IP-IT-Technology ROMANIA

IP-IT-Technology ROMANIA.

  1. •Business process outsourcing contracts
  2. •Contractual performance of developers




  1. •Software piracy and avenues for recovery
  2. •Management of liability under the data protection legislation and consumer complaint management
  3. •Regulatory compliance for business involved e-commerce information society
  4. •Options for recourse in failures to perform and deliver on contractual claims
  5. •Information systems, including batch system, interactive systems, office automation, client/server systems and network computing
  6. •Recovery of compensation and damages
  7. •Guidance on auditing contractual performance of contractors and developers against specifications and performance compliance to contractual obligations
    1. Drafting software licensing and exploitation agreements to meet your specific needs and requirements
    2. •Defining appropriate IP rights
    3. •Registering software with the Copyright Office
    4. •Drafting distribution, resale and end-user agreements
    5. •Managing the protection of know-how
    6. •Patent rights
    7. •Verifications on whether un-patented products might infringe an existing patented invention
    8. •Business process outsourcing
    9. •Infrastructure outsourcing
    10. •Providing legal advice on outsourcing obligations
    11. •Ensuring design matches implementation
    12. •Licensing requirements
    13. •Proposed contractual obligations including limitations and exclusions of liability, indemnities
    14. •Performance obligations
    15. •Service levels and  service levels compensation
    16. •Drafting and amending schedules
    17. •Negotiating
    18. •Advising on legal and contractual risk
    19. •IT & telecommunications software, hardware, systems and equipments public acquisitions
    20. •State aid schemes
    21. •Financing R&D
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