or one day stand up and announce, „I’ve decided against having children.” You also need to be honest with yourself. Do you want children? Let your mate know this up front. You may also want to ask your mate about his/her point of view on how the children should be raised. If there are huge discrepancies in this department, there are bound to be serious problems down the road.
3. If I get sick, how will you take care of me? If your mate laughs off such a question with, „How do I know? I’ll figure it out then,” you should take that offhanded remark as a serious indicator that your mate might not be grown up enough to handle your critical needs. There is a way to test this one: How does your mate treat you when you get sick with the flu? Also, if you know deep down that you would not have the patience or fortitude to care for an ailing mate, be fair and let him/her know of your concerns. Who needs someone in his/her life who is only there for the good times?
4. Do you envision us growing old together? If your mate quips, „How the heck do I know, that is a long way off” or „I guess so,” neither answer should satisfy you. To suggest that you or your mate is uncertain of your eventual fate together – or cannot envision those „golden” years as a couple – should be a neon sign with bright red lights that flash, „This may only be temporary.” Commitments should be thought of as permanent, not temporary.
5. Do you ever think about your ex? If the answer from your mate is „Well, I do sometimes,” then you want to ask the next question: „In what context?” If your mate shares stories about the fun they used to have together, this could mean your mate is not over his or her last love. And what about you? Do you still think about your ex? When? How? I highly recommend backing off the commitment stage until you and your mate can safely say that thoughts about your exes are fleeting or random.
6. Has your mate ever told you they scared a former mate in any way? If your mate’s answer is something like „Well, yeah, I scared my ex every time I became jealous or mad,” step back and think twice. Though your mate may think he/she is ready for a commitment, it may not be the right time for one. If you have had similar issues, the same may apply to you. Are you worried your mate might cheat on you or keep secrets from you or inflict emotional or physical harm on you? If the answer is yes, tackle this now, not after you have made a commitment. Maybe you or your mate could benefit from therapy, anger management, rehab, or other appropriate behavior modification assistance.
7. Is your mate good at problem solving? Does your mate meet challenges head on and collaborate on solutions to problems, or sweep issues under the rug? What about you? Are you mature enough to approach your mate to say, „We have a problem. Let’s find a solution to it.” How you handle problems together may well determine how long your relationship will last.
8. How does my mate deal with a „screwup?” Does my mate place blame? Does my mate take responsibility for his/her actions? How do I handle my mistakes? Do we both acknowledge our errors and resolve to deal with them? If chronic, negative behavior persists in this area, take a second look to decide if you two are a good match and if you are ready to commit. It is not unusual, for instance, to have each partner blame the other, which rarely accomplishes anything. Placing blame, or finding fault, can only worsen once you are committed

I know exactly what you want… more money, right?

And ideally you want more money without much effort.  You don’t want to have to go setup a new web site, or create a new blog, or produce a new product, or go write a bunch more content, or go buy advertising.


You simply just wish there was a ‘magic’ way that you could instantly make more money without much additional effort.

Well, there is a way.  And I’m going to tell you exactly how to do it.  So pay close attention.

Here’s What You Need To Do:

Do a ‘Marketing Audit’ of your entire business…

– MAP out all the web sites you have and every web page that any of your visitors has the ability to view.  And it needs to be EVERY SINGLE PAGE.

– MAP out all of the email ‘contact’ that you have with any prospect or customer; this could be emails that get sent from your autoresponder after someone subscribes to your list, or a thank you email your site sends after someone submits an order, etc.  List EVERY point of contact where an email is sent to someone.

After you take some time and map out ALL of your marketing ‘touchpoints’ (web pages and emails) it’s now time to find INCOME LEAKS.

I guarantee you that right now you are not taking advantage of everything you already have to work with.

Think about it…

On the “Thank You” page that loads, for example, after someone submits an online form to opt-in to your list, are you promoting any of your products on that page?  Are you promoting affiliate offers?  Are you running AdSense ads?

When your site sends out emails, for example, like an emailed copy of a receipt for a product someone just purchased from you, do you include a promo for another one of your products or for an affiliate offer that earns you a commission?

“Thank You” pages and other ‘Response’ confirmation pages and emails are some of the BEST places to promote other things that will generate income for you.  The reason is because you are getting something in front of someone that JUST RESPONDED to something else.  This isn’t a PASSIVE web site visitor.  It’s someone that just TOOK ACTION that you asked them to take.

So these prospects and customers are the most likely to TAKE ACTION AGAIN and click on an affiliate link, or go check out a video you created, or go buy another one of your products, or go and take any action you’d like them to take at that time.

Take some time to fully AUDIT every single web page you have on the Internet as well as every single email that’s a part of any ’system’ you use and you are sure to find INCOME LEAKS and opportunities where you could INSTANTLY be making more money if you simply used that precious real estate to get other offers in front of people.

It’s so easy for entrepreneurs (myself included) to put up another web site or project and move on to other things without MAXIMIZING every little piece of real estate that we can use to make money.

So it’s a good idea for you to do this “Leak Detection” process on a regular basis as you continue to add more sites, pages, email follow-ups, etc. to your online marketing.

Privarea de un bun în absenta unei despagubiri, încalcare a Conventiei Europene

22219Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie, în decizia sa referitoare la litigiile privind casele nationalizate, arata ca privarea de bun în absenta unei despagubiri

constituie o încalcare a Conventiei Europene, iar atunci când statul nu poate restitui imobilul în natura îl va despagubi pe proprietar.

În decizia din 9 iuie 2008, publicata luni în Monitorul Oficial 108, Înalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie – Sectiile Unite explica faptul ca daca lucrul a disparut dintr-o cauza imputabila uzurpatorului sau a fost transmis de acesta unui tert care a dobândit în mod iremediabil proprietatea lui, obiectul revendicarii urmeaza a fi convertit într-o pretentie de despagubiri, caz în care actiunea devine personala. “În vederea aplicarii unitare a legii, Înalta Curte stabileste ca legea speciala înlatura aplicarea dreptului comun, fara ca pentru aceasta sa fie nevoie ca principiul sa fie încorporat în textul legii speciale si ca aplicarea unor dispozitii ale legii speciale poate fi înlaturata daca acestea contravin Conventiei Europene a Drepturilor Omului. Aplicarea altor dispozitii legale decât cele ale legii speciale, atunci când acestea din urma sunt contrare Conventiei, trebuie sa se faca fara a se aduce atingere drepturilor aparate de Conventie apartinând altor persoane”, arata ICCJ.


A 24-year-old teacher from Holyoke, Massachusetts, is in custody after allegedly leaving town with a 15-year-old student

Lisa Lavoie and the male student were found in Morgantown, West Virginia, Monday night after apparently being together for a week, Holyoke Mayor Michael Sullivan said.


Investigators have charged Lavoie with enticement of a child.

On February 13, the student’s parents informed school officials of a possible relationship between the teacher and their son. That was late on a Friday afternoon, and when officials went to the school to question Lavoie, she was gone for the day. The next week was a vacation week for the school.

The student was reported missing on February 16, at the start of the vacation week. Lavoie wasn’t reported missing until she didn’t show up for school Monday.

Officials said the pair were in Vermont on Thursday before showing up in West Virginia on Monday. No details were provided on how their alleged movements were traced.

Marine One Spending Under Fire

President Obama has talked tough about the need to shed wasteful spending. But will he practice what he preaches? His one-time rival, Sen. John McCain, brought up a pricey presidential project that seems a bit unnecessary — a

fleet of 28 new Marine One helicopters that will cost taxpayers around $11.2 billion.

At a recent summit to cut the federal deficit, Sen. McCain suggested that if President Obama wants to help the economy, perhaps he should consider canceling the order. Obama replied that he’s already looking into it. Obama then joked that perhaps he’s been unknowingly deprived all his life, but his current Marine One chopper seems just fine to him. CNN is reporting that the new helicopters, which were originally ordered by President George W. Bush not long after 9/11, are now on hold (though not officially cancelled…yet).

Naturally, all this talk of gazillion-dollar equipment has people searching. Folks are desperate to know more about the fancy helicopters, what they can do, and why they cost such an exorbitant sum of cash. Queries immediately surged on „marine one photos” and „why is it called marine one.” Regarding the second inquiry: It’s called Marine One only when the president is aboard.

As for why the president needs 28 of them — apparently, it’s a safety precaution. When flying in Marine One, identical choppers travel next to the president’s ride. Trickery throws off the bad guys.


Scott Eyre is the latest ballplayer

Never thought we’d see a day when a pro ballplayer might take to selling apples or asking a fan to spare a dime, but thanks to the ongoing fraud schemes those farfetched scenes could become a reality this spring.


On Monday, Phillies reliever Scott Eyre became the latest MLB player to admit he’s in a bit of a financial bind, telling’s Todd Zolecki that his assets are currently frozen due to the ongoing investigation into the Stanford Financial fraud case.

Just how bad is it? Well, because of the court-ordered freeze, Eyre says he’s „broke right now” and that he has „$13 in my wallet.” This after the lefty signed a one-year deal worth $2 million in the offseason.

„The time to take charge of our future is here,” Obama declared

WASHINGTON – Standing before the nation on a „day of reckoning,” President Barack Obama summoned politicians and public alike Tuesday night to forge a path out of the worst economic disaster in a quarter-century


by embracing shared sacrifice and costly new endeavors to improve health care, schools and the environment.

„The time to take charge of our future is here,” Obama declared in his first address to a joint session of Congress, watched by millions of worried Americans on television and the Internet.

Adding words of reassurance, he said, „Tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before.”

Obama had to wade his way into a chamber packed with lawmakers eager to welcome the nation’s first black president into a Capitol built by slaves. The House gallery included a special section hosted by first lady Michelle Obama, where guests served as living symbols of the president’s goals. Cramming the floor was virtually the entire leadership of the federal government, including Supreme Court justices, led by Ruth Bader Ginsberg, back on the bench only this week after cancer surgery, and all but one Cabinet member, held away in case disaster struck. Obama’s 52-minute speech was interrupted 61 times by applause.

To deal with the current economic crisis, deepening each day, the president said more money would be needed to rescue troubled banks beyond the $700 billion already committed last year. He said he knows that bailout billions for banks are unpopular — „I promise you, I get it,” he said — but he also insisted it was the only way to get credit moving again to households and businesses, the lifeblood of the American economy.

Along with aid for banks, he also called on Congress to move quickly on legislation to overhaul regulations on the nation’s financial markets.

„I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary,” Obama said. „Because we cannot consign our nation to an open-ended recession.”

With U.S. automakers struggling for survival, Obama also said he would allow neither their demise nor „their own bad practices” to be rewarded. „I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it,” he said.

Thinking longer-term, Obama said in a speech lacking many specifics that both political parties must give up favored programs while uniting behind his campaign promises to help the millions without health insurance, build better schools and move the nation to more-efficient fuel use. He skipped the traditional litany of new programs common in such speeches but spoke on broad generalities about goals and themes that formed the backbone of his presidential campaign.

Just five weeks after his inauguration, Obama addressed an ebullient Democratic congressional majority and an embattled but reinvigorated GOP minority as well as anxious viewers at home. Despite the nation’s economic worries and the failure so far of his effort to draw support for his plans from more than a handful of Republican lawmakers, Obama enjoys strong approval ratings across the nation.

Bobby Jindal, Louisiana’s young, charismatic governor who is considered a potential 2012 presidential candidate, was chosen to deliver the televised GOP response. He exhorted fellow Republicans to be Obama’s „strongest partners” when they agree with him. But he signaled that won’t happen much, calling the $787 billion stimulus package „irresponsible.”

„The way to lead is not to raise taxes and put more money and power in hands of Washington politicians,” Jindal said. „Who among us would ask our children for a loan, so we could spend money we do not have, on things we do not need?”

Still, mindful of the public’s optimism about Obama’s leadership, Jindal, as well as other Republicans, took care to focus criticism primarily on Congress’ Democratic leaders, not on the president.

Pre-speech, Wall Street was in a better mood than it had been in for days: Stocks were up after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the recession might end this year.

But Obama spoke as bad economic news continued to pile up, felt all too keenly in U.S. homes and businesses. Some 3.6 million jobs have disappeared in the recession that ranks as the biggest job destroyer in the post-World War II period. Americans have lost trillions of dollars in retirement, college and savings accounts, with the stock market falling nearly half from its peak of 16 months ago.

New polls — some with Obama’s public support rising and others with it dropping — show that the political climate can be as precarious as the economic one. So Obama reached for both candor and can-do, blending the kind of grim honesty that has become his trademark since taking office with a greater emphasis on optimism.

„The weight of this crisis will not determine the destiny of this nation,” he said.

The central argument of his speech was that his still-unfolding economic revival plan has room for — even demands — a broader agenda. This is the big chore of his young presidency, and Obama’s hope was that he can begin to persuade the country that the longer-term items on his presidential agenda are as important to the nation’s economic well-being as unchoking credit and turning around unemployment numbers.

„The only way this century will be another American century is if we confront at last the price of our dependence on oil and the high cost of health care, the schools that aren’t preparing our children and the mountain of debt they stand to inherit,” Obama said.

He urged lawmakers to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that cause climate change by creating a cap-and-trade system of limits and pollution allowances. And he said the budget he is sending to Congress on Thursday will call for $15 billion a year in federal spending to spur development of environmentally friendly but so far cost-ineffective energy sources such as wind and solar, biofuels, clean coal and more fuel-efficient vehicles.

He said his budget request also will create new incentives for teacher performance and support for innovative education programs. He asked every American to commit to completing a year or more of higher education or career training.

In contrast to many State of the Union addresses by George W. Bush, Obama did not emphasize foreign policy. He touched on his intention to chart new strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan and to forge a new image for the U.S. around the world even as he keeps up the fight against terrorism.

With the economy dominant, Obama said the mess was one he inherited. „We have lived through an era where too often, short-term gains were prized over long-term prosperity, where we failed to look beyond the next payment, the next quarter or the next election,” he said.

Nonetheless, he aimed to show he is tackling the situation with both urgency and strict oversight for how the staggering sums are being spent. The massive stimulus plan, an overhaul of the financial sector bailout, and a $275 billion rescue for struggling homeowners are already in place, and more is likely on the way, Obama said.

Even as Washington pours money into the economic recovery, Obama said the budget deficit, at $1.3 trillion and ballooning, must be brought under control.

He promised he would slash it by half by the end of his term in 2013, mostly by ending U.S. combat in Iraq and eliminating some of Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy. He said his budget officials have identified a total of $2 trillion in savings over the next 10 years, also including ending education programs „that don’t work” and payments to large agribusinesses „that don’t need them,” eliminating wasteful no-bid contracts in Iraq and spending on weapons systems no longer needed in the post-Cold War era, and rooting out waste in Medicare.

„Everyone in this chamber, Democrats and Republicans, will have to sacrifice some worthy priorities for which there are no dollars,” he said. „And that includes me.”

„How Facebook is Taking Over Our Lives.”

It’s packed with amazing factoids about the „social utility” brainchild of CEO Mark Zuckerberg. One such nugget is that if it were a country, it would have a population roughly approximating that of Brazil. And it’s growing like some


of those microorganisms I learned about in biology that split every few seconds–signing up new users, sometimes as many as five million per week.

This doesn’t surprise me in the least, having recently become a fan myself. I got an account years ago when you had to have a university address to see it. I thought, „Meh, just another one of those things where I can broadcast to the world how little I’m up to.” Years passed. It overtook MySpace in traffic months ago, as we reported on this blog in May.

After a while, I started hearing people in my circles, outside of work, talking about it. I’m, to put it gingerly, certainly in the post-college demographic. (When I started working at Alexa nine years ago, I thought of someone my current age as old.) Then, a few months back, my best friend sent me a friend request–she’s way less inclined to jump on a bandwagon than I, so I caved. Dozens of friend invitations later, I’m reunited with high school friends. Full circle: last week I got friended by a favorite relative in my mom’s age group, and this morning I had another friend recommend the article on which I’m now blogging!

The site is certainly sticky. I have a few ways to get and post updates without actually going to the website because I don’t dare venture there regularly and try to hold a job. And I’ve noticed an increase recently in the number of times I accept a friend request from the guy who took my lunch money every day in the sixth grade only to see, „Joe is new to Facebook. Recommend people Joe may know.”

And the traffic data certainly supports the trends I’ve observed, and those reported in the article. While this graph only represents the traffic to the Facebook website itself, not all those widgets we use to get our fix without getting swept away, their Reach has practically tripled in a year. I’m curious to watch how this plays out.

California’s tortured real estate market has brought heartbreak and ruin

For many young couples, plummeting prices and near record-low interest rates make it possible to own a home in California for the first time.


Investors and real estate speculators, meanwhile, can snap up foreclosed properties on the cheap to sell during the next boom in California’s boom-and-bust real estate cycle, a boom they believe is inevitable and possibly not far off.

„This is the buying opportunity of our lifetime,” said Bruce Norris, who heads an investment group that expects to purchase some 100 homes this year in Southern California’s Inland Empire region.

California – which would be the world’s eighth largest economy if it were a country – saw a near-doubling in home sales in the fourth quarter, a pace surpassed only by Nevada’s 133.7 percent growth.

But experts warn it’s a dangerous game to play when nobody is really sure how low home prices will go or when they will rebound as the recession lingers, jobs dry up and residents pour out of the state in search of better prospects.

Norris concentrates on the Inland Empire of Southern California, made up mostly of Riverside and San Bernardino counties, one of the fastest-growing areas of the country during the housing boom, driven partly by immigrant families who couldn’t afford pricier coastal cities.

It’s now one of the hardest-hit. In the past 18 months, the median home price in Riverside and San Bernardino, pummeled by the subprime meltdown and now recording some of the highest foreclosure rates in the state, has plummeted 55 percent.

Norris Investment Group looks for homes built between 1980 and 1990, typically under 2,000 square feet (186 sq meters). Older houses come with too many maintenance „surprises,” Norris says, and larger places can be tough to sell or rent in hard times.

Last month the group paid $55,000 for a foreclosed home that was worth $360,000 at the top of the market. Norris expects to spend $30,000 on repairs and rent it for $1,200 a month until the market turns around.

The group also hopes to minimize risk by owning the homes free and clear, thus accruing little debt.

„You cannot have this (low) level of pricing be permanent because it costs too much to build a home here,” Norris said. „That’s how you know you’re making a logical decision when everything is falling around you. When you can buy a finished product someone will want to live in for $55,000, that just has to make somebody pretty wealthy someday.”


Experts agree California home prices will ultimately rebound but caution that real estate investing in this economy – the worst contraction since 1982 – should not be undertaken by amateurs or the faint of heart.

„You have to have a pretty strong feeling about where this is all going,” Stuart Gabriel, director of the Ziman Center for Real Estate at the University of California, Los Angeles, told Reuters. „This cycle is so different from prior cycles that it’s very difficult to extrapolate.”

„Most would argue that California is not going into the sea,” he said. „On the other hand it’s not totally out of the question that this particular period of weakness could extend for a while, and that means multiple years.”

California’s roller-coaster real estate cycles can be traced to the 1970s, when home prices tripled, ignited in part by foreign investment and the end of the gold standard following decades of explosive population growth.

Home prices plunged in the early 1980s, turned around and doubled within 10 years, slumped in the mid-1990s and then blasted off again at the end of the decade. The subprime meltdown and recession pushed them back off the cliff.

„It’s a great time to buy for people who are willing to risk a little more and be optimistic when everybody else is doom and gloom,” said Daren Blomquist, marketing and communications manager for RealtyTrac, an online foreclosure data service.

But he warned: „They will probably have to wait it out, possibly for several years.”

Chris Twoomey and his wife Jennifer illustrate the risk underlying the perceived opportunities. They moved to California from the Midwest in 2004 to pursue acting careers and had just begun to think the dream of home ownership was out of reach when the crash came and they saw their chance.

The couple pounced in January, right after Jennifer, 39, learned she was pregnant with their first child, making an offer on a small, bank-owned home in suburban Los Angeles.

But the day after the Twoomeys’ offer was accepted, Chris was called into the cafeteria at his job in a cosmetics company warehouse and laid off.

„Sometimes in our dark moments we sit around and say to ourselves, ‘Look, forget the acting, forget everything, this is the time to bail’ (from California). We can be doing this someplace else that’s still warm but doesn’t cost as much,” Chris told Reuters in an interview.

End Brian Mandeville

Northeastern University is not exactly a professional football factory. Dan Ross and Sean Jones came through there, but after that, the cupboard’s bare.


The Huskies went 2-10 last year, and haven’t had a winning season in five

 years. So when a guy from Northeastern even gets an invite to the combine, it’s a big deal … which, unfortunately, makes this even sadder.

Tight end Brian Mandeville waited and waited for his invite to the combine, and finally, it came. He ventured out to California to prepare at the Velocity Sports Performance Center. And when the time came to show up at the combine and impress everyone, doctors instead told him that he should retire before he even got started.

How’s that for soul-crushing? A guy gets an invite to the combine, which is essentially an audition to make a career out of playing football, and when he gets there, the first thing that happens is that they tell him he has no chance to make a career out of playing football. That’s like getting a scholarship to the Juilliard School of Dance right before your advisor takes a baseball bat to your knees.

Doctors performing a routine exam found an issue with one of Mandeville’s heart valves and advised him that he should give up football. The issues, according to his agent, aren’t life-threatening, but they are career-killing. Even his agent grants that it’s unlikely now that Mandeville will have a career in football

Pioneer’s Kuro Killing: A Tipping Point in the Plasma Era

The end of the Pioneer Kuro line of TVs represented a true tipping point in the TV industry, one preceded by long-gestating momentum from opposing forces. The recession and LCDs tipped over plasmas for good, and the slope


downward will be quite steep, and fast.

Last week, Pioneer announced it was killing off its critically acclaimed TV business by March 2010 and will concentrate on car and audio/visual systems. It was a dramatic fall for a company that just one year ago had CES abuzz with its newest plasma TV, the so-called “Ultimate Black” Kuro.

The Kuro’s tech was impressive because it reduced light emissions from black areas of the screen to such a degree that at its maximum brightness, the contrast ratio was “almost infinite.” The result was a plasma display with the most vibrant, colorful images yet.

But even at the hype’s peak, problems in the plasma industry were apparent.

Plasmas were at their most popular from 2004 to 2006, a period that saw them overtake rear-projection TVs as the top big-TV format. But they had a tough time offsetting their lowest average prices with high sale volumes. The spectre of LCDs also prompted many customers to hold off on making a purchase. By February ‘08, soon after the recession had officially taken hold, premium-quality Pioneers seemed out of touch. Most critically, LCDs were sporting features long the domain of plasma: bigger screens, greater contrast ratios, thinner and cheaper sets. LCD picture quality still failed to reach plasma levels, but to average consumers, the difference was no longer obvious.


Fast-forward to the start of 2009, and LCDs were outselling plasmas 8-to-1 globally, and the dominating the best-selling lists on

Pioneer tried a last-ditch partnership with Panasonic to create a version of its plasma TVs, contributing its own “secret sauce” to keep the Kuro tech flowing, but that effort appears to be over.

The slumping demand is already having consequences: Projected losses of $1.41 billion in 2008-09 (following a loss of $203 million in 2007-08) and a nearly 50 percent drop in operating revenue have set the scene for 10,000 jobs cuts and the closing of U.S., UK and Japanese facilities. But Pioneer’s not the only TV maker suffering. They’re all taking it on the chin, regardless of display type.

Both Hitachi andVizio had to end the bleeding by shuttering plasmas to concentrate on LCDs. And not even the usually flush holiday period buoyed TV companies to a safe financial landing: Sony, Panasonic, and LG all posted lower quarterly profits.

Component suppliers have similarly been unable to escape the pain. As Om noted in recent posts, screen manufacturer Corning posted fourth-quarter 2008 revenues of $1.1 billion and still had to let go of 3,500 jobs.

Pioneer’s decision to end its plasma production was more complicated. It bought out NEC’s plasma business in 2004, used it as an OEM for its glass, but was recently forced to shutter the unit. Now, the only plasma manufacturers left standing are Panasonic, LG, and Samsung, all of which make their own components.

Panasonic is in good position to benefit from Kuro’s death. Most of the Pioneer engineers who came up with Kuro switched sides and are now working for Panasonic. In addition, recent demos have shown that Panasonic plasmas are nearing Kuro quality. Already in possession of the biggest plasma market share in the world (at more than 35 percent), the company will be able to build a diversified product line using plasma TVs as a premium screen type that appeals to a niche that still wants them.  Add to that the fact that it receives significant revenues from selling its glass to other companies, including JVC and Fujitsu, and it appears that it’ll be able to keep plasmas afloat longer than any other company. Panasonic will inherit the burdens of the difficult economy and the LCD challenge, but once plasma is no longer economically feasible, its own LCDs will have likely caught up in picture quality. In fact, ultimate black contrast tech is already getting closer to LCDs.  So it’s only a matter of a few years (maybe even less) before plasmas finally die out.

Gasping Over Jennifer and Angelina, Saluting Heath

Kate Winslet got unapologetically Kate Winslet-y. Sean Penn held his fire. Heath Ledger‘s family kept it together. Penélope Cruz lost it. The Slumdog Millionaire winners raised a glass. And Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston?


Well, they sucked the air right out of the room.

The night’s backstage doings—and sayings—at the 81st Annual Academy Awards:

5:51 p.m. PT: Well, I snagged a choice seat assignment. It just so happens I’m next to a Spanish radio reporter who translated the end of Cruz’s speech for me. Cruz, she said, dedicated her Oscar to her fellow actors and citizens in Spain and thanked them for sharing in her happiness.

• I kinda wish I was sitting next to a burly longshoreman, too, on the off-chance I need a Mickey Rourke acceptance speech translated.

• I just put a call into Nate Silver, the guy who called the 2008 presidential election with unerring accuracy and last week said his computer told him Taraji P. Henson had the best shot at winning Best Supporting Actress. Haven’t heard back from him yet. Maybe he’s arguing with a spreadsheet.

• I have never, ever heard as big a gasp in the press room as when the TV telecast cut to a reaction shot of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt during Jennifer Aniston‘s presenting gig. At first, I thought Aniston fell out of her dress. Or Jack Black fell into it.

• Silver called back. „I can’t say I’m surprised,” he says of Cruz’s win, which was expected by most people—and things—save for his computer. „I kinda had an asterisk on it. We had Penélope as a pretty good shot .” As for the art of calling the Oscars? Silver admits it’s no electoral college: „We’re still working out the kinks.”

• Dustin Lance Black, the Original Screenplay winner for Milk, was emotional on stage, so I’m not going to flatter myself and say he choked up back here because I’m the all-new Barbara Walters. All I asked him was whether he knew what he was going to say if and when he got to make an acceptance speech. „I had an idea. For me the whole thing was always to pay it forward. Harvey [Milk] gave me his story,” Black says, before pausing and tearing up. „Harvey gave me his story, and it saved my life…I just wanted to tell those kids out there it’ll be all right.”

• Is there a Japanese speaker in the house? This request goes out from an Academy flack who tells us the winner of Animated Short, Kunio Kato, has lost his translator.

• I better start looking for that longshoreman pronto…

• I’m sitting so far in the back of the room that I can’t tell if Penélope Cruz or Sophia Loren is with us now.

• OK, it’s Cruz, projecting some serious old-school glamour, and talking about Loren, with whom she appears in the upcoming musical, Nine: „Sophia is incredible…She’s a woman with a gold of heart. What did I just say?”

• Did I mention Cruz seems to be having a slight out-of-body experience?

• I tell Cruz that all the actresses in her category looked like emotional wrecks when, per the telecast’s new format, former winners paid personal tribute to each of the nominees. She didn’t disagree. „It was amazing to see all those women up there, and [hear] the beautiful things they said up there…And when it happens [when you win], it was a magical moment, and I [didn’t] know if I was going to survive it.”

• Count Cruz among the actresses who’ve fallen under the spell of the wily Woody Allen. „I call Woody sometimes just to say hello,” she say of her Vicky Cristina Barcelona writer-director. „I adore him. I think he’s so funny.”

6:45 p.m.: If the pinchably cute kids from Slumdog Millionaire look like they’re having a blast at the show, it’s because they are. „It was absolutely the right thing to bring them over [from India] because they’re having a lot of fun,” Simon Beaufoy, Slumdog’s Adapted Screenplay winner tells us.

• WALL-E writer-director Andrew Stanton, winner for Animated Feature, is outlining his theories on disconnectiveness and technology. No offense to Stanton or his film, but Bolt was way easier to follow.

• Hearing people congratulate Heath Ledger‘s eerily composed family is eerie in itself.

• Heath’s sister Kate Ledger expands on her telecast anecdote about how the family knew an Oscar was in the star’s future: „When he came home from Christmas a year ago, he had been sending me shots and bits and pieces from [The Dark Knight]…And I said to him, I have the feeling this is it for you, you’re going to get a nomination from the Academy.”

• On the telecast, the Ledger clan said the Best Supporting Actor Oscar was for Matilda, Heath Ledger‘s 3-year-old daughter with Michelle Williams, but it’s actually not as simple as handing the trophy over to the girl. Since 1951, an Academy rep tells me, winners have been obliged to sign to so-called winners’ agreements. The agreements say if they or their heirs ever decide to part ways with their Oscars, they must offer to sell the awards back to the Academy for $1 each. Because she’s a minor, Matilda can’t legally sign this agreement. So, until she reaches 18, the Academy says, echoing what Ledger’s father, Kim Ledger, told us, the award will be placed in a trust with Williams.

• The Ledger family has nothing but praise for Williams, with whom they said they had not yet spoken tonight. „Michelle keeps Matilda closeted in a nice way,” Kim Ledger says. „I don’t think she’ll know much of the fuss [of tonight’s show], which I think is a good thing.” Sister Kate Ledger confirms: „We’re very close with Michelle. She is doing an amazing job with Matilida.”

• Mother Sally Bell says she thinks her son, who died in January 2008 at age 28, would have been „quietly pleased” with his win. „He enjoyed the performance, he did. He was very proud of what he did. Heath was never one to be over the top with anything,” she says in her own understated way.

• Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award recipient Jerry Lewis, who has never been accused of being shy, will not be doing a press conference, an Academy flack announces. In other news, pigs have been spotted flying over the Kodak Theatre.

8:34 p.m.: You can’t believe Waltz With Bashir didn’t win Foreign Language Film. Your Oscar pool card can’t believe it. Yojiro Takita, who won for Japan’s Departures, can’t either. In fact, he said so. „I don’t believe it,” Takita said. (Told you so.)

• At the exact moment Kate Winslet‘s film, The Reader, was going down to Best Picture defeat to Slumdog Millionaire, the Best Actress winner was being blinded by a million flashing camera lights next door in the photography room. She had no idea.

• There are no flashbulbs in the interview room, but the dazed Winslet still has no idea. Awaiting the first question, she takes deep, supposedly soothing breaths. „It’s only starting to dawn on me now,” she says a bit later, looking down at her Oscar. „Oh. My. God.”

• Considering Winslet’s won many, many awards this award season, can she really be so unnerved she won tonight? Yup. You see, Winslet, Winslet reminds, has lost at the Oscars many, many times. „Winning is really a lot better than losing,” she reveals. „Really a lot better.”

‘jailing kids for cash’ scandal

There was no need for an attorney, said Phillip’s mother, Amy Swartley, who thought at most, the judge would slap her son with a fine or community service.


But she was shocked to find her eighth-grader handcuffed and shackled in the courtroom and sentenced to a youth detention center. Then, he was shipped to a boarding school for troubled teens for nine months.

„Yes, my son made a mistake, but I didn’t think he was going to be taken away from me,” said Swartley, a 41-year-old single mother raising two boys in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

CNN does not usually identify minors accused of crimes. But Swartley and others agreed to be named to bring public attention to the issue.

As scandals from Wall Street to Washington roil the public trust, the justice system in Luzerne County, in the heart of Pennsylvania’s struggling coal country, has also fallen prey to corruption. The county has been rocked by a kickback scandal involving two elected judges who essentially jailed kids for cash. Many of the children had appeared before judges without a lawyer.

The nonprofit Juvenile Law Center in Philadelphia said Phillip is one of at least 5,000 children over the past five years who appeared before former Luzerne County President Judge Mark Ciavarella.

Ciavarella pleaded guilty earlier this month to federal criminal charges of fraud and other tax charges, according to the U.S. attorney’s office. Former Luzerne County Senior Judge Michael Conahan also pleaded guilty to the same charges. The two secretly received more than $2.6 million, prosecutors said.

The judges have been disbarred and have resigned from their elected positions. They agreed to serve 87 months in prison under their plea deals. Ciavarella and Conahan did not return calls, and their attorneys told CNN that they have no comment.

Ciavarella, 58, along with Conahan, 56, corruptly and fraudulently „created the potential for an increased number of juvenile offenders to be sent to juvenile detention facilities,” federal court documents alleged. Children would be placed in private detention centers, under contract with the court, to increase the head count. In exchange, the two judges would receive kickbacks.

The Juvenile Law Center said it plans to file a class-action lawsuit this week representing what they say are victims of corruption. Juvenile Law Center attorneys cite a few examples of harsh penalties Judge Ciavarella meted out for relatively petty offenses:


  • Ciavarvella sent 15-year-old Hillary Transue to a wilderness camp for mocking an assistant principal on a MySpace page. 


  • He whisked 13-year-old Shane Bly, who was accused of trespassing in a vacant building, from his parents and confined him in a boot camp for two weekends. 


  • He sentenced Kurt Kruger, 17, to detention and five months of boot camp for helping a friend steal DVDs from Wal-Mart. 

    Several other lawsuits on behalf of the juveniles who have appeared in Ciavarella’s courtroom have emerged.

  • cnn

  • Group forecasts deeper recession, with turnaround in late ’09, solid recovery in 2010.

    A survey of leading economists finds them now forecasting a far deeper and more painful recession ahead in the first half of the year, but a modest pickup in the second half of 2009, followed by a solid recovery in 2010.



    „The steady drumbeat of weak economic and financial market data have made business economists decidedly more pessimistic on the economic outlook for the next several quarters,” said Chris Varvares, the president of the National Association of Business Economics, which conducted the survey of 47 top forecasters in late January and early February.

    „While a few reports offer some glimmer of hope, a meaningful recovery is not expected to take hold until next year,” added Varvares, who is also president of the research firm Macroeconomic Advisors.

    The forecasts hold little good news for the first half of this year. The economy is expected to decline at a 5% rate in the first quarter, even sharper than the 3.8% drop recorded in the fourth quarter of last year. And the group is forecasting another 1.7% drop in economic activity in the second quarter.

    While the economists surveyed are forecasting a 1.6% gain in economic activity the second half of this year, that won’t be enough to overcome the first half weakness, which should result in a 0.9% full-year drop in U.S. economic activity when comparing the fourth quarter of this year to a year earlier. That would be the biggest drop on that basis since 1982, and far worse than the year-over-year decline of 0.2% recorded in the fourth quarter of 2008.

    As recently as NABE’s November survey, the consensus of economists was that there would be 0.7% economic growth during the course of 2009. Last May’s survey found the group forecasting a healthy gain of 2.7% during the year.

    But the outlook for this year has clearly gotten much worse since the earlier surveys in just about every measure. The economists are forecasting unemployment rising to 9% for the fourth quarter of 2009, up from their previous 7.5% estimate.

    They expect job losses for the year coming in roughly the same as the nearly 3 million jobs lost in 2008, which is nearly four times the job losses they were forecasting three months ago.

    They also estimate corporate profits will slip 9% this year, while housing starts and auto sales continue to fall to levels not seen in decades. All those forecasts are significantly worse than estimates in the November survey.

    The economists are forecasting a healthy recovery in stocks from current levels, estimating the Standard & Poor’s 500 will end the year a 975, which would be 26% above current levels and a gain of 8% from where it started the year. But in November the economists had forecast the S&P would end 2009 at 1,200.

    Still, the optimism that the economists had back in November has been pushed back, rather than abandoned. They forecast that the economy will see healthy 3.1% growth during the course of 2010, as they expect unemployment to start to ease as employers add 1.3 million jobs during the year, and auto sales and housing starts at least make it back to 2008 levels. Even the five most pessimistic economists surveyed are forecasting economic growth during every quarter of 2010, although those pessimists expect job losses and the unemployment rate to continue throughout all of next year.

    Jade Goody has really walked that fine line between fame and notoriety.

    Well, there’s nothing buzzier than the Academy Awards, that’s a given. But some other topics captured the attention of the Web this weekend, as well. Here are just a few of the stories that Buzz users found particularly clickable.

    Public life, public death
    Jade Goody has really walked that fine line between fame and notoriety. An object of mockery for her ignorance and boorish behavior on the „Big Brother” reality shows, Goody’s latest incarnation as a human spectacle has won over the British public and press. Unfortunately, it took a diagnosis of terminal cervical cancer to do it. Doctors have given Goody just weeks to live, but on Sunday, as she was married, the TV cameras rolled, capping intense media coverage of her medical struggle and wedding plans. Photo and video rights to the event were reportedly auctioned for 1 million pounds, and she has agreed to spend her last days as a public curiosity, she said, so she can leave the money to her two sons. 

    Obama deficit disorder?
    After a trillion here, a trillion there for the bank bailout, stimulus, and other expenditures borne of the nation’s ever-worsening financial crisis, who’d have thought there’d be anything left in the national piggy bank to tackle the deficit? Well, Barack Obama does, apparently. One of Sunday’s most popular Buzz topics was the president’s plan to halve the
    federal deficit to $533 billion by the end of his first term. Short of reselling Manhattan at a huge profit, how can he do that? By slashing Iraq war outlays, letting the Bush-era tax breaks expire for those earning more than $250,000, and streamlining government, says the administration. We shall see…

    NAACP takes aim at Post
    Buzz users have been all over the
    New York Post chimp-cartoon story, and this weekend was no exception. On Saturday, the NAACP called for a boycott of the paper over a cartoon it published depicting a slain chimp as the author of the stimulus bill. Some have interpreted the cartoon as a racially tinged and violent slap at President Obama. The paper says it merely critiques the stimulus by satirically linking it to the recent mauling of a woman by a 200-pound chimpanzee. The Post did offer, however, an apology, which critics have called tepid. In addition to urging the boycott, the NAACP called for Post editor Col Allan and cartoonist Sean Delonas to be fired.


    Did TV news miss point in covering stimulus plan?

    NEW YORK – There were plenty of familiar faces on-screen during TV coverage of President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan, people like James Carville, Laura Ingraham, Karl Rove, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Joe Trippi and Dick Morris.



    What it lacked, some critics suggest, were people with real expertise in what the $787 billion plan will mean for the economy and for communities and individuals. In short, it was treated like just another political battle.

    Of the 681 people who appeared as guests on a dozen cable news and four network Sunday morning talk shows in the three weeks that ended last Sunday, only 41, or 6 percent, were economists, said the liberal media watchdog Media Matters for America.

    That count alone indicates a lack of effort in tracking down what was most important about the story, said Erikka Knuti, the organization’s spokeswoman.

    „Hearing whether or not this package is going to work is more important than who has the snappiest quip,” she said.

    Media Matters didn’t keep track of interview subjects on the most-watched newscasts, the broadcast network evening programs, but the conservative Media Research Center did. About 13 percent of the people interviewed on economic recovery between Obama’s election and final passage of the bill were economists, the group said.

    That’s almost one per substantial story, but Dan Gainor, vice president of the MRC’s Business & Media Institute, said that ratio was „appalling.”

    Piling on the criticism, the Center for Economic and Policy Research said the media had „badly failed” to inform the public about what the stimulus plan means. The group said news organizations also didn’t keep things in perspective, focusing on criticisms of the bill that were a very small part of the pricetag.

    To a certain extent, networks could be accused of unimaginative bookings, going to people they know very well. Media Matters counted 19 separate appearances by CNN financial correspondent Ali Velshi during the three weeks. The three people who opined most about the bill on Fox News Channel were regulars Morris, Rove and Juan Williams, the group said.

    Even some of the economists used were familiar to viewers, like Web site maven Arianna Huffington, former game show host Ben Stein and Paul Krugman, columnist for The New York Times.

    Two shows the group monitored, hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Campbell Brown, had no economists during the three-week period. By far, the most economists on any show (10) were on Fox’s new Glenn Beck show.

    2009 Academy Awards

    The Associated Press


    Picture: „Slumdog Millionaire



    Actor: Sean Penn, „Milk

    Actress: Kate Winslet, „The Reader

    Director: Danny Boyle, „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Foreign-Language Film: „Departures,” Japan

    Original Song: „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Original Score: „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award: Jerry Lewis


    Film Editing: „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Sound Mixing: „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Sound Editing: „The Dark Knight

    Visual Effects: „The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

    Documentary, Short Subject: „Smile Pinki„

    Documentary Feature: „Man on Wire„

    Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger, „The Dark Knight”

    Short Film: „Spielzeugland

    Makeup: „The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

    Costume: „The Duchess

    Art Direction: „The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

    Animated Short Film: „La Maison en Petits Cubes”

    Animated Feature: „WALL-E

    Adapted Screenplay: Simon Beaufoy, „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Original Screenplay: Dustin Lance Black, „Milk

    Supporting Actress: Penélope Cruz, „Vicky Cristina Barcelona

    Scientific & Technical Awards presented Feb. 7, 2009, at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif.:

    Gordon E. Sawyer Award: Ed Catmull

    John A. Bonner Medal of Commendation: Mark Kimball



    Chandra Levy’s slaying may end

    WASHINGTON – A Salvadoran immigrant convicted of attacking two women in the park where Chandra Levy’s remains were found was expected to be arrested in the next few days in the former intern’s slaying, a person close to the investigation said.



    An arrest would cap a revived investigation into the 2001 killing that had gone cold for years after destroying the career of former U.S. Rep. Gary Condit of California.

    Investigators in 2002 questioned Ingmar Guandique, now 27, in the slaying after he was convicted of attacking two women joggers in Washington’s Rock Creek Park. They didn’t charge him, but statements he made to people while in prison helped lead investigators back to him, said the person, who was not authorized to discuss the case publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity Saturday.

    A law enforcement official who has spoken to investigators said the break came in part from DNA evidence that was either retested or collected, and it was connected to Guandique. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the Levy investigation is ongoing.

    Local prosecutors have convened a grand jury in the District of Columbia, and an arrest warrant is expected within the next few days, the officials said. Levy’s father, Robert Levy, said Washington, D.C., Police Chief Cathy Lanier called his home late Friday and said the same thing.

    Chandra Levy was 24 and had just completed an internship with the U.S. Bureau of Prisons when she disappeared in May 2001 after leaving her Washington, D.C., apartment. The Modesto, Calif., woman was wearing jogging clothes when she vanished, and a man walking his dog found her skull and bones in the park a year later.

    Authorities questioned Condit, her congressman, in the disappearance, but he was never a suspect in her death. Condit, a popular Democrat for a dozen years in his district, was reportedly having an affair with Levy, and the negative publicity from the case was cited as the main reason for his overwhelming primary loss in 2002.

    Guandique was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for attacking two women in the park. The federal Bureau of Prisons lists an inmate in California with the same sentence and age, but with the spelling Guandigue instead of Guandique. A message seeking comment was not returned.

    One of his victims in the park attacks, Halle Shilling, told The Washington Post that new prosecutors and detectives apologized to her because prior investigators had never interviewed her in the Levy case.

    „They said they were so sorry it took so long to talk to me,” Shilling said. „They really want to get to the bottom of this, and they are not going to sleep well until they get a conviction.”

    Robert Levy said he and his wife, Susan, were not told who would be arrested, „but we all know who it is.” He would not elaborate but said they would favor a life sentence for the killer.

    „If someone is executed, they really don’t suffer too much,” he said from his home in Modesto.

    Abbe Lowell, an attorney for Condit, said the revelations clear the former congressman.

    Condit did not return several messages left by The Associated Press but said in a statement to WJLA-TV in Washington that he is glad the Levy family is finally getting answers.

    „I had always hoped to have the opportunity to tell my side of this story, but too many were not prepared to listen. Now I plan to do so, but I will have no further comments on this story at this time,” he said in the statement, posted on the station’s Web site.

    After Condit lost, he sued several media outlets that had connected him to Levy’s disappearance and death. He reached an undisclosed settlement with three tabloid newspapers.


    I ‘Never’ Hit My Child

    In a contentious, exclusive interview outside his Florida home, Ronald Cummings, the father of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, blasted new abuse allegations and told FOX News „never, ever have I ever hit my child.”


    „Me and my child have an agreement. Daddy, daughter. She has been spanked on her behind the way DCF says that you can take care of disciplining your children,” Cummings told FOX News’ Geraldo Rivera.

    Cummings also condemned new allegations that he hit Haleigh’s mom Crystal while she was pregnant, saying friends and family members making the accusations are ‘absolutely lying’ and threatening criminal charges against them.

    Responding to sources that told Rivera Cummings had told them he was 75 percent sure who kidnapped Haleigh, the missing girl’s father said, „There is no way — I do not know who took Haleigh. If I had — if I had, uh, five percent of where Haleigh was at, I would be there now and not here.”

    The family of Haleigh Cummings, who apparently vanished while she was sleeping, says they are afraid she was taken by a pedophile cousin.

    The 5-year-old’s mother and paternal grandmother said Friday the man in question is a cousin of Misty Croslin, the teenage girlfriend of Ronald Cummings.

    Dan Hardy Can Be a Star on Two Continents

    Hardy, who defeated Rory Markham by first-round knockout, may have been the single most impressive fighter at UFC 95, an event that made up for a lack of star power with plenty of punching power. In his second UFC fight


    , he needed just 69 seconds to dismantle Markham, out-boxing a good boxer and using a powerful left hook as his knockout punch.

    Hardy told me last week that England is going insane over the UFC, and it sure sounded that way from the reaction of the fans at the O2 Arena. The locals loved seeing their guy whip the American Markham, and the sheer jubilation shown by Hardy as he soaked in the cheers afterward was great. Already becoming a headlining attraction with UFC fans in Europe, Hardy can be a fan favorite in North America, too. He’s a likeable guy, tough and well-spoken, and he has a personal flair that he shows off with everything from his haircut to his Web site.

    Hardy has 27 fights under his belt, but the win over Markham was only the second time stepping into the Octagon, and I think he’s just scratching the surface of what he can do. He’s on a five-fight winning streak, and he’s won 10 of his last 11, with the only loss in that span coming to Yoshiyuki Yoshida in a 2007 Cage Force fight in which he was on the losing end of a questionable disqualification.

    How much better can Hardy get? I’d venture to say a lot better. He spends much of his time training in the United States, and he’s fanatical about watching so much film of his opponents that he can close his eyes and picture everything they do. Hardy was submitted three times early in his career, but he has worked hard at getting better at grappling, and he says he hopes his next opponent is a jiu jitsu specialist because he wants to test his ground game.

    Hardy is the first to admit that he’s not ready for a fight against one of the sport’s truly elite welterweights, like Georges St. Pierre or Jon Fitch. But even if it’s not against a world-class opponent, I’m looking forward to watching the next time Hardy steps into the Octagon. He can be a star.

    ‘I don’t really plan to go away soon’

    WASHINGTON – After the president of Harvard hailed him as a “national leader but a local servant,” after the pastor read the “Let us now praise famous men” passage from the Bible and after the cellist Yo-Yo Ma honored


     him by performing a Gershwin prelude, Senator Edward M. Kennedy lumbered across the antique stage.

    “I have lived a blessed time,” Mr. Kennedy told the audience at a special honorary degree convocation at Harvard in December. His voice started shaky, but gained strength. “Now, with you, I look forward to a new time of high aspiration for our nation and the world.”

    As the crowd rose, Mr. Kennedy waved buoyantly, as if trying to acknowledge everyone he saw: a special fist pump for his former staff member, Justice Stephen G. Breyer of the Supreme Court; a salute in the direction of Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.; a thumbs-up for his niece Caroline Kennedy

    „How I lost 57 lbs in two months with the easy

    My name is Linda Collier from Bethesda, Maryland.. I’m not a celebrity, fitness buff, someone with a lot of money to spend on a trainer or someone with a lot of willpower or anything like that.  I’m just a wife and a mother of 3


     who figured out a diet that works better than any famous program or exercise routine.. So first I’ll tell you the basics about me:  I’ve been married to my husband Rod for 5 years and we have a little boy and twin girls.  I also work as a nurse part time besides being a mom, so as you can imagine life is pretty crazy and I don’t have a lot of time.  I hope that my story can help you to be inspired to lose weight also.

    How did I gain all my weight?

    Before I was married and had my kids I used to weigh 122 pounds.  I wasn’t super skinny but I looked pretty good.  I was satisfied with my body and when I was younger it seemed like I could eat whatever I wanted to because my metabolism was fast and I just burned everything off without even working out.  My husband was attracted to me and made me feel good about myself.

    Then I had my son and I of course gained weight when I was pregnant.  I gained about 25 pounds.  I thought it would come off naturally but now I was running around taking care of him as a new mom and I kind of put myself last.  I was eating on the run and putting whatever was convenient into my mouth.  And I had no time to work out.  So instead of losing weight, I even gained another 5 pounds.

    Then I got pregnant with my twin girls, and I gained another 25 pounds.  When all was said and done, I had gained 57 pounds.  I felt uncomfortable being in my own skin.  I felt so bad about myself.  I felt like I had let myself go and wondered if I was still attractive to my husband any more.  I didn’t like the way I looked and I didn’t want anyone to see me- I stopped going out with my friends and sometimes I even felt embarrased just to leave the house because of how big I had gotten.

    I tried all the major diets like Atkins, Slim Fast, Jenny Craig.  I tried everything to lose weight.  I tried nutri system, the 3 hour diet, the grape fruit diet, everything.  I became obsessed with losing weight.  But nothing I tried worked.  I might lose 5 or even 10 pounds, but then the weight loss would stop.  Or I would be too cranky on the diet to continue on it.  Then I would gain the weight right back in the next few weeks.

    I felt like I was in a downward spiral, nothing that I did worked.  I wanted to lose fat but it never worked, so I just gave up and started eating whatever I wanted.  At my heaviest, I weighed 179 pounds. I know that people think that people who are overweight are lazy or have no self control.  But the truth is, there are a number of reasons why people gain weight.  Some have kids, some don’t have the time or energy to diet.  With a day full of work or school, who wants to come home and exercise or eat a salad?  I am like most Americans, I am not a superhero.  I couldn’t juggle work, a husband, kids, cooking, cleaning and everything else that comes with living and then after that go to the gym after eating a salad for dinner.  That is crazy and no one can do it.

    I really did try all the diets, and when they failed me, I felt helpless.  I thought that I would be fat forever.  Then one day I saw something on tv that changed my life.

    How watching Oprah turned my life around.

    One afternoon on my day off I was on my couch watching Oprah and this episode changed my life.  I can’t say that I wouldn’t still be overweight and miserable today if I hadn’t happened to see this show.  Oprah had Dr. Mehmet Oz on the show and they were talking about a new superfood called Acai Berry.

    Dr. Mehmet Oz is a famous doctor who Oprah has on the show a lot, maybe you know him if you watch it often.  He is a health guru and big on anti aging stuff, beauty stuff, and looking good.  He is also a vice-chair and professor of surgery at Columbia University so I knew he was a credible guy.  Besides, of course Oprah isn’t going to have any shady guy on the show so I knew that whatever he said was going to be true.

    He was talking about a new berry from the Amazon called Acai.  It is a more powerful antioxidant than pomegranite or red wine or blueberries.  It is put into easy to take supplement capsules.  The part that made me pay attention was when Dr. Oz started explaining how Acai helps you lose weight by reducing hunger and raising energy levels.  It seemed like what I had been waiting for all along.  After that I learned that CNN, CBS, ABC and the Wall Street Journal have also covered the health benefits of taking Acai berry.

    The day after, Dr. Oz was on a different show talking about another way to lose weight.  He was telling the audience about colon cleansing and that doing a colon cleanse was a great way to lose weight fast.  I’m not a doctor or know all the medical details, but basically what happens is years worth of gunk gets trapped in your colon and starts to build up on the lining of your colon.  All sorts of toxins get trapped there from any fattening or unhealthy food you have eaten.  It’s a thick slime and it adds inches to your waistline and extra pounds on the scale.  So you do a colon cleanse to rid yourself of this lining and you also instantly lose inches off your waist and extra pounds just by doing this, no diet or exercise needed.

    You can do a colon cleanse just by taking a pill that flushes all that stuff out.  It’s a supplement that will naturally clean out your colon.

    Dr. Oz explained that you can exercise and diet all you want and it won’t help if you don’t take the right supplements to clean this junk out and give you energy.  That made me think, maybe thats why all those fad diets failed me.  He explained that cleaning out this junk will automatically shed excess pounds in a way that diet and exercise can’t.

    I liked what I was seeing because Oprah and Dr. Oz weren’t actually selling anything themselves, so I knew they weren’t motivated to tell anything but the truth.  They were trying to get the public to understand the health benifits of Acai and Colon Cleansing.

    The Acai and this special Colon Cleanse combination melted off my extra weight like magic.

    Oprah and Dr. Oz talked about two amazing products- the acai and the colon cleanse.  They are sold seperately by two different companies, but because I saw both shows, I had the idea to use both at once and to combine them into a special diet.  Also, with three kids and the economy the way it is, I didn’t have the extra money to spend on something that might not work for me.  So after searching all over the internet I found a free trial of both products that Oprah and Dr. Oz were talking about!  I found a way to try them without spending money.  It was great.
    The two products I discovered, and still use, are Acai Berry and this special Colon Cleanse .
    This is how I combine them to make my special diet:

    Step 1:

    Acai Berry is the first and most important part of my diet. Acai Berry helps me:

    • Have more energy by giving me super vitamins and nutrients- I feel great!
    • Suppress my appetite- I’m not hungry anymore and don’t eat as much.
    • Evens out and stabillizes my metabolism so I burn more fat.
    • Tightens up and rejuvinates my complexion because of all the anti-oxidants.

    I found my 30 day free trial of  Acai Berry here and it’s so easy to use- just take one capsule in the morning and one at night.

    Step 2:

    This special Colon Cleanse is the second important step of my diet. While Acai Berry, suppresses my hunger, keeps me healthy and gives me tons of energy,  this special Colon Cleanse :

    • Gets rid of pounds of waste from my colon- out of my body and down the potty.
    • Now that my colon is clean, my body can now eliminate new fat more efficiently.
    • Makes the acai berry even more effective because I can now process it better.
    • Eliminates the toxins that were sitting in my colon making me healthier and giving me more energy.
    • This is a cycle that continues and makes me healthier and healthier.
    • Gets inches off my waist instantly and pounds off my body instantly
    • Takes no work and you can’t accomplish it through diet and exercise.

    I found my free trial bottle of this special Colon Cleanse here and I just take one supplement day and night at the same time I take my acai.  They are the perfect complement to eachother, they perfect weight loss duo.  This is how I achieved my amazing results and dropped pounds of fat off of my body

    At the same time Wall Street is losing jobs and prestige, the nation’s capital is gaining steam as it ramps up to fight the recession

    „Oversight alone will (mean) tons of new jobs,” enthuses Jill Landsman, a spokeswoman for the Northern Virginia Assn. of Realtors, who says the pace of home sales has picked up over the past year even as prices have continued to fall.


    Job-seeking Wall Streeters who jump on Amtrak’s Acela to Washington may be dismayed to find that the maximum pay for an FDIC bank review examiner is close to $180,000. That’s great for most folks, but paltry next to the bonus-swelled compensation many bankers are used to. The pay can be a lot better, though, at the Beltway Bandit consulting firms that are ramping up to assist the FDIC, Treasury Dept., and others. Consulting jobs for senior specialists in finance „can pay north of $200 an hour,” says Andrew Reina, a practice director for risk consultant Ajilon Solutions.

    Companies such as Computer Sciences Corp., Science Applications International Corp., or SAIC, and Booz Allen Hamilton employ tens of thousands of people in the Washington area and continue to expand. Even before the current crisis, professional and business services, which include private-sector lawyers, accountants, engineers, and consultants, made up 21% of metro Washington’s annual economic output, even more than the 20% made up by government itself, according to a BusinessWeek estimate based on government data. The financial crisis „creates opportunities for companies like ours” to provide expert assistance, says David Booth, Computer Sciences Corp.’s president of global sales and marketing.

    The New Talent Magnet

    By at least one measure, it’s Washington rather than New York that’s attracting the best and brightest these days: According to George Mason University’s Center for Regional Analysis, metro Washington leads the nation in the share of jobs that are in high-tech and the share of workers with advanced degrees.

    As for New York, the mix – and the outlook – is bleak. Finance typically accounts for 32% of the metro region’s output, mostly because finance jobs pay so well. But pay limits, combined with job cuts, will harm everything from condos to car dealerships. New York State Labor Dept. analyst James Brown says, „There will still be a need for capital-raising, but it’s pretty clear the sector won’t be as profitable or as large.”

    Adds Moody’s economist Marisa Di Natale: „New York, we think, is going to have a pretty severe recession.”

    Staging a Comeback?

    In one measure of how dire things have gotten for New York’s finance sector, Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Feb. 18 announced a $45 million plan to retrain investment bankers, traders, and others who have lost jobs on Wall Street. The money will also provide startup money and office space for new businesses by the former Wall Streeters. According to The New York Times, city officials expect New York to lose 65,000 jobs in finance during this recession, and not gain them back any time soon.

    „We say good luck to the people in New York. We know they’re going through some tough times,” says Arnold Punaro, general manager of SAIC’s Washington operations.

    Then again, there is one resource that New York has in abundance, and that’s self-confidence. Regional Plan Assn. President Robert Yaro, whose nonprofit organization coordinates planning in a 31-county area, says New York has been declared dead over and over since the 1880s, but always springs back.

    Last Friday the 13th was supposed to be a special day for 14-year-old Amber Leeanne DuBois.

    She left her home in Escondido, California, around 7 a.m. for school with a check in hand, a down payment on a baby lamb that she was going to raise and care for as part of her Future Farmers of America class.


    It was a day that she’d been looking forward to for more than a year, her family says. But she never made it to school and hasn’t been heard from since, prompting authorities to launch a massive search for the missing teen.

    „She would not have given up that lamb for anything,” her mother, Carrie McGonigle, said. „She’s a wholesome kid. She doesn’t run amok like most teenagers. She did not run away, I guarantee it.”

    Her cell phone was turned on once for about 20 seconds the day after she disappeared and has not been turned on since then, Escondido Police spokesman Lt. Bob Benton said.

    Her mother and her live-in boyfriend voluntarily submitted to polygraph tests and passed, Benton said. Amber’s father, who lives in Orange County, California, and other relatives have been interviewed, he added.

    A classmate reported seeing Amber a week ago on Sunday, walking with an unidentified person about half a mile from her home, Benton said.

    „We don’t know the circumstances of her disappearance or the person she was walking with, but being 14 years old and missing as long as she has without ever having gone missing before is very suspicious,” Benton said.

    The FBI is assisting the Escondido Police in the investigation, said Special Agent Darrell Foxworth from the agency’s San Diego office.

    Those in search of a fresh start might head to these welcoming spots

    The country that once welcomed the tired, poor, huddled masses is now asking for a little reciprocation. And Canada, Germany and Australia are heeding the call.


    They top a list of the countries most welcoming to expats. There, relocators have a relatively easy time befriending locals, joining a local community group and learning the local language.

    In Depth: World’s Friendliest Countries

    Behind The Numbers

    The study surveyed 2,155 expats in 48 countries, spanning four continents, between February and April 2008. Respondents rated their country in four categories: ability to befriend locals, number that joined a community group, number that learned the language and percentage that bought property.

    „We conducted this survey to better understand expatriate needs and get insight into the emotions of expats. The banking business is all about trust, especially with the recent credit crisis,” says Martin Spurling, CEO of HSBC Bank International and Head of HSBC Global Offshore. „We want them to build a relationship with their wealth manager regardless of where they travel.”

    For Americans, traveling abroad to start over is becoming increasingly common. America used to have it all: good jobs, booming economy, skyrocketing stock market and plentiful housing. What a difference a year can make. The boom has gone bust and people are now heading for the exits en masse — with an eye abroad.

    It’s no wonder they likely find Canada so welcoming. It has an accessible language, diverse culture and low levels of government corruption, says Patricia Linderman, editor of Tales from a Small Planet, an online newsletter for expats.

    It also has other expats. This is important, Linderman says, since even the most gracious locals already have busy, established lives and can be unwilling to put in the effort to befriend someone they know could leave within several years.

    „I’m not suggesting that it’s good to live in an ‘expat ghetto’. It’s immensely rewarding to live among local people and make friends with them,” she says.

    Linderman says other expats are important because they share similar needs like making friends and adjusting to life in a new country. They also understand the frustrations daily life brings.

    Canada is the most welcoming; almost 95 percent of respondents to HSBC Bank International’s Expat Exploreer Survey, released today, said they have made friends with locals. In Germany, 92 percent were so lucky and in Australia 91 percent befriended those living there. The United Arab Emirates was found to be the most difficult for expats; only 54 percent of those surveyed said they’d made friends with locals. The U.S. ranks sixth among the 14 nations surveyed.

    „A significant expat community,” she says, „also means that there will be at least one truly international school, expat support groups and amenities like English-language bookstores.”

    Team Work

    Joining a recreational sports team or community group can help speed integration. Almost half of respondents reported taking this action, with Germany leading the pack at 65 percent. Churches, organizations and schools provide good places to forge friendships with people who possess common interests and beliefs.

    Parents of twins at 15

    Despite their tender years delighted Sammii Humphries and Daniel Sargent vowed to be the perfect mum and dad to little Liam and Ryan. Their baby joy comes as a national debate continues over The Sun’s revelations about


    Alfie Patten — the baby-faced lad who became a dad at 13.

    Sammii conceived when she was 14 and had no idea she was expecting until she felt something move and went to a family planning clinic.

    The year 11 pupil discovered she was already 22 weeks pregnant.


    Sammii, from Southport, Merseyside, said: “I was shocked and upset. I didn’t know how to tell my mum.”

    That was sorted out by the clinic, who gave her mother Janet Gilbert a call.

    Janet said: “The family planning asked me to come down. My first reaction was shock, especially when they said it was twins. But what can you do?

    “Daniel stayed here at our house with Sammii the odd night and of course, it happened. You can’t stop young couples when they’re courting. If they weren’t here they would just go somewhere else.”


    The tots arrived after only 28 weeks and were immediately put on ventilators — with Liam weighing just 3lb and Ryan only 2lb 9oz.

    the sun

    ‘Nude Tube’ strip contest

    Now a new Internet competition is doing the same – but rewarding the naked variety instead. World Nude Day organisers are offering almost £10,000 in gold for videos of people doing everyday antics with no clothes on.



    Entries so far include the gymnast above, naked female footballers, stripped burger bar workers and starkers snowboarders.


    the sun

    Chandra Levy case solved

    The Metropolitan Police Department has no information available for release in this ongoing investigation. This case generated numerous bits of information, which we continue to follow up on,” Police Chief Cathy Lanier


     said in a written statement released Saturday morning.

    KGO-TV, in San Francisco, California, quoted a Washington television report that said police were pursuing an arrest warrant for a prison inmate named Ingmar Guandique.

    Guandique is being held at the Federal Correctional Institution-Victorville, a medium-security facility north of San Bernardino, California, an official there confirmed to CNN on Saturday.

    Police contacted Levy’s parents, Susan and Robert Levy, on Friday, informing them of the latest developments, the couple told CNN affiliate KXTV.

    „No, they didn’t say exactly when … she said it would be really soon,” Robert Levy said, without naming the police officer.

    „She didn’t say the name yet, but we think we know who it is. I don’t want to say until it’s official, though,” the father said.

    „We appreciate all the hard work they did,” Susan Levy, told another CNN affiliate, KXTV in Sacramento, California. „You want justice. You want the person incarcerated. It is still painful no matter what. Your child is dead and gone. But we are glad the police are doing something and making a difference.”

    Levy, 24, used her computer and then left her apartment May 1, 2001, and vanished. Her remains were found May 22, 2002, by a man walking his dog in a remote area of Washington’s Rock Creek Park.

    The search for Levy and massive publicity that accompanied it stemmed largely from her connection to Rep. Gary Condit, D-California.

    Condit and Levy, a federal Bureau of Prisons intern from Condit’s district, had an affair, and police questioned Condit many times in connection with the murder. Police never named Condit as a suspect.

    Condit, a member of Congress since 1989, lost the 2002 Democratic primary and left office at the end of his term. He later reportedly moved to Arizona.


    Sgt. Michael Leahy Jr., 28

     U.S. Army medic was sentenced Friday to life in prison with the possibility of parole after being convicted of murdering four detainees in Iraq, a U.S. military spokesman in Germany said.


    Sgt. Michael Leahy Jr., 28, was convicted on two counts of murder and premeditated murder for his role in the 2007 Baghdad area killings.

    Leahy was downgraded to private, his pay will be forfeited and he’ll get a dishonorable discharge if he is ever released from prison. The sentence was handed down Friday night.

    Two other soldiers also face courts-martial in the case, said military spokesman Lt. Col. Eric Bloom.

    Leahy was acquitted of murder in a separate incident involving the death of another Iraqi in January 2007.


    This year, the Oscars are on Hugh Jackman’s shoulders.

    The Australian actor, who earned rave reviews for his hosting of the Tonys, now has the Academy Awards to contend with. It’s a job that’s put Jon Stewart, Chris Rock, Whoopi Goldberg and David Letterman on the firing


     line, with only Billy Crystal and Johnny Carson emerging more or less unscathed in the last couple of decades.

    But with typical verve – after all, this is the guy who won a Tony for playing song-and-dance man Peter Allen in „The Boy from Oz” – Jackman cracks jokes about the task, telling ABC that one of his distinctions is that he’s the „tallest” Oscar host in recent years.

    To CNN’s Brooke Anderson, he was equally at ease. „Ultimately, the way I see it is if I’m not going to have a good time, then how can anyone else have a good time,” he said.

    Even if he’s not having a good time, you may not want to get in his way. After all, this is the guy who’s played the fearsome, sharp-clawed Wolverine in the „X-Men” movies and gets a solo turn as the superhero in the forthcoming „X-Men Origins: Wolverine.”


    Go for it !!Rio Carnaval. Foto and videos!

    This is it! The globe’s most spectacular annual cultural pageant, where the ancient world’s spirit of chaotic collective delirium and abandonment of self to the impulses of the body is unrivaled. Rio has a new team as it continues

    its dream of becoming the first Olympic City on its continent. Here you can find many Cinderella stories worth retelling as we seek the global stories everyone should share. Along with the well detailed story of samba culture giving us the collective power of song, dance and divinities to transform and unite a nation we think the birth of bossa nova and Rio beach bikinis at the dawn of the 60’s is a story for everyone 


    Obama tells Treasury to begin cutting taxes

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama ordered the U.S. Treasury on Saturday to implement tax cuts for 95 percent of Americans, fulfilling a campaign pledge he hopes will help jolt the economy out of recession.


    The tax cuts are part of a $787 billion economic recovery plan passed by the Democratic-controlled Congress over Republican opposition. The aim is to put more money in the pockets of Americans and stimulate the economy by increasing consumer spending.

    „I’m pleased to announce that this morning the Treasury Department began directing employers to reduce the amount of taxes withheld from paychecks, meaning that by April 1st, a typical family will begin taking home at least $65 more every month,” Obama said in his weekly radio address.


    Gemius – Orange study: half of Romanian internet users consider online purchases risky

    Half of the Romanian internet users shop online, with books, CDs and films among their most preferred purchasing goods. However, 49% of respondents say that buying online is not safe and a significant part of those

    who bought online are dissatisfied with the delivery times and insufficient product information, a joint Gemius – Orange study reveals about e-shopping in Romania in 2008.



    Italian authorities pass public security and sexual abuse prevention decree

    The Italian Council of Ministers adopted with unanimity on Friday the decree ruling immediate measures to ensure public safety and counter sexual abuses, local news televisions inform. Some of the measures adopted

    include the replacement of house arrest with detention for those accused of sexual aggressions, offering judicial assistance to victims and measures countering illegal immigration.



    The challenges Obama faces raise both caution and hope

    Rarely has an incoming U.S. President received such a resounding welcome from around the world. From the sun-baked streets of Africa and Asia to the snow-covered offices of the European Commission in Brussels, Barack

    Obama’s election mantra „Yes, we can!” has echoed like a stubborn cry of resolve in the face of growing global uncertainty.


    Dacia pleads for the environment tax. Starting April, some 15,000 employees could get fired in Arges

    Dacia’s general director Francois Fourmont will meet on Wednesday with representatives of the Romanian government for talks, a day before authorities are due to announce the decision regarding the modification of

    the environment tax for second hand cars.a


    Central Bank approves mortgage credits relaxation

    The Romanian Central Bank (BNR) board decided on Thursday that banks may accept a higher debt/income rate for clients that guarantee their loans with „quality real estate properties”, a press release of the institution

    informs. The reason, according to the release, is that a recent analysis revealed that clients with mortgage credits are less likely to fail refunding the credit, compared to other categories of debtors”.


    Fiat negotiates alliance with Chrysler

    Fiat officials confirmed on Tuesday that negotiations have been taking place for putting up a partnership with Chrysler. The company vice president, John Elkann, confirmed the rumors recently published by the media, saying

    that Fiat may acquire an important stock at Chrysler, in exchange for their more ecological production technology.


    CoFace to maintain Romania’s rating at -A4

    CoFace maintained Romania’s rating at A4 minus, initially attributed in 2007. Agency representatives declared that the risks are not that high for our country and the A4 rating indicates an average bad reputation for

    payments which can get worse due to the economic and political environment.


    Bucharest makes Guinness Book sausage

    Bucharest won a place in the Guinness Book of Records after producing on Saturday the longest smoked sausage in the world. The record was officially noted on Saturday morning by the Guinness World Records officials. The

    over 300 meters long sausage was made out of over 70 kilograms of meat, pork fat, garlic, spices and „secret ingredients” for a fresh and savory taste. Bucharest also prepares to beat another record – the world’s largest cake, weighting over 200 kilograms. The record-mania begun a week ago, when almost 4,000 Santa Clauses offered gifts on the streets of Bucharest.


    Changes to Romanian consumer credit requirements

    Separate and apart from the general legal framework for the protection of consumers in Romania set forth in Government Ordinance no. 21/1992 (hereinafter the “GO”), a niche had existed for creditors enabling them to

     modify the interest and fees that they charged for certain consumer loans by increasing them as much as they wanted – such as the law regarding mortgages (Law 190/1999) and the law regarding consumption credits (Law 289/2004). As a consequence, consumers often paid more and more to the banks as interest or fees were arbitrarily increased. 


    The Government may lay off 20% of the personnel

    Democrat Liberal and Social Democrat leaders take into account laying off 20% of all budgetary employees, so that salaries in the system may increase without affecting the budget deficit target, sources in the two parties

    declared for NewsIn. The only problem so far seems to be the fact that none of the ministers is willing to announced personnel cuts. „In case an agreement is reached, the Finance Ministry will put up the budget draft to be presented in the Parliament”, Governmental sources said for NewsIn.

    Northern rivers in Romania may reach caution level

    Hydro experts warn that ice dislocation may lead to the rivers’ swelling up to the caution level in Northern Romania, on several segments of the Tisa, Iza, Somes and Mures rivers, Mediafax informs.

    The rivers’ level may grow between 1 and 1.5 meters over the current level, through January 22 and 23. 



    Raiffeisen executive: Credits in foreign currencies – one of the main problems of Romanians and Hungarians

    One of the most important problems in Romania and Hungary is the large number of credits in convertible currencies, given the recent depreciation of the two national currencies, the RON and the forint, said Walter

     Rothensteiner, executive manager of Raiffeisen Zentralbank, according to Reuters. The official also said that the debt clients have in these countries increased proportionally with the depreciation, but that the group agrees to offer a longer return period


    The Romanian state does not guarantee popular or company bank deposits with a negotiated and customized interest rate

    Besides those who negotiate their own terms, the state will not guarantee the deposits made by managers, censors, financial audit experts, significant shareholders and their families – spouses, first degree alliance family

     members and third parties acting in the behalf of the above-mentioned categories.

    Deposits made after transactions sanctioned by Courts as money laundering are also uncovered.

    Still, the law is subject to interpretations, in its current shape, and consultations take place with the Romanian Banks Association, mainly in the customized interests area, where some banks offer rates well above the market for major resources



    Erste Group supports the credit offering activities of the Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR),

    Erste will continue to ensure, as it did until now, the financing for BCR. As a result, our bank can finance – both in RON and Euros – quality, viable business projects”, read a press release by BCR’s Wolfgang Schoiswohl, on

    Friday.Cristian Ionescu, country manager with Coface Romania, declared on Thursday that credit institutions in Romania are forced by their mother-banks to stop the existing lines of credit and financing and to demand anticipatory reimbursement, The head of Coface Romania didn’t offer any firm names, but mentioned that all banks demand this, „be they Austrian, American or Turkish”.



    Romania to host the European Youth Olympic Festival in 2013

    Romania will host in 2013 the winter edition of the European Youth Olympic Festival. The General Assembly of the European Olympic Committees met in Istanbul last week and decided to offer Romania the right to organize it.


    Romania’s delegation comprised the mayors of  the organizing tourist resorts on Valea Prahovei, locations renowned for their sky slopes, and several Bucharest officials. The European Youth Olympic Festival is organized by the European Olympic Committees Association under the high patronage of the International Olympic Committee. At this multi-sport competition youngsters aged 13 to 18 years old can participate.
    Romania was part of the festival as yearly as 1993, when its first edition was organized. Last year, our country was represented by 19 young people.

    The Romanian state to pay compensation to a prisoner for being beaten up by policemen

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that the Romanian that was tortured by policemen during an investigation 11 years ago should receive compensation from the Romanian state. After attempting to sue the state in Romania at the military court the man decided to file a complaint in



    Strasbourg. Thus, the man will receive 7,000 euro as moral prejudice for being subjected to inhuman treatment. Ion Lupascu, aged 49 is currently imprisoned for a 19 year punishment for robbery that lead to the death of the victim. On September 1997, the man engaged in a fight with the seller that he hit several times.

    Lupascu was convicted and says that during the investigation, three aggressive policemen beat him up. The next day, the man obtained a medical certificate that attests the treatment he was subjected to.

    Doctors estimated that the man will need 2 to 3 days of medical care for his wounds. Investigated by the military court, the policemen were found not guilty as they claimed that the victims wounds were caused because the victim opposed his arrest.

    Romanian condemned to 27 years of prison in USA for internet fraud

    A Romanian citizen was condemned by a US court to 27 years of prison time for internet fraud, Chicago Tribune reads, quoted by Romanian news television Realitatea TV. This punishment is one of the highest ever given so far. Adrian Florin Fechet, a 39 year old Romanian man, was found guilty for


    stealing 5 million US dollars from 2,000 eBay shoppers and from other internet users.Prosecutors declared that victims auctioned several amounts for eBay products but did not offer enough to actually buy the product. They received an electronic message from the one who offered the product for sale, announcing them that they have a second chance to buy it. The message however, was sent from Romania, from members of Fechet’s group.

    Buyers willing to try their chance again would pay online to members of the group in the US that would then transfer the money to Romania. However, those transferring the money did not receive anything in return.

    Fechet was one of the 21 people accused in this case. Other three members of the group managed to escape the police forces and all the rest, with two notable exceptions, received punishments of two to eight years in prison.

    Petrom and ExxonMobil to explore in the Black Sea

    Petrom and ExxonMobil signed an agreement that allows them to explore the Romanian continental plateau of the Black Sea. The exploration will be done in the area of Neptun seaside resort, South East Romania, on a 9.900 square km area. The explorations will be directed to the area where the sea


    reaches its deepest point. In 2009, officials will purchase a huge 3D seismic equipment, a project that will be lead by Petrom.ExonMobil will finance the biggest part of the works and will offer the needed expertise in the evaluation of the seismic data. The project involves a high technology domain and Petrom will take up the first steps to explore waters with depths of over 100 meters. Petrom official Johann Pleinninger declared that the agreement with ExxonMobil is an important step and added that the full potential of the Black Sea was never explored in the Romanian area.

    Romanian peasants, the new image of poor indigenous populations, in a Burger King ad

    The image of Romanian peasants is used, next to others from Thailand and Iceland, to define poor indigenous populations in a Burger King campaign which wants to portray „one of the most authentic culinary test” but which generated criticism already, Romanian news agency Mediafax informs.
    According to AdAge, the campaign was made by Crispin Porter & Bogusky agency together with the MDC Partners creation team and will be launched on December 6. The campaign promises to portray „the most authentic culinary test” but has already attracted criticism for exploiting poor populations.
    The global campaign, named Whopper Virgins will be officially launched on December 6 and its main objective is to convince consumers that their Whopper sandwiches are tastier and more appreciated than McDonald’s sandwiches.On the online platform of the campaign, users can follow the reactions of representatives of various ethnic groups outside the US when they taste the Whoppers within the most authentic culinary test, as Burger King entitles the experiment.

    Ion Oncescu – world ambidextrous skandenberg champion

    Romanian Ion Oncescu won the world skandenberg championship, the 100 kg category after winning the world left hand championship on Saturday and the right hand championship on Sunday. Oncescu received, last year, the world championship title at the 90 kg category and this year, he became the


    first sportsman to obtain the title two years in a row.Romania’s Skandenberg Federation President Cristian Dulgheru declared, quoted by, that Oncescu managed to beat opponents in a second and some of them even requested medical care.

    Journalist Cornel Nistorescu injured two young people in motorcycle accident

    Two young people on a motorcycle were injured in a car accident involving journalist Cornel Nistorescu on Saturday night, Romanian television news Realitatea TV informs. The accident took place on Lascar Catargiu, a major boulevard in Bucharest.


    The journalist driving a BMW took a u-turn on a pedestrian crossing and entered another lane without noticing the motorcycle. According to the first information available, the two injured young people were seriously injured and transported to the Floreasca hospital.
    For almost one hour, Cornel Nistorescu refused to get off his car and ask about the health of the two people he injured. The journalist’s alcohol level was zero and the police started an investigation to determine the punishment for the irregularities.

    Agriculture giant Interagro lays off 90% of all employees

    The Interagro group will lay off 5,500 employees in January – over 90% of the total. Most people to lose their jobs are currently working in chemical plants, said the Interagro owner, Ioan Niculae.
    „We will shut down all six chemical companies we own, meaning 4,500 people will be laid off. In


    addition, we will have to lay off 500 people in agriculture and 500 more in various other areas”, said Niculae, adding that only a state intervention earlier than two weeks would make a difference.

    Niculae predicted a short while ago that Romania may face the most critical food crisis after 1990, in case subsidies and incentives for agriculture are not offered in time.

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