„How I lost 57 lbs in two months with the easy

My name is Linda Collier from Bethesda, Maryland.. I’m not a celebrity, fitness buff, someone with a lot of money to spend on a trainer or someone with a lot of willpower or anything like that.  I’m just a wife and a mother of 3


 who figured out a diet that works better than any famous program or exercise routine.. So first I’ll tell you the basics about me:  I’ve been married to my husband Rod for 5 years and we have a little boy and twin girls.  I also work as a nurse part time besides being a mom, so as you can imagine life is pretty crazy and I don’t have a lot of time.  I hope that my story can help you to be inspired to lose weight also.

How did I gain all my weight?

Before I was married and had my kids I used to weigh 122 pounds.  I wasn’t super skinny but I looked pretty good.  I was satisfied with my body and when I was younger it seemed like I could eat whatever I wanted to because my metabolism was fast and I just burned everything off without even working out.  My husband was attracted to me and made me feel good about myself.

Then I had my son and I of course gained weight when I was pregnant.  I gained about 25 pounds.  I thought it would come off naturally but now I was running around taking care of him as a new mom and I kind of put myself last.  I was eating on the run and putting whatever was convenient into my mouth.  And I had no time to work out.  So instead of losing weight, I even gained another 5 pounds.

Then I got pregnant with my twin girls, and I gained another 25 pounds.  When all was said and done, I had gained 57 pounds.  I felt uncomfortable being in my own skin.  I felt so bad about myself.  I felt like I had let myself go and wondered if I was still attractive to my husband any more.  I didn’t like the way I looked and I didn’t want anyone to see me- I stopped going out with my friends and sometimes I even felt embarrased just to leave the house because of how big I had gotten.

I tried all the major diets like Atkins, Slim Fast, Jenny Craig.  I tried everything to lose weight.  I tried nutri system, the 3 hour diet, the grape fruit diet, everything.  I became obsessed with losing weight.  But nothing I tried worked.  I might lose 5 or even 10 pounds, but then the weight loss would stop.  Or I would be too cranky on the diet to continue on it.  Then I would gain the weight right back in the next few weeks.

I felt like I was in a downward spiral, nothing that I did worked.  I wanted to lose fat but it never worked, so I just gave up and started eating whatever I wanted.  At my heaviest, I weighed 179 pounds. I know that people think that people who are overweight are lazy or have no self control.  But the truth is, there are a number of reasons why people gain weight.  Some have kids, some don’t have the time or energy to diet.  With a day full of work or school, who wants to come home and exercise or eat a salad?  I am like most Americans, I am not a superhero.  I couldn’t juggle work, a husband, kids, cooking, cleaning and everything else that comes with living and then after that go to the gym after eating a salad for dinner.  That is crazy and no one can do it.

I really did try all the diets, and when they failed me, I felt helpless.  I thought that I would be fat forever.  Then one day I saw something on tv that changed my life.

How watching Oprah turned my life around.

One afternoon on my day off I was on my couch watching Oprah and this episode changed my life.  I can’t say that I wouldn’t still be overweight and miserable today if I hadn’t happened to see this show.  Oprah had Dr. Mehmet Oz on the show and they were talking about a new superfood called Acai Berry.

Dr. Mehmet Oz is a famous doctor who Oprah has on the show a lot, maybe you know him if you watch it often.  He is a health guru and big on anti aging stuff, beauty stuff, and looking good.  He is also a vice-chair and professor of surgery at Columbia University so I knew he was a credible guy.  Besides, of course Oprah isn’t going to have any shady guy on the show so I knew that whatever he said was going to be true.

He was talking about a new berry from the Amazon called Acai.  It is a more powerful antioxidant than pomegranite or red wine or blueberries.  It is put into easy to take supplement capsules.  The part that made me pay attention was when Dr. Oz started explaining how Acai helps you lose weight by reducing hunger and raising energy levels.  It seemed like what I had been waiting for all along.  After that I learned that CNN, CBS, ABC and the Wall Street Journal have also covered the health benefits of taking Acai berry.

The day after, Dr. Oz was on a different show talking about another way to lose weight.  He was telling the audience about colon cleansing and that doing a colon cleanse was a great way to lose weight fast.  I’m not a doctor or know all the medical details, but basically what happens is years worth of gunk gets trapped in your colon and starts to build up on the lining of your colon.  All sorts of toxins get trapped there from any fattening or unhealthy food you have eaten.  It’s a thick slime and it adds inches to your waistline and extra pounds on the scale.  So you do a colon cleanse to rid yourself of this lining and you also instantly lose inches off your waist and extra pounds just by doing this, no diet or exercise needed.

You can do a colon cleanse just by taking a pill that flushes all that stuff out.  It’s a supplement that will naturally clean out your colon.

Dr. Oz explained that you can exercise and diet all you want and it won’t help if you don’t take the right supplements to clean this junk out and give you energy.  That made me think, maybe thats why all those fad diets failed me.  He explained that cleaning out this junk will automatically shed excess pounds in a way that diet and exercise can’t.

I liked what I was seeing because Oprah and Dr. Oz weren’t actually selling anything themselves, so I knew they weren’t motivated to tell anything but the truth.  They were trying to get the public to understand the health benifits of Acai and Colon Cleansing.

The Acai and this special Colon Cleanse combination melted off my extra weight like magic.

Oprah and Dr. Oz talked about two amazing products- the acai and the colon cleanse.  They are sold seperately by two different companies, but because I saw both shows, I had the idea to use both at once and to combine them into a special diet.  Also, with three kids and the economy the way it is, I didn’t have the extra money to spend on something that might not work for me.  So after searching all over the internet I found a free trial of both products that Oprah and Dr. Oz were talking about!  I found a way to try them without spending money.  It was great.
The two products I discovered, and still use, are Acai Berry and this special Colon Cleanse .
This is how I combine them to make my special diet:

Step 1:

Acai Berry is the first and most important part of my diet. Acai Berry helps me:

  • Have more energy by giving me super vitamins and nutrients- I feel great!
  • Suppress my appetite- I’m not hungry anymore and don’t eat as much.
  • Evens out and stabillizes my metabolism so I burn more fat.
  • Tightens up and rejuvinates my complexion because of all the anti-oxidants.

I found my 30 day free trial of  Acai Berry here and it’s so easy to use- just take one capsule in the morning and one at night.

Step 2:

This special Colon Cleanse is the second important step of my diet. While Acai Berry, suppresses my hunger, keeps me healthy and gives me tons of energy,  this special Colon Cleanse :

  • Gets rid of pounds of waste from my colon- out of my body and down the potty.
  • Now that my colon is clean, my body can now eliminate new fat more efficiently.
  • Makes the acai berry even more effective because I can now process it better.
  • Eliminates the toxins that were sitting in my colon making me healthier and giving me more energy.
  • This is a cycle that continues and makes me healthier and healthier.
  • Gets inches off my waist instantly and pounds off my body instantly
  • Takes no work and you can’t accomplish it through diet and exercise.

I found my free trial bottle of this special Colon Cleanse here and I just take one supplement day and night at the same time I take my acai.  They are the perfect complement to eachother, they perfect weight loss duo.  This is how I achieved my amazing results and dropped pounds of fat off of my body
