Infractiunile informatice din Noul Cod Penal

Infractiunile informatice din Noul Cod Penal


În noul Cod Penal al României, infracţiunile informatice sunt reglementate ţinând cont de directivele Convenţiei Consiliului Europei din data de 23-XI-2001 asupra criminalităţii cibernetice, ceea ce face ca prevederile din Legea 161/2003, să fie transferate noului Cod, ca atare sau cu modificări alături de noi reglementări.

Cuvinte cheie: infracţiuni informatice, cod penal, legislaţie.

Abstract: This article addresses the reader without law background. It briefly reviews cybercrime giving up the specific expression of law science to make clear information as may come to meet the general principle of law „Nemo censetur ignorare legem” (No one can claim not knowing the law).

To prevent and combat cybercrime, ensuring human rights and data protection, Member States of the Europe Council, together with the United States, Canada, Japan and South Africa as observers, were designed and then signed on 23-XI-2001 (less USA), „Convention on cyber crime” and on January 28, 2003, was submitted for ratification by Member States of the Europe Council, „Additional Protocol to the Convention on cyber crime”, regarding the incrimination of acts of racial and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems, which was signed by our country on 9 October 2003.

By these acts, it was established the legal basis necessary in criminal investigations, sanctions and international cooperation in cybercrime issues.

Romanian legislator has regulated in the spirit of „Convention on cyber crime” of Council of Europe that matter, in Title III of Book I, entitled „Preventing and combating cybercrime”, Articles 34-67 of the special criminal law 161/2003 – „On some measures to ensure transparency and public exercise of senior civil service and in business environment, corruption preventing and punishing.”

In the new Criminal Code of Romania, cybercrimes are covered by the directives given by Council of Europe Convention of 23-XI-2001 on cybercrime, which makes the provisions of Law 161/2003, be transferred to the new Code, as such or with changes and new regulations.

Keywords: Cybercrime, Criminal Code, Legislation.

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