I know exactly what you want… more money, right?

And ideally you want more money without much effort.  You don’t want to have to go setup a new web site, or create a new blog, or produce a new product, or go write a bunch more content, or go buy advertising.


You simply just wish there was a ‘magic’ way that you could instantly make more money without much additional effort.

Well, there is a way.  And I’m going to tell you exactly how to do it.  So pay close attention.

Here’s What You Need To Do:

Do a ‘Marketing Audit’ of your entire business…

– MAP out all the web sites you have and every web page that any of your visitors has the ability to view.  And it needs to be EVERY SINGLE PAGE.

– MAP out all of the email ‘contact’ that you have with any prospect or customer; this could be emails that get sent from your autoresponder after someone subscribes to your list, or a thank you email your site sends after someone submits an order, etc.  List EVERY point of contact where an email is sent to someone.

After you take some time and map out ALL of your marketing ‘touchpoints’ (web pages and emails) it’s now time to find INCOME LEAKS.

I guarantee you that right now you are not taking advantage of everything you already have to work with.

Think about it…

On the “Thank You” page that loads, for example, after someone submits an online form to opt-in to your list, are you promoting any of your products on that page?  Are you promoting affiliate offers?  Are you running AdSense ads?

When your site sends out emails, for example, like an emailed copy of a receipt for a product someone just purchased from you, do you include a promo for another one of your products or for an affiliate offer that earns you a commission?

“Thank You” pages and other ‘Response’ confirmation pages and emails are some of the BEST places to promote other things that will generate income for you.  The reason is because you are getting something in front of someone that JUST RESPONDED to something else.  This isn’t a PASSIVE web site visitor.  It’s someone that just TOOK ACTION that you asked them to take.

So these prospects and customers are the most likely to TAKE ACTION AGAIN and click on an affiliate link, or go check out a video you created, or go buy another one of your products, or go and take any action you’d like them to take at that time.

Take some time to fully AUDIT every single web page you have on the Internet as well as every single email that’s a part of any ’system’ you use and you are sure to find INCOME LEAKS and opportunities where you could INSTANTLY be making more money if you simply used that precious real estate to get other offers in front of people.

It’s so easy for entrepreneurs (myself included) to put up another web site or project and move on to other things without MAXIMIZING every little piece of real estate that we can use to make money.

So it’s a good idea for you to do this “Leak Detection” process on a regular basis as you continue to add more sites, pages, email follow-ups, etc. to your online marketing.
