Romanian Law Online – Romanian Law Resources

The Romanian Law has evolved a lot in the last years, in multiple directions: it has to reflect the Romanian reality requirements, and it has to be in compliance with the European Community Legislation. This process is sustained by both Parliament Laws and/or Governmental Decrees, so a Romanian Law specialist must and has to be always aware of the last Law updates. It’s a difficult task, but the last years showed that the Romanian society is evolving and adapting to all these changes.

Romanian Law Online Romanian Law Online

This Section is dedicated to those interested in different Romanian Law aspects and its purpose is purely informative, for a first contact with the main problems in the discussed topics. The documents don’t have an official character but they present a Romanian Law specialist oppinion.

If you have questions regarding the presented topics or others, you can contact Att. Coltuc Marius

Romanian Family Law

Romanian-Law -Online – Romanian- Law- Resources

 Romanian Law Online

    The Divorce in the Romanian Law

    The Divorce Registration in Romania

    Parental Responsability in Romania

    Foreigners Marriage with Romanians

    Romanian Lawyer, Attorney, Law Office

    The Power of Attorney in Romania

    The Romanian Lawyer

    Law for the organization and practice of the lawyer as profession in Romania

 Romanian Law Online: Romanian Law Resources

    Romanian Law

    The Romanian Constitution

    The Romanian Patent Law

    The Romanian Law on the Procedure of Reorganization and Judicial Liquidation

    The Romanian Law on the Repression of the Unfair Competition

    The Romanian Law on Marks and Geographical Indications

    Romanian Emergency Ordinance on the Regime of Aliens in Romania

    Romanian Law on the protection and promotion of the rights of the child

    Romanian Law, EU Law

    CCBE: Protection of Confidences between European Lawyer and Client

    CCBE: Resolution on Acces to Justice and VAT

    Romanian Law Miscellaneous

    The Romanian Citizenship

    Founding a Company in Romania

    Work permit, long time visa for foreigners

    Romanian Passport Renewal

    Romanian Social Security Number for Expats

    The statement of the Ministry of Justice on the draft law regarding the setting up of the National Integrity Agency

    IT Strategy for the Reform of the Judiciary 2005-2009 in Romania

    Addresses, information

    Romanian Consulates

    Romanian Embassies

    About Romania and Romanian Cities

    The Executive and Legislative Power in Romania

    The Romanian Judicial System

    The Official Gazette of Romania

    Negotiation chapters – Accession of Romania, Romania in EU, Romania and IMF

    Justice and Home Affairs

    IMF: Romania2 013 Article IV Consultation, Concluding Statement of the Mission

    Romanian Business Framework

    The Offshore Development Framework in Romania

,,The Lawyer European Awards” – casele de avocatura din Romania au sectiune separata

Premiera la ,,The Lawyer European Awards”: casele de avocatura din Romania au sectiune separata. Care sunt firmele nominalizate
Publicatia britanica ,,The Lawyer” a introdus pentru prima data in cadrul festivitatii de decernare a premiilor pentru cele
mai bune case de avocatura din Europa o categorie distincta, dedicata firmelor de avocatura din Romania. In anii trecuti, firmele de avocatura romanesti puteau concura doar alaturi de alte firme din Europa de Est si Balcani, fiind grupate in sectiunea ,,Firma de Avocatura a Anului in Europa de Est si Balcani”.