10.000 de euro, prima de instalare pentru tinerii agricultori

42-17650954Numarul somerilor produsi de industrie creste de la o zi la alta, iar cererea de produse si servicii este în continua scadere.




De la vânzarile de autoturisme si pâna la cele de bunuri de uz caznic, toate pietele se confrunta cu efectele crizei economice. În aceste conditii, cei confruntati cu pierderea locului de munca nu se mai pot angaja. O alternativa pentru acestia o reprezinta agricultura, dar mai ales fondurile europene. Una dintre masurile finantate de UE o reprezinta si Masura 112, numita “ Instalarea tinerilor fermieri“.

Sursa: EvZ.ro

Prag de 100.000 euro la contractele de achizitie publica pentru furnizare si servicii

42-17650954Procedura cererii de oferte se va aplica numai daca valoarea estimata a contractului de achizitie publica, fara TVA, este mai mica decat sau egala cu

100.000 de euro pentru contractele de furnizare si pentru contractele de servicii, pentru contractele de lucrari pragul fiind de un milion de euro, transmite NewsIn.

Declaratia a fost facuta de vicepremierul Dan Nica, marti, la inceputul reuniunii convocate la Guvern pe tema absorbtiei fondurilor europene, in cadrul careia este luat in discutie si proiectul de modificare a legislatiei privind atribuirea contractelor de achizitie publica. Potrivit actualelor prevederi ale legislatiei privind atribuirea contractelor de achizitie publica, autoritatea contractanta are dreptul de a aplica procedura de cerere de oferte numai in cazul in care valoarea estimata, fara TVA, a contractului de achizitie publica este mai mica decat sau egala cu echivalentul in lei al urmatoarelor praguri: pentru contractul de furnizare si pentru contractul de servicii – 75.000 euro si pentru contractul de lucrari – 500.000 de euro.

Sursa: Ziua

Prestige Car Imports a primit cea mai mare amenda pentru SPAM din Romania

555Un dealer auto recent înfiintat în Bucuresti, Prestige Cars Imports, a fost amendat luna trecuta de catre Autoritatea Nationala pentru Comunicatii (ANC) cu



 10.000 de lei, pentru ca trimitea clientilor sai mesaje spam, adica mesaje electronice nesolicitate, prin email.

Dintre celelalte firme sanctionate cu amenzi mai mici mentionam ALL Educational SA si compania de telecomunicatii Evolva Telecom, ambele primind amenzi de cate 5.000 lei. Informatia a fost facuta publica în cadrul unei conferinte a ANC de marti, în care Autoritatea si-a prezentat bilantul amenzilor si sanctiunilor pe 2008, dar si proiecte vizate pentru anul în curs.

ANC a dat aceasta amenda în urma unor plângeri care i-au fost furnizate de catre persoanele care primeau aceste mesaje nesolicitate si în care firma îsi promova produsele. Iata lista firmelor amendate de ANC pentru spam:

– S.C. Prestige Car Imports S.R.L. – amenda în valoare de 10.000 lei
– S.C. Altfel S.R.L. – amenda în valoare de 5.000 lei
– S.C. ALL Educational S.A – amenda în valoare de 5.000 lei
– S.C. Finit Consult & Management S.R.L. – amenda de 5.000 lei
– S.C. Neoti Impex Com Prod S.R.L. – amenda de 5.000 de lei
– S.C. Evolva Telecom S.R.L. – amenda de 5.000 de lei
– Patru persoane fizice au fost amendate cu sume de câte 5.000 de lei pentru netransmiterea informatiilor solicitate
– Companiile S.C. Schuller Eh Klar S.R.L. si S.C. Karpaten Turism S.R.L. au fost amendate cu suma de 1.000, respectiv 5.000 de lei pentru efectuarea de comunicari comerciale nesolicitate.

Sursa: Antena3.ro

Magistratii exclusi îsi pot continua activitatea pâna la o decizie irevocabila a ÎCCJ

447Magistratii, pedepsiti disciplinar cu excluderea din breasla, îsi vor putea continua activitatea în functii pâna când hotarârea de sanctionare ramâne irevocabila, au decis marti senatorii-juristi.



Membrii comisiei juridice de la Senat au votat eliminarea din textul OUG 50/2006 privind unele masuri pentru asigurarea bunei functionari a instantelor judecatoresti a textului prin care magistratii care faceau recurs la o sanctiune disciplinara sa poata fi suspendati din activitate. Pâna în prezent activitatea judecatorii exclusi din magistratura era suspendata din momentul adoptarii deciziei de sanctionare. “(…) în cazul unei sanctiuni disciplinare, ca aceea a excluderii din magistratura, judecatorul sau procurorul care suportau o astfel de sanctiune, erau, în momentul exercitarii caii de atac a recursului la completul de noua judecatori la ÎCCJ, suspendati de sectia abilitata a CSM din magistratura, deci suspendat din activitatea de magistrat. Noua ni se pare o dubla sanctiune. Prin urmare, abrogându-se acest text, înseamna ca recursul suspenda executarea, prin urmare el îsi va continua activitatea pâna când hotarârea de sanctionare privind excluderea din magistratura ramâne irevocabila”, a explicat vicepresedintele ÎCCJ, Lidia Barbulescu.

Sursa: Antena3.ro

Guvernul va declara Pasajul Basarab ca fiind de utilitate publica

336Consilierii municipali au aprobat astazi proiectul privind solicitarea catre Guvern de a emite o hotarâre prin care Pasajul Basarab sa fie declarat de utilitate publica.


În acest fel procedurile de expropriere pot continua, iar lucrarile la pasaj vor putea fi terminate. Premierul Emil Boc a afirmat ca Guvernul va adopta o hotarâre pentru acordarea sumelor necesare exproprierilor si continuarea lucrarilor la Pasajul Basarab. “Guvernul va sprijini Primaria Capitalei, îl va sustine pe Oprescu pentru ca Pasajul Basarab sa fie declarat de utilitate publica si, în acest fel, va sustine procedurile care vizeaza exproprierile pentru cauza de utilitate publica. (…) Din partea noastra exista sustinere totala si vom colabora cu primaria în acest sens”, a spus Boc.

Sursa: Adevarul

Privarea de un bun în absenta unei despagubiri, încalcare a Conventiei Europene

22219Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie, în decizia sa referitoare la litigiile privind casele nationalizate, arata ca privarea de bun în absenta unei despagubiri

constituie o încalcare a Conventiei Europene, iar atunci când statul nu poate restitui imobilul în natura îl va despagubi pe proprietar.

În decizia din 9 iuie 2008, publicata luni în Monitorul Oficial 108, Înalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie – Sectiile Unite explica faptul ca daca lucrul a disparut dintr-o cauza imputabila uzurpatorului sau a fost transmis de acesta unui tert care a dobândit în mod iremediabil proprietatea lui, obiectul revendicarii urmeaza a fi convertit într-o pretentie de despagubiri, caz în care actiunea devine personala. “În vederea aplicarii unitare a legii, Înalta Curte stabileste ca legea speciala înlatura aplicarea dreptului comun, fara ca pentru aceasta sa fie nevoie ca principiul sa fie încorporat în textul legii speciale si ca aplicarea unor dispozitii ale legii speciale poate fi înlaturata daca acestea contravin Conventiei Europene a Drepturilor Omului. Aplicarea altor dispozitii legale decât cele ale legii speciale, atunci când acestea din urma sunt contrare Conventiei, trebuie sa se faca fara a se aduce atingere drepturilor aparate de Conventie apartinând altor persoane”, arata ICCJ.

Sursa: Gandul.info

Adrian Iorgulescu, fostul ministru al Culturii, a depus plangere penala impotriva lui Florin Chilian

11131Adrian Iorgulescu, fostul ministru al Culturii, a depus o plângere la Parchet împotriva lui Florin Chilian, pentru calomnie, si îi cere acestuia daune în valoare de 100.000 de lei.

Iorgulescu a depus plângerea în urma afirmatiilor “defaimatoare” ale artistului la adresa sa, privind modul în care a promovat imaginea României în UE.

Sursa: Gandul

A 24-year-old teacher from Holyoke, Massachusetts, is in custody after allegedly leaving town with a 15-year-old student

Lisa Lavoie and the male student were found in Morgantown, West Virginia, Monday night after apparently being together for a week, Holyoke Mayor Michael Sullivan said.


Investigators have charged Lavoie with enticement of a child.

On February 13, the student’s parents informed school officials of a possible relationship between the teacher and their son. That was late on a Friday afternoon, and when officials went to the school to question Lavoie, she was gone for the day. The next week was a vacation week for the school.

The student was reported missing on February 16, at the start of the vacation week. Lavoie wasn’t reported missing until she didn’t show up for school Monday.

Officials said the pair were in Vermont on Thursday before showing up in West Virginia on Monday. No details were provided on how their alleged movements were traced.


Marine One Spending Under Fire

President Obama has talked tough about the need to shed wasteful spending. But will he practice what he preaches? His one-time rival, Sen. John McCain, brought up a pricey presidential project that seems a bit unnecessary — a

fleet of 28 new Marine One helicopters that will cost taxpayers around $11.2 billion.

At a recent summit to cut the federal deficit, Sen. McCain suggested that if President Obama wants to help the economy, perhaps he should consider canceling the order. Obama replied that he’s already looking into it. Obama then joked that perhaps he’s been unknowingly deprived all his life, but his current Marine One chopper seems just fine to him. CNN is reporting that the new helicopters, which were originally ordered by President George W. Bush not long after 9/11, are now on hold (though not officially cancelled…yet).

Naturally, all this talk of gazillion-dollar equipment has people searching. Folks are desperate to know more about the fancy helicopters, what they can do, and why they cost such an exorbitant sum of cash. Queries immediately surged on „marine one photos” and „why is it called marine one.” Regarding the second inquiry: It’s called Marine One only when the president is aboard.

As for why the president needs 28 of them — apparently, it’s a safety precaution. When flying in Marine One, identical choppers travel next to the president’s ride. Trickery throws off the bad guys.


Scott Eyre is the latest ballplayer

Never thought we’d see a day when a pro ballplayer might take to selling apples or asking a fan to spare a dime, but thanks to the ongoing fraud schemes those farfetched scenes could become a reality this spring.


On Monday, Phillies reliever Scott Eyre became the latest MLB player to admit he’s in a bit of a financial bind, telling MLB.com’s Todd Zolecki that his assets are currently frozen due to the ongoing investigation into the Stanford Financial fraud case.

Just how bad is it? Well, because of the court-ordered freeze, Eyre says he’s „broke right now” and that he has „$13 in my wallet.” This after the lefty signed a one-year deal worth $2 million in the offseason.  


„The time to take charge of our future is here,” Obama declared

WASHINGTON – Standing before the nation on a „day of reckoning,” President Barack Obama summoned politicians and public alike Tuesday night to forge a path out of the worst economic disaster in a quarter-century


by embracing shared sacrifice and costly new endeavors to improve health care, schools and the environment.

„The time to take charge of our future is here,” Obama declared in his first address to a joint session of Congress, watched by millions of worried Americans on television and the Internet.

Adding words of reassurance, he said, „Tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before.”

Obama had to wade his way into a chamber packed with lawmakers eager to welcome the nation’s first black president into a Capitol built by slaves. The House gallery included a special section hosted by first lady Michelle Obama, where guests served as living symbols of the president’s goals. Cramming the floor was virtually the entire leadership of the federal government, including Supreme Court justices, led by Ruth Bader Ginsberg, back on the bench only this week after cancer surgery, and all but one Cabinet member, held away in case disaster struck. Obama’s 52-minute speech was interrupted 61 times by applause.

To deal with the current economic crisis, deepening each day, the president said more money would be needed to rescue troubled banks beyond the $700 billion already committed last year. He said he knows that bailout billions for banks are unpopular — „I promise you, I get it,” he said — but he also insisted it was the only way to get credit moving again to households and businesses, the lifeblood of the American economy.

Along with aid for banks, he also called on Congress to move quickly on legislation to overhaul regulations on the nation’s financial markets.

„I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary,” Obama said. „Because we cannot consign our nation to an open-ended recession.”

With U.S. automakers struggling for survival, Obama also said he would allow neither their demise nor „their own bad practices” to be rewarded. „I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it,” he said.

Thinking longer-term, Obama said in a speech lacking many specifics that both political parties must give up favored programs while uniting behind his campaign promises to help the millions without health insurance, build better schools and move the nation to more-efficient fuel use. He skipped the traditional litany of new programs common in such speeches but spoke on broad generalities about goals and themes that formed the backbone of his presidential campaign.

Just five weeks after his inauguration, Obama addressed an ebullient Democratic congressional majority and an embattled but reinvigorated GOP minority as well as anxious viewers at home. Despite the nation’s economic worries and the failure so far of his effort to draw support for his plans from more than a handful of Republican lawmakers, Obama enjoys strong approval ratings across the nation.

Bobby Jindal, Louisiana’s young, charismatic governor who is considered a potential 2012 presidential candidate, was chosen to deliver the televised GOP response. He exhorted fellow Republicans to be Obama’s „strongest partners” when they agree with him. But he signaled that won’t happen much, calling the $787 billion stimulus package „irresponsible.”

„The way to lead is not to raise taxes and put more money and power in hands of Washington politicians,” Jindal said. „Who among us would ask our children for a loan, so we could spend money we do not have, on things we do not need?”

Still, mindful of the public’s optimism about Obama’s leadership, Jindal, as well as other Republicans, took care to focus criticism primarily on Congress’ Democratic leaders, not on the president.

Pre-speech, Wall Street was in a better mood than it had been in for days: Stocks were up after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the recession might end this year.

But Obama spoke as bad economic news continued to pile up, felt all too keenly in U.S. homes and businesses. Some 3.6 million jobs have disappeared in the recession that ranks as the biggest job destroyer in the post-World War II period. Americans have lost trillions of dollars in retirement, college and savings accounts, with the stock market falling nearly half from its peak of 16 months ago.

New polls — some with Obama’s public support rising and others with it dropping — show that the political climate can be as precarious as the economic one. So Obama reached for both candor and can-do, blending the kind of grim honesty that has become his trademark since taking office with a greater emphasis on optimism.

„The weight of this crisis will not determine the destiny of this nation,” he said.

The central argument of his speech was that his still-unfolding economic revival plan has room for — even demands — a broader agenda. This is the big chore of his young presidency, and Obama’s hope was that he can begin to persuade the country that the longer-term items on his presidential agenda are as important to the nation’s economic well-being as unchoking credit and turning around unemployment numbers.

„The only way this century will be another American century is if we confront at last the price of our dependence on oil and the high cost of health care, the schools that aren’t preparing our children and the mountain of debt they stand to inherit,” Obama said.

He urged lawmakers to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that cause climate change by creating a cap-and-trade system of limits and pollution allowances. And he said the budget he is sending to Congress on Thursday will call for $15 billion a year in federal spending to spur development of environmentally friendly but so far cost-ineffective energy sources such as wind and solar, biofuels, clean coal and more fuel-efficient vehicles.

He said his budget request also will create new incentives for teacher performance and support for innovative education programs. He asked every American to commit to completing a year or more of higher education or career training.

In contrast to many State of the Union addresses by George W. Bush, Obama did not emphasize foreign policy. He touched on his intention to chart new strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan and to forge a new image for the U.S. around the world even as he keeps up the fight against terrorism.

With the economy dominant, Obama said the mess was one he inherited. „We have lived through an era where too often, short-term gains were prized over long-term prosperity, where we failed to look beyond the next payment, the next quarter or the next election,” he said.

Nonetheless, he aimed to show he is tackling the situation with both urgency and strict oversight for how the staggering sums are being spent. The massive stimulus plan, an overhaul of the financial sector bailout, and a $275 billion rescue for struggling homeowners are already in place, and more is likely on the way, Obama said.

Even as Washington pours money into the economic recovery, Obama said the budget deficit, at $1.3 trillion and ballooning, must be brought under control.

He promised he would slash it by half by the end of his term in 2013, mostly by ending U.S. combat in Iraq and eliminating some of Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy. He said his budget officials have identified a total of $2 trillion in savings over the next 10 years, also including ending education programs „that don’t work” and payments to large agribusinesses „that don’t need them,” eliminating wasteful no-bid contracts in Iraq and spending on weapons systems no longer needed in the post-Cold War era, and rooting out waste in Medicare.

„Everyone in this chamber, Democrats and Republicans, will have to sacrifice some worthy priorities for which there are no dollars,” he said. „And that includes me.”


Cum vi se par preţurile în magazine?

Preţurile produselor alimentare din hipermarketuri ar putea să scadă semnificativ. Spun asta producătorii, iar motivul este faptul că hipermarketurile nu mai pot include taxele de magazin în preţurile de


 achiziţie ale produselor.

Aceasta este principala prevedere a codului de bune practici, a cărui formă finală a fost stabilită de către producători, vânzători şi reprezentanţii Ministerului Agriculturii.

Cum vi se par preţurile în magazine, în acest moment?

Sursa: Realitatea TV

Exagerările pot afecta investiţiile

„Mai uşor cu criza pe scări! Am sărit în extrema cealaltă: deschid televizorul şi tot ce văd e criza, de dimineaţa până seara. Asta bineînţeles că îţi înrăutăţeşte şi anticipaţiile şi comportamentul social”, a declarat guvernatorul BNR.


Isărescu avertizează că exagerarea efectelor crizei poate goni investitorii. El promite însă că Banca Naţională va apăra leul. „BNR este pregatită să acţioneze pentru a preveni eventuale mişcări destabilizatoare ale cursului de schimb al leului. (…) Deprecierea excesivă a monedelor locale, care nu e justificată în raport cu fundamentele economice, poate crea mişcări destabilizatoare şi de aceea trebuie evitată”, a explicat guvernatorul Băncii Naţionale. 

Mugur Isărescu nu a anunţat şi măsurile concrete prin care va salva leul de la o depreciere puternică. Specialiştii cred, însă, că BNR nu vrea să vadă cursul peste 4,3 lei pentru un euro.



„How Facebook is Taking Over Our Lives.”

It’s packed with amazing factoids about the „social utility” brainchild of CEO Mark Zuckerberg. One such nugget is that if it were a country, it would have a population roughly approximating that of Brazil. And it’s growing like some


of those microorganisms I learned about in biology that split every few seconds–signing up new users, sometimes as many as five million per week.

This doesn’t surprise me in the least, having recently become a fan myself. I got an account years ago when you had to have a university address to see it. I thought, „Meh, just another one of those things where I can broadcast to the world how little I’m up to.” Years passed. It overtook MySpace in traffic months ago, as we reported on this blog in May.

After a while, I started hearing people in my circles, outside of work, talking about it. I’m, to put it gingerly, certainly in the post-college demographic. (When I started working at Alexa nine years ago, I thought of someone my current age as old.) Then, a few months back, my best friend sent me a friend request–she’s way less inclined to jump on a bandwagon than I, so I caved. Dozens of friend invitations later, I’m reunited with high school friends. Full circle: last week I got friended by a favorite relative in my mom’s age group, and this morning I had another friend recommend the article on which I’m now blogging!

The site is certainly sticky. I have a few ways to get and post updates without actually going to the website because I don’t dare venture there regularly and try to hold a job. And I’ve noticed an increase recently in the number of times I accept a friend request from the guy who took my lunch money every day in the sixth grade only to see, „Joe is new to Facebook. Recommend people Joe may know.”

And the traffic data certainly supports the trends I’ve observed, and those reported in the article. While this graph only represents the traffic to the Facebook website itself, not all those widgets we use to get our fix without getting swept away, their Reach has practically tripled in a year. I’m curious to watch how this plays out.


Furtul seifurilor cutuma in Romania

Nu numai băncile sau casele de schimb valutar sunt ţinte perfecte pentru hoţi. Mai nou, ei atacă şi instituţiile bugetare ale statului, în special primăriile de comune. Asta deoarece paza este aproape inexistentă şi indiferent de caz, tot le pică ceva “mărunţiş”.

Într-o singură noapte, la începutul lunii, o bandă de trei hoţi a dat două lovituri şi a ratat o alta. Prima locaţie a fost primăria din Bujoreni (judeţul Teleorman), o aşezare ce numără un pic peste o mie de locuitori. Aici, puţin după miezul nopţii, paznicul a auzit voci pe hol. Doi indivizi intraseră deja pe un geam pe care îl forţaseră, iar cel de-al treilea şi-a făcut apariţia pe uşa deschisă ulterior. În câteva minute, bărbatul a fost anihilat.

Legat la mâini cu cablul unui mouse, iar picioarele înfăşurate cu un cablu de tastatură, acesta a fost aruncat într-un birou, iar hoţii au trecut la căutări. Au dat de seiful pe care-l bănuiau a fi plin. O cutie grea de vreo 300 de kilograme. S-au chinuit ceva, dar au reuşit să-l spargă şi au fugit cu 11.559 de lei.

O oră şi jumătate mai târziu în noapte, sistemul de alarmă al Primăriei Brezoaele din Dâmboviţa se declanşase, după ce aceiaşi mascaţi au forţat un geam pentru a pătrunde în interior. Ghinion! Nu au insistat aici, fapt confirmat şi de secretarul instituţiei, Ionuţ Florea, care ne-a spus că absolut nimic nu a fost mişcat de la locul lui în clădire. Însă cei trei tâlhari nu s-au speriat. Au mers mai departe.

La cinci kilometri, într-o altă comună. Lunguleţu. Era în jur de 4.00 dimineaţa. Aici, nu au ţinut cont nici de faptul că sediul Poliţiei era chiar peste drum. Oricum, acolo nu se afla nimeni … Au forţat uşa de la intrare şi nu au apucat să facă doi paşi, că au fost “întâmpinaţi” de paznic. Ion Neagu, de 62 de ani, a încercat să le ţină piept, să treacă de ei şi să iasă în stradă, pentru a cere ajutor. Nu a reuşit, pentru că a fost luat în primire de hoţi, trântit la pământ, lovit şi legat de mâini şi de picioare, tot cu cablurile de la calculator. Au forţat uşile tuturor birourilor până au dat de seif. Nu se ştie de ce nu l-au spart, ci s-au chinuit să-l care, chiar dacă el cântărea peste 200 de kilograme.

Primarul din Lunguleţu, Vlad Ion, spune că prada e prea mică: “În seif erau vreo 323 lei şi nu au dispărut toţi banii, pentru că 213 lei erau împachetaţi separat şi se aflau printre alte bonuri şi chitanţe. Nu i-au găsit”.

Nu numai băncile sau casele de schimb valutar sunt ţinte perfecte pentru hoţi. Mai nou, ei atacă şi instituţiile bugetare ale statului, în special primăriile de comune. Asta deoarece paza este aproape inexistentă şi indiferent de caz, tot le pică ceva “mărunţiş”.

Într-o singură noapte, la începutul lunii, o bandă de trei hoţi a dat două lovituri şi a ratat o alta. Prima locaţie a fost primăria din Bujoreni (judeţul Teleorman), o aşezare ce numără un pic peste o mie de locuitori. Aici, puţin după miezul nopţii, paznicul a auzit voci pe hol. Doi indivizi intraseră deja pe un geam pe care îl forţaseră, iar cel de-al treilea şi-a făcut apariţia pe uşa deschisă ulterior. În câteva minute, bărbatul a fost anihilat.

Legat la mâini cu cablul unui mouse, iar picioarele înfăşurate cu un cablu de tastatură, acesta a fost aruncat într-un birou, iar hoţii au trecut la căutări. Au dat de seiful pe care-l bănuiau a fi plin. O cutie grea de vreo 300 de kilograme. S-au chinuit ceva, dar au reuşit să-l spargă şi au fugit cu 11.559 de lei.

O oră şi jumătate mai târziu în noapte, sistemul de alarmă al Primăriei Brezoaele din Dâmboviţa se declanşase, după ce aceiaşi mascaţi au forţat un geam pentru a pătrunde în interior. Ghinion! Nu au insistat aici, fapt confirmat şi de secretarul instituţiei, Ionuţ Florea, care ne-a spus că absolut nimic nu a fost mişcat de la locul lui în clădire. Însă cei trei tâlhari nu s-au speriat. Au mers mai departe.

La cinci kilometri, într-o altă comună. Lunguleţu. Era în jur de 4.00 dimineaţa. Aici, nu au ţinut cont nici de faptul că sediul Poliţiei era chiar peste drum. Oricum, acolo nu se afla nimeni … Au forţat uşa de la intrare şi nu au apucat să facă doi paşi, că au fost “întâmpinaţi” de paznic. Ion Neagu, de 62 de ani, a încercat să le ţină piept, să treacă de ei şi să iasă în stradă, pentru a cere ajutor. Nu a reuşit, pentru că a fost luat în primire de hoţi, trântit la pământ, lovit şi legat de mâini şi de picioare, tot cu cablurile de la calculator. Au forţat uşile tuturor birourilor până au dat de seif. Nu se ştie de ce nu l-au spart, ci s-au chinuit să-l care, chiar dacă el cântărea peste 200 de kilograme.

Primarul din Lunguleţu, Vlad Ion, spune că prada e prea mică: “În seif erau vreo 323 lei şi nu au dispărut toţi banii, pentru că 213 lei erau împachetaţi separat şi se aflau printre alte bonuri şi chitanţe. Nu i-au găsit”.



Tara bodyguarzilor mai numeroşi decât poliţiştii


Eugen Preda, poliţist demisionar, sportiv olimpic, şef de clan interlop în timpul liber va fi cercetat în libertate. Eliberat de judecători, a strigat: “să se





termine chestia asta cu clan! Ce clan? E o înscenare”.

Poliţia “veghează”, am primit asigurări dimineaţă, la prânz şi seara de la reprezentanţii autorităţilor în lungi emisiuni tv care au tocat situaţia. De pildă, purtătorul de cuvânt Christian Ciocan ne-a asigurat că Poliţia îl avea în atenţie pe cel care a stârnit bătălia de la mall, colegul lor, salariat al Ministerului de Interne, Eugen Preda. “Vigilenţa” a dat roade, a fost prins de o firmă de bodyguarzi, iar ei, poliţiştii, alături de colegii de la procuratură nu au reuşit în două zile să ia de la mallul în care a avut loc cafteala urbană nici măcar casetele cu imaginile camerelor de supraveghere, ce ar fi putut susţine acuzarea şi, eventual, duce la arestarea lui Preda.



Cadavru aruncat pe şosea sub regizarea unui accident rutier


În ţara în care orice este posibil şi câinii de mult nu mai aleargă cu covrigi în coadă, nu ne mai şochează cu nimic vreun caz pe care altă dată îl consideram a fi unul izolat şi inadmisibil.

Un simplu accident rutier provocat din neatenţie, soldat cu moartea şoferului, ar putea fi considerat ceva banal. Dar dacă mortul nu a decedat în timpul accidentului şi de fapt era un cadavru al cărui ucigaş nu voia decât să mascheze crima? Aceasta este marea întrebare care zace pe umerii fiicei de doi ani de zile iar organele anchetatoare întorc spatele. Oare cine se ascunde în spatele acestui aşa zis accident rutier în urma căruia a decedat o persoană?



Europarlamentarii pot încasa câştiguri de peste un milion de euro.

Suma o pot obţine uşor într-un mandat de cinci ani, bani provenind din buzunarele contribuabililor. Raportul confidenţial arată că unii aleşi au cerut bani pentru plata unor asistenţi inexistenţi. Mai mult, pe numele

persoanelor fictive au apărut bonusuri uriaşe iar banii au fost deturnaţi către companii-paravan. Practica cea mai răspândită pare a fi supraîncărcarea facturilor şi asta pentru că europarlamentarii nu sunt obligaţi să facă dovada cheltuielilor prin chitanţe.



Evaziune fiscală legală

Evaziunea fiscală legală se realizează când o anumită parte din veniturile sau averea unor persoane sau categorii sociale sunt sustrase de la impunere datorită modului în care legislaţia fiscală dispune stabilirea obiectivului

 impozabil. Contribuabilii găsesc anumite mijloace şi exploatând insuficienţele legislative eludează în mod «legal» prevederile fiscale, sustrăgânduse total sau în parte plăţii impozitelor tocmai datorită acestei insuficienţe a legislaţiei.

Singurul vinovat de producerea evaziunii prin astfel de mijloace este doar legiuitorul. Un caz de evaziune fiscală legală este practica unor societăţi comerciale de a investi o parte din profitul realizat în achiziţii de maşini şi utilaje pentru care statul acordă reduceri ale impozitului pe venit, măsură care este menită să stimuleze acumularea.

Exemple de evaziune fiscală legală:
_ acordarea unor facilităţi fiscale sub forma unor exonerări;
_ scutiri parţiale;
_ reduceri;
_ deduceri, constituie un cadru favorabil ocolirii sau prevalării de la plata obligaţiilor fiscale prin anumite procedee;
_ acordarea unor scutiri delimitate temporal în cazul înfiinţării de noi societăţi comerciale de la plata impozitului pe profit;
_ în unele ţări societăţile de persoane au dreptul de a opta ca venitul obţinut să fie impus ori ca în cazul societăţilor de capital, ori ca în cazul persoanelor fizice;
_ atunci când statul se confruntă cu dificultăţi financiare mai deosebite scoate de sub incidenţa impozitării veniturile aferente depozitelor bancare şi a celor provenite din plasamente sub forma de titluri financiare obligatare emise de stat;
_ cheltuielile generale ale societăţilor comerciale nu sunt reglementate uneori;
_ există tendinţa supraevaluă rii acestora prin creşterea nejustificată economic;
_ supraevaluarea amortiză rii prin constituirea legală a unui fond de amortizare într-un cuantum superior investiţiilor necesare constituie o modalitate de diminuare a bazei impozabile;
_ impunerea veniturilor realizate de anumite categorii de persoane fizice pe baza unor norme medii de venit creează condiţii pentru contribuabilii care realizează venituri mai mari decât media, să nu plătească impozit pentru diferenţa respectivă.



Spune-ne cum trăieşti tu în străinătate?


„Sunt stabilit de 18 ani în Italia, la Roma, şi vroiam să vă împărtăşesc câte ceva din ceea ce se întâmplă acum, aici, văzând faptul că noi, românii, suntem

 văzuţi altfel. Mă uimesc auzind diferite opinii ale celor stabiliţi în Italia. Aici unde locuim noi deja suntem priviţi ca o rasă de infractori, în şcoli copii noştri sunt priviţi într-un anumit fel şi nu merităm acest lucru, vă asigur. Suntem preocupaţi de ceea ce se poate întâmpla în continuare, pentru că „unda de şoc” încă nu a trecut. Zilele trecute, un prieten de-al meu care deţine un magazin alimentar, a fost trezit în miezul nopţii de carabinieri pentru faptul că magazinul era în flăcări. A  avut marele noroc că pompierii au venit în câteva clipe şi au stins imediat incendiul.

După acest episod, am decis să instalez şi eu la firmă telecamere pentru a preveni ceea ce mai pot preveni. Deja ştim că poliţia nu va găsi niciodată vinovaţii. Lumea în jurul nostru vorbeşte… vorbeşte… s-a săturat, asta e clima care se respiră, s-au săturat efectiv de ceea ce văd şi aud în fiecare zi. Iar pe noi ne privesc cu din ce în ce cu mai multă neîncredere. Asta după 18 ani de muncă şi de sacrificii, pentru a ne câştiga un loc onest în societate.



Vă simţiţi ameninţaţi de interlopi?

22218Scali, Malu, Domnu, Preda, chiar şi Sadoveanu. Sunt doar o mică parte din cei care au făcut o adevărată artă din şantaj, cămătărie, bătaie, taxă

de protecţie, tâlhărie sau trafic de droguri. Sunt clanurile care acţionează în Bucureşti şi care şi-au împărţit teritoriul. Fiecare cu propriul domeniu de activitate.

Sectorul 1 a fost condus până acum câţiva ani de fraţii Gemeni, care au ajuns însă după gratii şi aşa s-au ridicat alţi interlopi. Potrivit procurorilor şi poliţiştilor, clanul Sadoveanu este specializat acum în taxe de protecţie. Iar gruparea Buba are grijă de cimitire. Adică nimeni nu-şi ia loc de veci fără a plăti o taxă în plus. Clanul Capone „lucrează” la gara de Nord. Obiect de activitate: taxă de protecţie şi controlul taximetriştilor de lux – cei care lucrează la negru. Proxenetismul, tâlhăriile şi furtul de maşini sunt de domeniul clanului Domnu.

Sectorul 2 este ,,coordonat” de către clanul Duduianu şi gruparea Gheară şi Corsicanu care controlează tot ce mişcă în centrul comercial Niro, dar şi în rândul afaceriştilor chinezi. Capii clanului Duduianu au fost arestaţi pentru trafic de droguri. Mai este Mitu al lui Caran, care dirijează o reţea de proxeneţi, dar este implicat şi în furtul de maşini şi traficul de droguri.

Sectorul 3 este condus de oamenii lui Ştoacă, specializaţi în furturi şi proxenetism. Cei din clanurile Burtea şi Scali sunt implicaţi în afaceri dubioase cu terenuri şi se impun prin şantaj. Mai este Sile Pietroi, reţinut anul trecut, dar foarte repede eliberat de magistraţii bucureşteni, care au considerat că nu reprezintă pericol social.

Sectorul 4 are clanul Toboşarii şi oamenii lui Benga, specializaţi în taxe de protecţie. Tot aici, a revenit de după gratii şi clanul Sportivilor, pentru că membrii grupării sunt judecaţi în stare de libertate.

Sectorul 5 era controlat în totalitate de fraţii Cămătaru. De când sunt la închisoare, au pus stăpânire Duduienii lui Piam, cu tâlhării, şantaj şi furturi



Referendumul pentru autonomie de la Sfântu Gheorghe, atacat în instanta

aaaPrefectura judetului Covasna a atacat în instanta hotarârea Consiliului Local (CL) Sfântu Gheorghe prin care aproba organizarea, în data de 15 martie, a

referendumului privind autonomia, transmite corespondentul NewsIn.

Prefectul Codrin Munteanu a declarat luni, în cadrul unei conferinte de presa, ca hotarârea în cauza este în instanta si au sarit peste procedura prealabila, întrucât nu mai era timp pentru aceasta, hotarârea fiind trimisa târziu.

Pâna în prezent doua hotarâri locale privind organizarea referendumului pentru autonomie, ale consiliilor locale Baraolt si Bixad, au fost anulate de instanta în Covasna. În plus, la ora actuala, cinci hotarâri privind referendumul se afla pe rolul Tribunalului.

În actiunile în instanta, Prefectura arata ca se încalca prevederile legii nr.3./2000 privind organizarea si desfasurarea referendumului, precum si cele ale Constitutiei României, republicata.

Sursa: Cotidianul

California’s tortured real estate market has brought heartbreak and ruin

For many young couples, plummeting prices and near record-low interest rates make it possible to own a home in California for the first time.


Investors and real estate speculators, meanwhile, can snap up foreclosed properties on the cheap to sell during the next boom in California’s boom-and-bust real estate cycle, a boom they believe is inevitable and possibly not far off.

„This is the buying opportunity of our lifetime,” said Bruce Norris, who heads an investment group that expects to purchase some 100 homes this year in Southern California’s Inland Empire region.

California – which would be the world’s eighth largest economy if it were a country – saw a near-doubling in home sales in the fourth quarter, a pace surpassed only by Nevada’s 133.7 percent growth.

But experts warn it’s a dangerous game to play when nobody is really sure how low home prices will go or when they will rebound as the recession lingers, jobs dry up and residents pour out of the state in search of better prospects.

Norris concentrates on the Inland Empire of Southern California, made up mostly of Riverside and San Bernardino counties, one of the fastest-growing areas of the country during the housing boom, driven partly by immigrant families who couldn’t afford pricier coastal cities.

It’s now one of the hardest-hit. In the past 18 months, the median home price in Riverside and San Bernardino, pummeled by the subprime meltdown and now recording some of the highest foreclosure rates in the state, has plummeted 55 percent.

Norris Investment Group looks for homes built between 1980 and 1990, typically under 2,000 square feet (186 sq meters). Older houses come with too many maintenance „surprises,” Norris says, and larger places can be tough to sell or rent in hard times.

Last month the group paid $55,000 for a foreclosed home that was worth $360,000 at the top of the market. Norris expects to spend $30,000 on repairs and rent it for $1,200 a month until the market turns around.

The group also hopes to minimize risk by owning the homes free and clear, thus accruing little debt.

„You cannot have this (low) level of pricing be permanent because it costs too much to build a home here,” Norris said. „That’s how you know you’re making a logical decision when everything is falling around you. When you can buy a finished product someone will want to live in for $55,000, that just has to make somebody pretty wealthy someday.”


Experts agree California home prices will ultimately rebound but caution that real estate investing in this economy – the worst contraction since 1982 – should not be undertaken by amateurs or the faint of heart.

„You have to have a pretty strong feeling about where this is all going,” Stuart Gabriel, director of the Ziman Center for Real Estate at the University of California, Los Angeles, told Reuters. „This cycle is so different from prior cycles that it’s very difficult to extrapolate.”

„Most would argue that California is not going into the sea,” he said. „On the other hand it’s not totally out of the question that this particular period of weakness could extend for a while, and that means multiple years.”

California’s roller-coaster real estate cycles can be traced to the 1970s, when home prices tripled, ignited in part by foreign investment and the end of the gold standard following decades of explosive population growth.

Home prices plunged in the early 1980s, turned around and doubled within 10 years, slumped in the mid-1990s and then blasted off again at the end of the decade. The subprime meltdown and recession pushed them back off the cliff.

„It’s a great time to buy for people who are willing to risk a little more and be optimistic when everybody else is doom and gloom,” said Daren Blomquist, marketing and communications manager for RealtyTrac, an online foreclosure data service.

But he warned: „They will probably have to wait it out, possibly for several years.”

Chris Twoomey and his wife Jennifer illustrate the risk underlying the perceived opportunities. They moved to California from the Midwest in 2004 to pursue acting careers and had just begun to think the dream of home ownership was out of reach when the crash came and they saw their chance.

The couple pounced in January, right after Jennifer, 39, learned she was pregnant with their first child, making an offer on a small, bank-owned home in suburban Los Angeles.

But the day after the Twoomeys’ offer was accepted, Chris was called into the cafeteria at his job in a cosmetics company warehouse and laid off.

„Sometimes in our dark moments we sit around and say to ourselves, ‘Look, forget the acting, forget everything, this is the time to bail’ (from California). We can be doing this someplace else that’s still warm but doesn’t cost as much,” Chris told Reuters in an interview.


End Brian Mandeville

Northeastern University is not exactly a professional football factory. Dan Ross and Sean Jones came through there, but after that, the cupboard’s bare.


The Huskies went 2-10 last year, and haven’t had a winning season in five

 years. So when a guy from Northeastern even gets an invite to the combine, it’s a big deal … which, unfortunately, makes this even sadder.

Tight end Brian Mandeville waited and waited for his invite to the combine, and finally, it came. He ventured out to California to prepare at the Velocity Sports Performance Center. And when the time came to show up at the combine and impress everyone, doctors instead told him that he should retire before he even got started.

How’s that for soul-crushing? A guy gets an invite to the combine, which is essentially an audition to make a career out of playing football, and when he gets there, the first thing that happens is that they tell him he has no chance to make a career out of playing football. That’s like getting a scholarship to the Juilliard School of Dance right before your advisor takes a baseball bat to your knees.

Doctors performing a routine exam found an issue with one of Mandeville’s heart valves and advised him that he should give up football. The issues, according to his agent, aren’t life-threatening, but they are career-killing. Even his agent grants that it’s unlikely now that Mandeville will have a career in football

Pioneer’s Kuro Killing: A Tipping Point in the Plasma Era

The end of the Pioneer Kuro line of TVs represented a true tipping point in the TV industry, one preceded by long-gestating momentum from opposing forces. The recession and LCDs tipped over plasmas for good, and the slope


downward will be quite steep, and fast.

Last week, Pioneer announced it was killing off its critically acclaimed TV business by March 2010 and will concentrate on car and audio/visual systems. It was a dramatic fall for a company that just one year ago had CES abuzz with its newest plasma TV, the so-called “Ultimate Black” Kuro.

The Kuro’s tech was impressive because it reduced light emissions from black areas of the screen to such a degree that at its maximum brightness, the contrast ratio was “almost infinite.” The result was a plasma display with the most vibrant, colorful images yet.

But even at the hype’s peak, problems in the plasma industry were apparent.

Plasmas were at their most popular from 2004 to 2006, a period that saw them overtake rear-projection TVs as the top big-TV format. But they had a tough time offsetting their lowest average prices with high sale volumes. The spectre of LCDs also prompted many customers to hold off on making a purchase. By February ‘08, soon after the recession had officially taken hold, premium-quality Pioneers seemed out of touch. Most critically, LCDs were sporting features long the domain of plasma: bigger screens, greater contrast ratios, thinner and cheaper sets. LCD picture quality still failed to reach plasma levels, but to average consumers, the difference was no longer obvious.


Fast-forward to the start of 2009, and LCDs were outselling plasmas 8-to-1 globally, and the dominating the best-selling lists on Amazon.com.

Pioneer tried a last-ditch partnership with Panasonic to create a version of its plasma TVs, contributing its own “secret sauce” to keep the Kuro tech flowing, but that effort appears to be over.

The slumping demand is already having consequences: Projected losses of $1.41 billion in 2008-09 (following a loss of $203 million in 2007-08) and a nearly 50 percent drop in operating revenue have set the scene for 10,000 jobs cuts and the closing of U.S., UK and Japanese facilities. But Pioneer’s not the only TV maker suffering. They’re all taking it on the chin, regardless of display type.

Both Hitachi andVizio had to end the bleeding by shuttering plasmas to concentrate on LCDs. And not even the usually flush holiday period buoyed TV companies to a safe financial landing: Sony, Panasonic, and LG all posted lower quarterly profits.

Component suppliers have similarly been unable to escape the pain. As Om noted in recent posts, screen manufacturer Corning posted fourth-quarter 2008 revenues of $1.1 billion and still had to let go of 3,500 jobs.

Pioneer’s decision to end its plasma production was more complicated. It bought out NEC’s plasma business in 2004, used it as an OEM for its glass, but was recently forced to shutter the unit. Now, the only plasma manufacturers left standing are Panasonic, LG, and Samsung, all of which make their own components.

Panasonic is in good position to benefit from Kuro’s death. Most of the Pioneer engineers who came up with Kuro switched sides and are now working for Panasonic. In addition, recent demos have shown that Panasonic plasmas are nearing Kuro quality. Already in possession of the biggest plasma market share in the world (at more than 35 percent), the company will be able to build a diversified product line using plasma TVs as a premium screen type that appeals to a niche that still wants them.  Add to that the fact that it receives significant revenues from selling its glass to other companies, including JVC and Fujitsu, and it appears that it’ll be able to keep plasmas afloat longer than any other company. Panasonic will inherit the burdens of the difficult economy and the LCD challenge, but once plasma is no longer economically feasible, its own LCDs will have likely caught up in picture quality. In fact, ultimate black contrast tech is already getting closer to LCDs.  So it’s only a matter of a few years (maybe even less) before plasmas finally die out.


Gasping Over Jennifer and Angelina, Saluting Heath

Kate Winslet got unapologetically Kate Winslet-y. Sean Penn held his fire. Heath Ledger‘s family kept it together. Penélope Cruz lost it. The Slumdog Millionaire winners raised a glass. And Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston?


Well, they sucked the air right out of the room.

The night’s backstage doings—and sayings—at the 81st Annual Academy Awards:

5:51 p.m. PT: Well, I snagged a choice seat assignment. It just so happens I’m next to a Spanish radio reporter who translated the end of Cruz’s speech for me. Cruz, she said, dedicated her Oscar to her fellow actors and citizens in Spain and thanked them for sharing in her happiness.

• I kinda wish I was sitting next to a burly longshoreman, too, on the off-chance I need a Mickey Rourke acceptance speech translated.

• I just put a call into Nate Silver, the FiveThirtyEight.com guy who called the 2008 presidential election with unerring accuracy and last week said his computer told him Taraji P. Henson had the best shot at winning Best Supporting Actress. Haven’t heard back from him yet. Maybe he’s arguing with a spreadsheet.

• I have never, ever heard as big a gasp in the press room as when the TV telecast cut to a reaction shot of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt during Jennifer Aniston‘s presenting gig. At first, I thought Aniston fell out of her dress. Or Jack Black fell into it.

• Silver called back. „I can’t say I’m surprised,” he says of Cruz’s win, which was expected by most people—and things—save for his computer. „I kinda had an asterisk on it. We had Penélope as a pretty good shot .” As for the art of calling the Oscars? Silver admits it’s no electoral college: „We’re still working out the kinks.”

• Dustin Lance Black, the Original Screenplay winner for Milk, was emotional on stage, so I’m not going to flatter myself and say he choked up back here because I’m the all-new Barbara Walters. All I asked him was whether he knew what he was going to say if and when he got to make an acceptance speech. „I had an idea. For me the whole thing was always to pay it forward. Harvey [Milk] gave me his story,” Black says, before pausing and tearing up. „Harvey gave me his story, and it saved my life…I just wanted to tell those kids out there it’ll be all right.”

• Is there a Japanese speaker in the house? This request goes out from an Academy flack who tells us the winner of Animated Short, Kunio Kato, has lost his translator.

• I better start looking for that longshoreman pronto…

• I’m sitting so far in the back of the room that I can’t tell if Penélope Cruz or Sophia Loren is with us now.

• OK, it’s Cruz, projecting some serious old-school glamour, and talking about Loren, with whom she appears in the upcoming musical, Nine: „Sophia is incredible…She’s a woman with a gold of heart. What did I just say?”

• Did I mention Cruz seems to be having a slight out-of-body experience?

• I tell Cruz that all the actresses in her category looked like emotional wrecks when, per the telecast’s new format, former winners paid personal tribute to each of the nominees. She didn’t disagree. „It was amazing to see all those women up there, and [hear] the beautiful things they said up there…And when it happens [when you win], it was a magical moment, and I [didn’t] know if I was going to survive it.”

• Count Cruz among the actresses who’ve fallen under the spell of the wily Woody Allen. „I call Woody sometimes just to say hello,” she say of her Vicky Cristina Barcelona writer-director. „I adore him. I think he’s so funny.”

6:45 p.m.: If the pinchably cute kids from Slumdog Millionaire look like they’re having a blast at the show, it’s because they are. „It was absolutely the right thing to bring them over [from India] because they’re having a lot of fun,” Simon Beaufoy, Slumdog’s Adapted Screenplay winner tells us.

• WALL-E writer-director Andrew Stanton, winner for Animated Feature, is outlining his theories on disconnectiveness and technology. No offense to Stanton or his film, but Bolt was way easier to follow.

• Hearing people congratulate Heath Ledger‘s eerily composed family is eerie in itself.

• Heath’s sister Kate Ledger expands on her telecast anecdote about how the family knew an Oscar was in the star’s future: „When he came home from Christmas a year ago, he had been sending me shots and bits and pieces from [The Dark Knight]…And I said to him, I have the feeling this is it for you, you’re going to get a nomination from the Academy.”

• On the telecast, the Ledger clan said the Best Supporting Actor Oscar was for Matilda, Heath Ledger‘s 3-year-old daughter with Michelle Williams, but it’s actually not as simple as handing the trophy over to the girl. Since 1951, an Academy rep tells me, winners have been obliged to sign to so-called winners’ agreements. The agreements say if they or their heirs ever decide to part ways with their Oscars, they must offer to sell the awards back to the Academy for $1 each. Because she’s a minor, Matilda can’t legally sign this agreement. So, until she reaches 18, the Academy says, echoing what Ledger’s father, Kim Ledger, told us, the award will be placed in a trust with Williams.

• The Ledger family has nothing but praise for Williams, with whom they said they had not yet spoken tonight. „Michelle keeps Matilda closeted in a nice way,” Kim Ledger says. „I don’t think she’ll know much of the fuss [of tonight’s show], which I think is a good thing.” Sister Kate Ledger confirms: „We’re very close with Michelle. She is doing an amazing job with Matilida.”

• Mother Sally Bell says she thinks her son, who died in January 2008 at age 28, would have been „quietly pleased” with his win. „He enjoyed the performance, he did. He was very proud of what he did. Heath was never one to be over the top with anything,” she says in her own understated way.

• Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award recipient Jerry Lewis, who has never been accused of being shy, will not be doing a press conference, an Academy flack announces. In other news, pigs have been spotted flying over the Kodak Theatre.

8:34 p.m.: You can’t believe Waltz With Bashir didn’t win Foreign Language Film. Your Oscar pool card can’t believe it. Yojiro Takita, who won for Japan’s Departures, can’t either. In fact, he said so. „I don’t believe it,” Takita said. (Told you so.)

• At the exact moment Kate Winslet‘s film, The Reader, was going down to Best Picture defeat to Slumdog Millionaire, the Best Actress winner was being blinded by a million flashing camera lights next door in the photography room. She had no idea.

• There are no flashbulbs in the interview room, but the dazed Winslet still has no idea. Awaiting the first question, she takes deep, supposedly soothing breaths. „It’s only starting to dawn on me now,” she says a bit later, looking down at her Oscar. „Oh. My. God.”

• Considering Winslet’s won many, many awards this award season, can she really be so unnerved she won tonight? Yup. You see, Winslet, Winslet reminds, has lost at the Oscars many, many times. „Winning is really a lot better than losing,” she reveals. „Really a lot better.”


Ordonanta care interzice constructiile pe spatii verzi a fost respinsa

42-17228262Ordonanta care interzice constructiile pe spatiile verzi a fost respinsa de Senat, iar deputatii PDL si PSD vor sa o faca mai permisiva, sustine Attila Korodi.

Pentru ca nu a întrunit numarul de voturi necesare în plenul Senatului, soarta ordonantei care interzice constructiile în parcuri e acum în voia deputatilor. De mai bine de un an, Ordonanta nr. 114/2007 asteapta raportul care urmeaza sa o transforme în lege în sertarele deputatilor din Comisia pentru administratia publica. Dupa ce a fost aprobata de Guvern în toamna anului 2007, ordonanta a intrat în dezbaterea Senatului, în calitate de prima Camera sesizata.

Sursa: Cotidianul

Jurnalistul Cristian Radu Gheorghe, dat disparut in 2008, a fost gasit mort

42-18998680Cristian Radu Gheorghe, ziarist din Drobeta Turnu Severin, judetul Mehedinti, care a disparut in conditii misterioase cu cateva zile inainte de




Craciun, a fost descoperit mort, sambata seara, in Dunare.

Din primele cercetari ale anchetatorilor, se pare ca trupul neinsufletit al tanarului de 28 de ani a fost adus de apele Dunarii de undeva din Drobeta Turnu Severin, el fiind gasit in comuna Simian. Trupul tanarului a fost depus la morga spitalului judetean din Drobeta Turnu Severin, iar dupa ce va fi efectuata necropsia se va afla cu exactitate care a fost cauza mortii. Politia ia in calcul atat o posibila sinucidere, dar si o crima. Parintii lui Cristian au aflat cu stupoare vestea ca fiul lor a fost gasit, pentru ca in tot acest timp si-au pastrat speranta ca el traieste.

SursA: Cancan

DIICOT Craiova a finalizat ancheta în care Costel Iancu

42-17334971Procurorii DIICOT au finalizat ancheta în care Costel Iancu, numit sef al Administratiei Nationale a Îmbunatatirilor Funciare (ANIF) si recent demisionar,

 este cercetat pentru santaj, rapire si trafic de persoane pe ruta România-Austria-Spania. El a fost citat pentru saptamâna aceasta la DIICOT pentru a-i fi prezentat dosarul, ultimul act procedural înaintea trimiterii în judecata, a precizat pentru Cotidianul Biroul de presa al institutiei. „Evenimentul zilei“ a dezvaluit în editia de vineri ca PDL l-a numit pe Costel Iancu la conducerea ANIF, desi acesta este urmarit penal de DIICOT înca din octombrie 2006. Iancu a fost retinut de DIICOT în 27 octombrie 2006 pentru 24 de ore, iar a doua zi instanta a respins cererea procurorilor de arestare preventiva a acestuia, însa i-a impus interdictia de a parasi tara.

Procesul lui Voiculescu împotriva verdictului CNSAS se reia

881Curtea de Apel Bucuresti va relua pe 8 mai, potrivit NewsIn, discutiile în dosarul în care fostul presedinte al PC, Dan Voiculescu, a contestat verdictul de colaborator



al fostei Securitati dat de Consiliul National pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securitatii(CNSAS).

Reamintim ca CCR a respins, pe 16 decembrie 2008, o exceptie ridicata de Voiculescu. CNSAS a decis în august 2006 ca Dan Voiculescu a fost colaborator al Securitatii ca politie politica. Este vorba despre note informative în care acesta si-ar fi turnat rude care voiau sa fuga din tara, colegi de studentie si, mai apoi, colegi de serviciu.

Sursa: Adevarul.ro

Institutia reprezentarii in dreptul civil roman

772Reprezentarea este procedeul de tehnica juridica prin care o persoana, numita reprezentant, încheie acte juridice cu tertii în numele si în contul unei alte



persoane, reprezentat, având drept consecinta producerea directa în persoana reprezentatului a efectului actelor juridice.

Acestea se încheie personal de catre participantul la raportul juridic care si beneficiaza de efectele lor. Ori de câte ori intra într-un raport juridic, partea semnatara trebuie sa fie prezenta în locul unde are loc semnarea sau executarea actului.

In viata cotidiana sunt frecvente cazurile în care subiectul raportului juridic nu poate fi prezent la încheierea sau la executarea actului juridic. În astfel de conditii apare necesitatea înlocuirii lui cu o alta persoana. Viata juridica ar deveni extrem de complicata daca actele nu ar fi realizate prin intermediul unor persoane. Ar fi dezavantajati în special minorii si incapabilii care nu ar putea încheia acte juridice valabile.

Institutia reprezentarii este foarte veche si extrem de necesara pentru parinti;
_ tutori;
_ curatori;
_ întreprinzatori;
_ persoane juridice etc.

Persoanele fizice recurg frecvent la reprezentare încheind diferite contracte, permi- tând altor persoane sa încaseze salariul;
_ onorariul;
_ sa primeasca sau transmita diferite documente, bunuri materiale, etc.

De institutia reprezentarii se face uz la reprezentarea intereselor în sali de judecata sau arbitraj. Elementele definitorii ale reprezentarii care de fapt confera acestei institutii individualitate sunt sintagmele «în numele» si «pe seama».

Sursa: Atac
Autor: Felicia Mirea

Legea holdingului

42-18486185Membrii Guvernului Privat vor propune miercuri omologilor de la Palatul Victoria introducerea unei legi a holdingului, cu argumentul ca România pierde bani prin absenta ei.

O legislatie a holdingului cu exceptii de la plata impozitului pe câstigurile de capital ar impulsiona mutarea unor centre regionale de afaceri în România, cu efecte imediate împotriva crizei, arata documentul final al proiectului cotidianului de afaceri „Business Standard“ Guvernul Privat, ce va fi prezentat miercuri reprezentantilor Executivului. Lipsa unor prevederi legislative favorabile existentei holdingurilor are un impact negativ asupra economiei românesti, oamenii de afaceri locali preferând sa-si localizeze afacerile în alte tari, mai „prietenoase“ din acest punct de vedere, cum ar fi Luxemburg, Olanda sau Cipru. Taxele pe care companiile le datoreaza se platesc, de asemenea, în statele respective, arata documentul.

Sursa: Cotidianul

Fotbalul romanesc risca excluderea din UEFA si FIFA

553O hotarâre recenta a unei instante judecatoresti bucurestene arunca în aer activitatea jurisdictionala a Federatiei Române de Fotbal.

Astfel, apare posibilitatea excluderii FRF din structurile internationale de profil, precum FIFA si UEFA, ca urmare a nerespectarii unor dispozitii esentiale ale actelor de aderare. Printr-o sentinta din 20 ianuarie a Curtii de Apel Bucuresti, au fost anulate o serie de articole din Statutul FRF, la cererea agentului de jucatori Mircea Moise

? Curtea de Apel a considerat ca justitia nu se realizeaza prin activitatea FRF, ci prin cea a instantelor de judecata, asa cum sunt ele mentionate în art. 126 alin. 1 si 2 din Constitutie. Astfel, sunt declarate neconstitutionale urmatoarele prevederi din Statutul FRF: recunoasterea jurisdictiei Tribunalului de Arbitraj pentru Fotbal si obligatia de a se adresa, pentru rezolvarea oricarui litigiu cu caracter intern, doar comisiilor cu atributii jurisdictionale ale Federatiei. In statut, recurgerea la jurisdictia oricaror instante de drept comun este interzisa

? Daca hotarârea CAB ramâne definitiva, dupa solutionarea recursului la Înalta Curte, FRF se va confrunta cu o mare problema. Activitatea competitionala interna poate fi blocata de un sir interminabil de procese la instantele civile care nu au sectii specializate in sport.  In cazuri similare, forurile fotbalistice au oprit participarea echipelor de club si a echipei nationale in orice competitie internationala. Cea mai recenta disputa cu FIFA a avut-o statul polonez, care a pierdut batalia

Printr-o sentinta din 20 ianuarie a.c. a Curtii de Apel Bucuresti, Sectia a VIII-a de contencios administrativ si fiscal, au fost anulate o serie de articole din Statutul FRF privind activitatea jurisdictionala a acesteia, la cererea lui Moise Mircea, detinator al unei licente de agent de jucatori.
Astfel, judecatorul a considerat ca sunt contrare Constitutiei si legilor în vigoare urmatoarele prevederi statutare: cele ale art. 6 lit. d) (privind recunoasterea jurisdictiei Tribunalului de Arbitraj pentru Fotbal de la Lausanne, Elvetia, astfel cum este ea definita în statutele FIFA si UEFA) si e) (obligatia de a se adresa, pentru rezolvarea oricarui litigiu cu caracter intern, izvorât din aplicarea statutelor si regulamentelor FRF, doar comisiilor cu atributii jurisdictionale ale acesteia, care vor solutiona litigiul, recurgerea la jurisdictia oricaror instante de drept comun fiind interzisa), art. 14 lit. e) partea finala (prvind recunoasterea jurisdictiei TAS de catre membrii afiliati ai FIFA), art. 56 alin. 2 (conform caruia deciziile Curtii de Arbitraj pentru Fotbal sunt definitive, irevocabile si executorii pe plan intern pentru toti membrii afiliati, jucatorii si oficialii acestora, precum si pentru oficialii FRF/AJF) si art. 57 alin. 1 (care reglementeaza întreaga activitate jurisdictionala a FRF).  Astfel, potrivit dispozitiilor acestui din urma articol al statutului, litigiile izvorâte din, sau în legatura cu, activitatea fotbalistica din România, în care sunt angrenate cluburi afiliate si oficiali ai acestora, oficiali ai FRF/LPF/AJF, jucatori, agenti de jucatori sau agenti de meciuri se solutioneaza exclusiv de catre instantele competente prevazute de Statut. Recurgerea la jurisdictia instantelor de drept comun este interzisa, cu exceptia litigiilor de munca dintre cluburi si jucatori sau dintre cluburi si antrenori, în aceste cazuri hotarârile date de instantele de drept comun urmând a fi puse în executare potrivit legislatiei muncii în vigoare.

Sursa: Gardianul

Taxa pe grâu

445Din acest an, taranii care livreaza grâu catre procesatori vor plati un impozit de 2,5% din valoare, bani cu care Guvernul spera sa cârpeasca veniturile bugetare.

În Legea bugetului de stat pe anul în curs, la capitolul “impozit pe veniturile din activitati agricole”, sunt prevazute venituri de 50,8 milioane de lei, tocmai pe seama taxei cu pricina, de 10.000 de ori mai mari decât în 2008. Atât patronatele cât si sindicatele din agricultura se îndoiesc ca autoritatile vor putea colecta o suma atât de mare.

În prezent, sunt fiscalizate doar operatiunile de vânzare-cumparare a unor cantitati de grâu realizate între doua persoane juridice, între doua firme, care se supun impozitarii dupa reglementarile legale aplicabile societatilor comerciale. De aceea, din impozitele pe veniturile agricole statul nu a colectat anul trecut decât 500.000 de lei, conform executiei bugetare preliminate, în crestere nesemnificativa fata de valoarea înregistrata în 2007, de 494.000 lei. Pentru anul în curs, pe seama impozitului ce va fi introdus, asa cum prevede Codul Fiscal, se estimeaza ca la buget vor intra 50.802.000 lei, suma care, raportata la valoarea din anul precedent, reprezinta 10.060,4%.

“Este vorba de o retinere la sursa a acestui impozit. Atunci când procesatorul cumpara de la tarani o anumita cantitate de grâu, le aplica si taxa, pe care o încaseaza ei si apoi o vireaza catre stat”, a explicat pentru Gândul presedintele Ligii Asociatiilor Producatorilor Agricoli din România (LAPAR), Adrian Radulescu.

Sursa: Gandul

Prima pensie privata obligatorie: 50 de euro

42-19685724Prima pensie privata din Romania a fost platita la sfarsitul saptamanii trecute, cand un angajat care s-a pensionat mai devreme a incasat suma

integrala care s-a acumulat in contul sau de la fondul de pensie obligatorie (pilonul II) la care a contribuit, potrivit Asociatiei pentru Pensiile Administrate Privat din Romania (APAPR).

Daca luam in considerare o contributie medie de 8 euro la nivelul pietei si o perioada de plata a acestora de opt luni (cate au trecut de la startul sistemului), rezulta ca angajatul care s-a pensionat ar fi putut primi circa 64 de euro, suma din care se scad comisioanele administratorului de fond.

Sursa: ZF

Femeie de 55 ani, condamnata la 7 luni de închisoare pentru ca a smuls trei tarusi

227Întreaga comunitate din Maramures este revoltata si s-a ridicat pentru a sprijini o femeie de 55 ani. Mama a doi copii, aceasta este considerata de

magistrati un pericol social pentru ca a smuls trei tarusi înfipti în pamânt de un executor judecatoresc. În plus, femeia a fost condamnata la sapte luni de închisoare pentru aceasta fapta.

Cu toate recursurile facute, judecatorii au aruncat-o dupa gratii. Acum singura ei salvare este sa fie iertata de seful statului.

Totul a pornit din cauza unui teren, proprietatea familiei Chis, care a fost câstigat în instanta de un vecin. Anul trecut, femeia a petrecut doua saptamâni la Penitenciarul de Maxima Siguranta din Baia Mare.

Femeia cerut o amânare ca sa-si poata petrece sarbatorile de iarna acasa, lânga copii. La sfârsitul acestei saptamâni, însa, trebuie sa se întoarca la închisoare.

Sursa: Antena 3

Ion Alexandru Tiriac a fost achitat, astazi, în dosarul Cocaina pentru VIP-uri

115Ion Alexandru Tiriac a fost achitat, astazi, în dosarul Cocaina pentru VIP-uri, Curtea de Apel Bucuresti gasindu-l nevinovat în legatura cu acuzatiile de consum, trafic,

detinere si oferire de droguri altor persoane.Instanta Curtii de Apel Bucuresti a respins, luni, atât apelul procurorilor la decizia de achitare, cât si pe cel al lui Ion Alexandru Tiriac. Totodata, instanta l-a obligat pe Tiriac la plata a 200 de lei cheltuieli judiciare.

Decizia Curtii de Apel Bucuresti poate fi atacata cu recurs la Înalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie.

Sursa: Gandul

‘jailing kids for cash’ scandal

There was no need for an attorney, said Phillip’s mother, Amy Swartley, who thought at most, the judge would slap her son with a fine or community service.


But she was shocked to find her eighth-grader handcuffed and shackled in the courtroom and sentenced to a youth detention center. Then, he was shipped to a boarding school for troubled teens for nine months.

„Yes, my son made a mistake, but I didn’t think he was going to be taken away from me,” said Swartley, a 41-year-old single mother raising two boys in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

CNN does not usually identify minors accused of crimes. But Swartley and others agreed to be named to bring public attention to the issue.

As scandals from Wall Street to Washington roil the public trust, the justice system in Luzerne County, in the heart of Pennsylvania’s struggling coal country, has also fallen prey to corruption. The county has been rocked by a kickback scandal involving two elected judges who essentially jailed kids for cash. Many of the children had appeared before judges without a lawyer.

The nonprofit Juvenile Law Center in Philadelphia said Phillip is one of at least 5,000 children over the past five years who appeared before former Luzerne County President Judge Mark Ciavarella.

Ciavarella pleaded guilty earlier this month to federal criminal charges of fraud and other tax charges, according to the U.S. attorney’s office. Former Luzerne County Senior Judge Michael Conahan also pleaded guilty to the same charges. The two secretly received more than $2.6 million, prosecutors said.

The judges have been disbarred and have resigned from their elected positions. They agreed to serve 87 months in prison under their plea deals. Ciavarella and Conahan did not return calls, and their attorneys told CNN that they have no comment.

Ciavarella, 58, along with Conahan, 56, corruptly and fraudulently „created the potential for an increased number of juvenile offenders to be sent to juvenile detention facilities,” federal court documents alleged. Children would be placed in private detention centers, under contract with the court, to increase the head count. In exchange, the two judges would receive kickbacks.

The Juvenile Law Center said it plans to file a class-action lawsuit this week representing what they say are victims of corruption. Juvenile Law Center attorneys cite a few examples of harsh penalties Judge Ciavarella meted out for relatively petty offenses:


  • Ciavarvella sent 15-year-old Hillary Transue to a wilderness camp for mocking an assistant principal on a MySpace page. 


  • He whisked 13-year-old Shane Bly, who was accused of trespassing in a vacant building, from his parents and confined him in a boot camp for two weekends. 


  • He sentenced Kurt Kruger, 17, to detention and five months of boot camp for helping a friend steal DVDs from Wal-Mart. 

    Several other lawsuits on behalf of the juveniles who have appeared in Ciavarella’s courtroom have emerged.

  • cnn

  • Group forecasts deeper recession, with turnaround in late ’09, solid recovery in 2010.

    A survey of leading economists finds them now forecasting a far deeper and more painful recession ahead in the first half of the year, but a modest pickup in the second half of 2009, followed by a solid recovery in 2010.



    „The steady drumbeat of weak economic and financial market data have made business economists decidedly more pessimistic on the economic outlook for the next several quarters,” said Chris Varvares, the president of the National Association of Business Economics, which conducted the survey of 47 top forecasters in late January and early February.

    „While a few reports offer some glimmer of hope, a meaningful recovery is not expected to take hold until next year,” added Varvares, who is also president of the research firm Macroeconomic Advisors.

    The forecasts hold little good news for the first half of this year. The economy is expected to decline at a 5% rate in the first quarter, even sharper than the 3.8% drop recorded in the fourth quarter of last year. And the group is forecasting another 1.7% drop in economic activity in the second quarter.

    While the economists surveyed are forecasting a 1.6% gain in economic activity the second half of this year, that won’t be enough to overcome the first half weakness, which should result in a 0.9% full-year drop in U.S. economic activity when comparing the fourth quarter of this year to a year earlier. That would be the biggest drop on that basis since 1982, and far worse than the year-over-year decline of 0.2% recorded in the fourth quarter of 2008.

    As recently as NABE’s November survey, the consensus of economists was that there would be 0.7% economic growth during the course of 2009. Last May’s survey found the group forecasting a healthy gain of 2.7% during the year.

    But the outlook for this year has clearly gotten much worse since the earlier surveys in just about every measure. The economists are forecasting unemployment rising to 9% for the fourth quarter of 2009, up from their previous 7.5% estimate.

    They expect job losses for the year coming in roughly the same as the nearly 3 million jobs lost in 2008, which is nearly four times the job losses they were forecasting three months ago.

    They also estimate corporate profits will slip 9% this year, while housing starts and auto sales continue to fall to levels not seen in decades. All those forecasts are significantly worse than estimates in the November survey.

    The economists are forecasting a healthy recovery in stocks from current levels, estimating the Standard & Poor’s 500 will end the year a 975, which would be 26% above current levels and a gain of 8% from where it started the year. But in November the economists had forecast the S&P would end 2009 at 1,200.

    Still, the optimism that the economists had back in November has been pushed back, rather than abandoned. They forecast that the economy will see healthy 3.1% growth during the course of 2010, as they expect unemployment to start to ease as employers add 1.3 million jobs during the year, and auto sales and housing starts at least make it back to 2008 levels. Even the five most pessimistic economists surveyed are forecasting economic growth during every quarter of 2010, although those pessimists expect job losses and the unemployment rate to continue throughout all of next year.


    Jade Goody has really walked that fine line between fame and notoriety.

    Well, there’s nothing buzzier than the Academy Awards, that’s a given. But some other topics captured the attention of the Web this weekend, as well. Here are just a few of the stories that Buzz users found particularly clickable.

    Public life, public death
    Jade Goody has really walked that fine line between fame and notoriety. An object of mockery for her ignorance and boorish behavior on the „Big Brother” reality shows, Goody’s latest incarnation as a human spectacle has won over the British public and press. Unfortunately, it took a diagnosis of terminal cervical cancer to do it. Doctors have given Goody just weeks to live, but on Sunday, as she was married, the TV cameras rolled, capping intense media coverage of her medical struggle and wedding plans. Photo and video rights to the event were reportedly auctioned for 1 million pounds, and she has agreed to spend her last days as a public curiosity, she said, so she can leave the money to her two sons. 

    Obama deficit disorder?
    After a trillion here, a trillion there for the bank bailout, stimulus, and other expenditures borne of the nation’s ever-worsening financial crisis, who’d have thought there’d be anything left in the national piggy bank to tackle the deficit? Well, Barack Obama does, apparently. One of Sunday’s most popular Buzz topics was the president’s plan to halve the
    federal deficit to $533 billion by the end of his first term. Short of reselling Manhattan at a huge profit, how can he do that? By slashing Iraq war outlays, letting the Bush-era tax breaks expire for those earning more than $250,000, and streamlining government, says the administration. We shall see…

    NAACP takes aim at Post
    Buzz users have been all over the
    New York Post chimp-cartoon story, and this weekend was no exception. On Saturday, the NAACP called for a boycott of the paper over a cartoon it published depicting a slain chimp as the author of the stimulus bill. Some have interpreted the cartoon as a racially tinged and violent slap at President Obama. The paper says it merely critiques the stimulus by satirically linking it to the recent mauling of a woman by a 200-pound chimpanzee. The Post did offer, however, an apology, which critics have called tepid. In addition to urging the boycott, the NAACP called for Post editor Col Allan and cartoonist Sean Delonas to be fired.



    Fraude sistematice în cadrul Parlamentului European.


    Documentul intrat în posesia asociaţiei britanice TaxPayers’Alliance a fost întocmit anul trecut de şeful organismului pentru audit intern al

    Parlamentului European. El relatează câteva cazuri flagrante de fraude comise de membrii Parlamentului European. Pornind de la acest raport, organizaţia arată cum europarlamentarii pot băga în buzunare mai mult de un milion de euro recurgând la diverse artificii cu indemnizaţiile şi deconturile la care au dreptul.

    Raportul confidenţial arată că unii aleşi au cerut bani pentru plata unor asistenţi inexistenţi. Mai mult pe numele persoanelor fictive au apărut bonusuri uriaşe iar banii au fost deturnaţi către companii-paravan. Practica cea mai răspândită pare a fi supraîncărcarea facturilor şi asta pentru că europarlamentarii nu sunt obligaţi să facă dovada cheltuielilor prin chitanţe.

    Aceste nereguli au fost sesizate şi anul trecut când un europarlamentar britanic care a citit documentul, a refuzat să semneze o înţelegere de confidenţialitate şi a făcut publice unele cifre. Dezvăluirile lui Chris Davis despre corupţia din Parlamentul European au stârnit interes în întreaga Uniune, dar în pofida situaţiei jenante, plenul a votat pentru păstrarea confidenţialităţii raportului.

    Sursa: Realitatea TV

    România nu este o ţară a clanurilor, este o ţară sigură – Cum comentaţi?

    „Poliţia este în stare şi ştie ce are de făcut vizavi de aceste clanuri. În toate aceste cazuri de tulburare gravă a ordinii publice, poliţia a identificat toţi participanţii, atât dintr-o tabără, cât şi din cealaltă, au fost dispuse măsurile


    legale şi au fost prezentaţi Parchetului”, a completat acesta.

    Şeful IGPR a mai precizat că poliţia nu este singură pe lanţul de înfăptuire a justiţiei şi că există o colaborare bună a autorităţilor de aplicare a legii.

    În ceea ce priveşte componenţa grupărilor infracţionale, Petre Tobă a spus că au cunoştinţă de membrii acestora şi că, în prezent, poliţia monitorizează tot ce înseamnă grupări infracţionale. „Avem nevoie numai de timp pentru a putea proba activitatea infracţională a acestora. Acţiunile vor continua şi grupările nu vor avea viaţă uşoară”, a completat acesta.

    Cât despre calitatea de sportiv la Clubul Dinamo a lui Eugen Preda, chestorul a declarat că „legea se aplică indiferent de calitatea persoanei”.

    Mai mult, acesta a spus că nu crede că membrii clanului Preda au beneficiat de protecţie sau de lejeritate din partea poliţiei din sectorul 6, cum s-a vehiculat. „Din contră”, a spus Petre Tobă, „grupările sunt monitorizate şi vom dispune toate măsurile legale”.



    Eugen Preda a ajuns în faţa procurorilor duminică după amiază.Si este liber!


    Trei persoane reţinute în legătură cu scandalul de sâmbătă de la Mall Plaza România au părăsit, duminică seară, sala de judecată, pentru că le-au

    expirat ordonanţele de reţinere, în timp ce Eugen Preda, poliţistul implicat şi el în scandal, va fi adus în faţa instanţei astăzi, potrivit rudelor.

    Declaraţiile suspecţilor reţinuti de politie se bat cap in cap cu cele ale angajaţilor firmei de pază din mall.

    Eugen Preda este acuzat de ultraj contra bunelor moravuri, lovire şi alte violenţe, precum şi pentru port ilegal de armă albă.

    Celelalte trei persoane sunt acuzate de ultraj şi tulburarea liniştii publice. Ordonanţa de reţinere în cazul acestora a expirat, astfel încât cei trei au părăsit sala de judecată.

    Eugen Preda, implicat în incidentul de sâmbătă de la Mall Plaza România, este subofiţer şi figurează la centrul sportiv Dinamo Braşov, subordonat Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor, din partea căruia a câştigat premii sportive importante.


    Potrivit lui Constantin Luca, directorul Dinamo Braşov, Preda este detaşat la un club sportiv din Capitală şi a participat la o demonstraţie, anul trecut, în cadrul Olimpiadei de la Beijing.

    Eugen Preda a mai fost cercetat de poliţişti tot pentru acte de violenţă.

    După un conflict asemănător care a avut loc tot la Mall Plaza România, Tribunalul Bucureşti a decis ca patru tineri, care au atacat cu săbii şi cuţite trei persoane, în luna iulie a anului trecut, să fie cercetaţi în stare de libertate pentru tentativă de omor.

    Aceştia erau apropiaţi ai lui Eugen Preda.

    Astfel, magistraţii Tribunalului Bucureşti au dispus cercetarea în stare de libertate pentru tentativă de omor şi alte fapte de violenţe a celor patru: Adrian Preda, Bogdan Dumitrache, zis Crocodilu’, Andrei Bădulă, zis Moş Ene, şi Lelu Florea zis Copilu’. Judecătorii au decis să nu emită mandate de arestare

    Did TV news miss point in covering stimulus plan?

    NEW YORK – There were plenty of familiar faces on-screen during TV coverage of President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan, people like James Carville, Laura Ingraham, Karl Rove, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Joe Trippi and Dick Morris.



    What it lacked, some critics suggest, were people with real expertise in what the $787 billion plan will mean for the economy and for communities and individuals. In short, it was treated like just another political battle.

    Of the 681 people who appeared as guests on a dozen cable news and four network Sunday morning talk shows in the three weeks that ended last Sunday, only 41, or 6 percent, were economists, said the liberal media watchdog Media Matters for America.

    That count alone indicates a lack of effort in tracking down what was most important about the story, said Erikka Knuti, the organization’s spokeswoman.

    „Hearing whether or not this package is going to work is more important than who has the snappiest quip,” she said.

    Media Matters didn’t keep track of interview subjects on the most-watched newscasts, the broadcast network evening programs, but the conservative Media Research Center did. About 13 percent of the people interviewed on economic recovery between Obama’s election and final passage of the bill were economists, the group said.

    That’s almost one per substantial story, but Dan Gainor, vice president of the MRC’s Business & Media Institute, said that ratio was „appalling.”

    Piling on the criticism, the Center for Economic and Policy Research said the media had „badly failed” to inform the public about what the stimulus plan means. The group said news organizations also didn’t keep things in perspective, focusing on criticisms of the bill that were a very small part of the pricetag.

    To a certain extent, networks could be accused of unimaginative bookings, going to people they know very well. Media Matters counted 19 separate appearances by CNN financial correspondent Ali Velshi during the three weeks. The three people who opined most about the bill on Fox News Channel were regulars Morris, Rove and Juan Williams, the group said.

    Even some of the economists used were familiar to viewers, like Web site maven Arianna Huffington, former game show host Ben Stein and Paul Krugman, columnist for The New York Times.

    Two shows the group monitored, hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Campbell Brown, had no economists during the three-week period. By far, the most economists on any show (10) were on Fox’s new Glenn Beck show.

    2009 Academy Awards

    The Associated Press


    Picture: „Slumdog Millionaire



    Actor: Sean Penn, „Milk

    Actress: Kate Winslet, „The Reader

    Director: Danny Boyle, „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Foreign-Language Film: „Departures,” Japan

    Original Song: „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Original Score: „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award: Jerry Lewis


    Film Editing: „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Sound Mixing: „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Sound Editing: „The Dark Knight

    Visual Effects: „The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

    Documentary, Short Subject: „Smile Pinki„

    Documentary Feature: „Man on Wire„

    Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger, „The Dark Knight”

    Short Film: „Spielzeugland

    Makeup: „The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

    Costume: „The Duchess

    Art Direction: „The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

    Animated Short Film: „La Maison en Petits Cubes”

    Animated Feature: „WALL-E

    Adapted Screenplay: Simon Beaufoy, „Slumdog Millionaire”

    Original Screenplay: Dustin Lance Black, „Milk

    Supporting Actress: Penélope Cruz, „Vicky Cristina Barcelona

    Scientific & Technical Awards presented Feb. 7, 2009, at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif.:

    Gordon E. Sawyer Award: Ed Catmull

    John A. Bonner Medal of Commendation: Mark Kimball



    „Slumdog Millionaire” took the best-picture Academy Award and seven other Oscars on Sunday

    The other top winners: Kate Winslet, best actress for the Holocaust-themed drama „The Reader”; Sean Penn, best actor for the title role of „Milk”; Heath Ledger, supporting actor for „The Dark Knight”; and Penelope Cruz,


    supporting actress for „Vicky Cristina Barcelona.”

    A story of hope amid squalor in Mumbai, India, „Slumdog Millionaire” came in with 10 nominations, its eight wins including adapted screenplay, cinematography, editing and both music Oscars (score and song).

    „Just to say to Mumbai, all of you who helped us make the film and all of those of you who didn’t, thank you very much. You dwarf even this guy,” Boyle said, holding up his directing Oscar.

    The filmmakers accepted the best-picture trophy surrounded by both the adult professional actors who appeared among the cast of relative unknowns and some of the children Boyle cast from the slums of Mumbai.

    The film follows the travails and triumphs of Jamal, an orphan who artfully dodges a criminal gang that mutilates children to make them more pitiable beggars. Jamal witnesses his mother’s violent death, endures police torture and struggles with betrayal by his brother, while single-mindedly hoping to reunite with the lost love of his childhood.

    Fate rewards Jamal, whose story unfolds through flashbacks as he recalls how he came to know the answers that made him a champion on India’s version of „Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.”

    As he took the stage to accept his prize for playing slain gay-rights pioneer Harvey Milk, Penn gleefully told the crowd: „You commie, homo-loving sons of guns.”

    He followed with condemnation of anti-gay protesters who demonstrated near the Oscar site and comments about California’s recent vote to ban gay marriage.

    „For those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think it’s a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect on their great shame and their shame in their grandchildren’s eyes if they continue that support,” Penn said. „We’ve got to have equal rights for everyone.”

    For his demented reinvention of Batman villain the Joker, Ledger became only the second actor ever to win posthumously, his triumph coming exactly 13 months after his death from an accidental overdose of prescription drugs.

    His Oscar for the Warner Bros. blockbuster was accepted by Ledger’s parents and sister on behalf of the actor’s 3-year-old daughter, Matilda.

    „I have to say this is ever so humbling, just being amongst such wonderful people in such a wonderful industry,” said his father, Kim Ledger. „We’d like to thank the academy for recognizing our son’s amazing work, Warner Bros., and Christopher Nolan in particular for allowing Heath the creative license to develop and explore this crazy Joker character.”

    Since his death, the 28-year-old Ledger has gained a mythic aura akin to James Dean, another rising star who died well before his time.

    The Joker was his final completed role, a casting choice that initially drew scorn from fans who thought Ledger would not be up to the task given Jack Nicholson’s gleefully campy rendition of the character in 1989’s „Batman.”

    In the months before Ledger’s death, buzz on his wickedly chaotic performance swelled as marketing for the movie centered on the Joker and the perverted clown makeup he hid behind.

    Ledger’s death fanned a frenzy of anticipation for „The Dark Knight,” which had a record $158.4 million opening weekend last summer.

    The previous posthumous Oscar recipient was Peter Finch, who won best actor for 1976’s „Network” two months after his death.

    Cruz triumphed as a woman in a steamy three-way affair with her ex-husband and an American woman in Woody Allen’s romance.

    „Has anybody ever fainted here? Because I might be the first one,” Cruz said, who went on with warm thanks to Allen. „Thank you, Woody, for trusting me with this beautiful character. Thank you for having written all these years some of the greatest characters for women.”

    „OK, that fainting thing, Penelope,” Winslet joked later as she accepted her best-actress prize for „The Reader,” in which she plays a former concentration camp guard in an affair with a teen. „I’d be lying if I haven’t made a version of this speech before. I think I was probably 8 years old and staring into the bathroom mirror, and this would be a shampoo bottle. But it’s not a shampoo bottle now.”

    It was Winslet’s first win after five previous losses.

    „Slumdog” writer Simon Beaufoy, who adapted the script from Vikas Swarup’s novel „Q&A,” said there are places he never could imagine being.

    „For me, it’s the moon, the South Pole, the Miss World podium, and here,” Beaufoy said.

    The epic love story „The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” which led with 13 nominations, had three wins, for visual effects, art direction and makeup.

    „The Dark Knight” had a second win, for sound editing.

    „Milk” writer Dustin Lance Black offered an impassioned tribute to Milk.

    „If Harvey had not been taken from us 30 years ago, I think he would want me to say to all the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told they are less than by the churches, by the government, by their families, that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value, and that no matter what anyone tells you, God does love you and that very soon, I promise you, you will have equal rights, federally, across this great nation of ours,” Black said.

    „Man on Wire,” James Marsh’s examination of tight-rope walker Philippe Petit’s dazzling stroll between the towers of the World Trade Center in 1974, was chosen as best documentary.

    The acting categories were presented by five past winners of the same awards, among them last year’s actress winners, Marion Cotillard and Tilda Swinton, plus Halle Berry, Nicole Kidman, Kevin Kline, Sophia Loren, Anthony Hopkins, Shirley MacLaine and Robert De Niro.

    It was a much different style for the Oscars as each past recipient offered personal tributes to one of the nominees, without clips of the nominated performances. Awards usually are done in chit-chat style between a couple of celebrity presenters.

    After last year’s Oscars delivered their worst TV ratings ever, producers this time aimed to liven up the show with some surprises and new ways of presenting awards. Rather than hiring a comedian such as past hosts Jon Stewart or Chris Rock, the producers went with actor and song-and-dance man Hugh Jackman, who has been host of Broadway’s Tony Awards.

    Instead of the usual standup routine, Jackman did an engaging musical number to open the show, saluting nominated films with a clever tribute.

    Jackman later did a medley staged by his „Australia” director Baz Luhrmann with such performers as Beyonce Knowles and „High School Musical” stars Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron.

    „Slumdog Millionaire” went into the evening after a run of prizes from earlier film honors.

    The film nearly got lost in the shuffle as Warner Bros. folded its art-house banner, Warner Independent, which had been slated to distribute „Slumdog Millionaire.” It was rescued from the direct-to-video scrap heap when Fox Searchlight stepped in to release the film.

    „Slumdog” composer A.R. Rahman, a dual Oscar winner for the score and song, said the movie was about „optimism and the power of hope.”



    Hotarârile judecatoresti vor fi publicate în întregime pe internet

    42-16885561Presedintele Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii, Virgil Andreies, a declarat, joi, la Alba Iulia, într-o conferinta de presa, ca, începând din acest an,

     majoritatea hotarârilor judecatoresti vor fi publicate în întregime pe internet, protejându-se însa datele cu caracter personal.

    Virgil Adreies a explicat ca acest lucru se va face în etape, astfel încât pâna la data de 31 aprilie se vor publica toate hotarârile curtilor de apel pe anul trecut, pâna în 31 decembrie deciziile pe acest an si hotarârile a jumatate din tribunalele existente pe anul trecut si pe cel în curs, iar în anul 2010 va fi publicata cealalta jumatate a deciziilor tribunalelor, transmite corespondentul MEDIAFAX.

    “Dorim prin asta sa dam o dovada efectiva de transparenta totala a sistemului judiciar fata de mass-media, fata de societatea civila si, în general, fata de toti justitiabilii. Efectul imediat va fi o crestere efectiva a calitatii motivarii hotarârilor date de catre judecatori”, a spus Andreies.

    Sursa: Gandul

    Drepturile pacientilor în UE

    42-16393282Grupul ALDE a organizat, saptamâna aceasta, la Bruxelles, conferinta „Drepturile pacientilor într-o Europa diversa”, având ca obiectiv gasirea celor

    mai bune solutii pentru garantarea drepturilor pacientilor europeni si sporirea mobilitatii acestora în cadrul UE.În cadrul evenimentului, reprezentantul Comisiei Europene a prezentat cele trei mari obiective:

    •       Sprijinirea pacientilor cu privire la dreptul de rambursare a cheltuielilor de sanatate în oricare tara din Uniunea Europeana;
    •       Asigurarea de garantii cu privire la siguranta si calitatea serviciilor medicale transfrontaliere;
    •       Promovarea cooperarii între sistemele nationale de sanatate pentru îmbunatatirea serviciilor medicale acordate tuturor pacientilor. 
    „Statele Uniunii Europene îsi pastreaza dreptul de a-si organiza sistemul de sanatate cum doresc, pentru ca Directiva nu impune o armonizare a sistemelor medicale sau de securitate sociala. Directiva nu se îndreapta spre doctori sau spre sistem, ci are în vedere ca principal obiectiv îngrijirea medicala a pacientului. Cred ca este una din cele mai importante initiative liberale europene propusa în acest mandat si este un privilegiu pentru mine, ca medic si ca liberal, sa contribui la implementarea acestui drept ”, a precizat europarlamentarul PNL, Cristian Busoi, cel care a prezidat conferinta.

    Sursa: EVZ

    Actele necesare recuperarii diferentei la taxa auto

    33313Începând de ieri, 19 februarie 2009, a intrat în vigoare noua varianta a taxei pe poluare care prevede o scadere cu o treime a sumelor stabilite

    prin sistemul de calcul intrat în vigoare în decembrie 2008.Pentru multi, efectele acestei modificari sunt aproape nule însa pentru cei care au cumparat masina înainte de 15 decembrie si au platit taxa triplata ulterior, au început deja sa se scurga zile importante dintre cele numai 20 pe care le au la dispozitie pentru a fi luati în evidenta la administratiile fiscale.


    Mai exact, conform articolului II al noii Ordonante, pentru autovehiculele achizitionate în vederea înmatricularii în România înainte de data de 15 decembrie 2008 si care au fost înmatriculate‚ ulterior acestei date, cu plata taxei pe poluare pentru autovehicule calculate potrivit OUG 50/2008 cu modificarile ulterioare (adica taxa din vara majorata de trei ori), diferenta dintre taxa platita si cea stabilita de Guvern în vara se restituie la cerere, în termen de 45 de zile de la data depunerii cererii de restituire însotite de documentatia necesara.


    Articolul IV al aceleiasi noi Ordonante arata si modalitatile prin care se poate solicita restituirea diferentei, mentionând foarte clar ca „persoana fizica sau juridica prezinta autoritatii fiscale competente pentru calculul taxei de poluare, în vederea luarii în evidenta, în termen de 20 de zile calendaristice de la intrarea în vigoare a prezentei ordonante de urgenta, o cerere însotita de unul dintre dintre documentele prevazute la articolul III”. Este vorba despre comanda ferma lansata anterior datei de 15 decembrie si dovada platii integrale sau a unui avans, sau de carnetul TIR/CMR/CIM si dovada radierii din tara de provenienta tot înainte de 15 decembrie, sau de o dovada de înmatriculare provizorie eliberata de autoritatile din tara de provenienta a autovehiculului, emisa tot înainte de 15 decembrie.

    Sursa: Capital

    Instanta i-a dat tablourile lui Ceausescu, presupunand ca el este proprietar

    Magistratii Curtii de Apel Bucuresti l-au împroprietarit pe Valentin Ceausescu cu doua gravuri semnate de Francisco de Goya si alte 13 lucrari de arta ale unor celebri pictori români în baza unei prezumtii.


    Prezumtia este ca atâta timp cât bunurile au fost preluate de la domiciliul acestuia prin instituirea unui sechestru, care ulterior a fost ridicat, lipsa unei alte persoane care sa revendice aceste tablouri îl face pe fiul fostului dictator proprietarul operelor de arta

    Spitalul de Copii “Louis Turcanu”, la Curtea de Arbitraj, din cauza datoriilor foarte mari

    Firma care preia materialele sanitare folosite a reclamat Spitalul de Copii „Louis Turcanu” la Curtea de Arbitraj din cauza unor datorii de 2,8 milioane de lei, potrivit managerului Viorica Hladih.


    Spitalul mai are datorii din 2008 si la furnizorii de medicamente, în valoare de 6 milioane de lei.

    Ministerul Turismului vrea sa elimine manelele de pe Litoral

    Ministerul Turismului intentioneaza sa introduca în noua lege a turismului masuri de “eliminare a kitch-ului” de pe litoralul românesc, a declarat secretarul de stat din Turism, Corneliu Popovici, citat de NewsIn.


    Printre elementele nedorite, Popovici a enumerat manelele si comertul dezorganizat.“Legea turismului va cuprinde masuri de eliminare a kitch-ului pe litoral. Astfel, vom face cadru legslativ care va reglementa activitatile nocturne, cum ar fi ascultarea manelelor la maximum, comertul neorganizat de pe plaja, etc”, a precizat oficialul din MT.

    Sursa: Adevarulc

    0800.800882 – Dispecerat gratuit pentru reclamarea parcarilor de resedinta ocupate abuziv

    Bucurestenii vor putea reclama, la dispeceratul Administratiei Strazilor (0800.800.882), cazurile în care locurile lor de parcare de resedinta sunt ocupate abuziv.

    Prioritate la obtinerea locurilor de parcare vor avea persoanele cu handicap, acestia beneficiind si de gratuitate. Si detinatorii de masini în leasing sau în comodat pot solicita locuri de parcare în fata blocului. (Click)

    Mars pentru legalizarea marijuanei în România – legalizati-marijuana.com

    Comunitatea pro-marijuana din România si-a facut un site de internet: www.legalizati-marijuana.com si un forum proaspat: http://legalizatimarijuana.ning.com/, unde membri se înscriu pe baza de invitatie trimisa prin mail.


    În prezent, cadenta este de 3 înscrieri noi / minut! Dupa cum îi spune si titulatura, scopul site-ului si al forumului este lupta pentru legalizarea drogurilor usoare, în primul rând a marijuanei

    Pensiile sub 1500 lei ar putea fi scutite de impozit

    Presedintele Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii (CSM), Virgil Andreies, a spus ieri, la prezentarea bilantului Curtii de Apel Cluj, ca si-ar dori ca magistratii sa poata fi sanctionati si pentru faptele pe care le comit in afara


    orelor de serviciu sau a institutiei daca prin acestea se aduc “grave prejudicii prestigiului justitiei”.

    Andreies isi motiveaza dorinta prin faptul ca “ei au un statut, trebuie sa se comporte intr-un anumit fel in societate, astfel incat trebuie sa fie sanctionate astfel de derapaje, fara a intra in domeniul vietii private a magistratului”.

    Contractele Nuclearelectrica au prejudiciat statul cu milioane de euro

    Cinci controale ale Curtii de Conturi au scos la iveala o serie de achizitii discutabile prin care statul ar fi fost prejudiciat cu milioane de euro.


    Cinci rapoarte ale Curtii de Conturi au scos la iveala o serie de nereguli în achizitiile publice derulate de fosta conducere a Societatii Nationale Nuclearelectrica SA (SNN

    Prioritate la parcarile publice vor avea proprietarii masinilor cumparate in leasing

    Reprezentantii Consiliului General al Municipiului Bucuresti (CGMB) au anuntat ca proprietarii masinilor cumparate în leasing, dar si cei care primesc un autoturism de la firma unde lucreaza vor avea dreptul la


    obtinerea unui loc de parcare de resedinta.

    Noile norme sunt prevazute in proiectul de hotarâre privind strategia parcarilor de resedinta în Capitala, care a fost modificat ieri, în sedinta publica organizata de autoritatile municipale.

    Pagubitii FNI vor fi platiti din bani imprumutati de la Trezoreria romana

    Autoritatea pentru Valorificarea Activelor Statului (AVAS) intentioneaza sa împrumute 50 de milioane euro de la Trezorerie pentru a efectua toate platile restante catre pagubitii FNI, potrivit presedintelui AVAS, Mircea Ursache.


    “Urmeaza sa prezint un memorandum în aceasta problema Guvernului, iar daca va fi aprobat este foarte bine

    10% din procurori încalca legea

    10 % din procurori nu au ce cauta în sistem pentru ca încalca legea si au probleme de conduita.Recunoaste acest lucru, procurorul general Laura Codruta Kovesi, care la un moment de bilant spune ca a fost foarte


    încrezatoare la început, ca poate schimba lucrurile care nu mergeau bine, dar pe parcurs s-a lovit de procedurile si legislatia din sistem

    Procesul lui Voiculescu împotriva verdictului CNSAS se reia pe 8 mai

    Curtea de Apel Bucuresti va relua pe 8 mai, potrivit NewsIn, discutiile în dosarul în care fostul presedinte al PC, Dan Voiculescu, a contestat verdictul de colaborator al fostei Securitati dat de Consiliul National pentru


    Studierea Arhivelor Securitatii(CNSAS).

    Reamintim ca CCR a respins, pe 16 decembrie 2008, o exceptie ridicata de Voiculescu.

    Un bebelus a fost omorat de tatal sau


    Un copil de opt luni a murit, la Galaţi, duminică dimineaţă, după ce tatăl său, în vârstă de 50 de ani, l-a lovit cu palmele peste cap, pentru că




     plângea, copilul fiind crescut de tatăl său deoarece mama este plecată la muncă în străinătate.

    Incidentul s-a produs duminică, în jurul orei 8.00. La aproximativ o oră după ce şi-a lovit copilul, bărbatul a solicitat intervenţia Ambulanţei.

    „În această dimineaţă, am primit apelul unui bărbat care ne-a spus că şi-a agresat copilul şi că acum acesta nu mai mişcă. Ne-am deplasat la faţa locului şi am constatat că este vorba despre un băiat de numai opt luni care decedase cu aproximativ o oră în urmă. Micuţul prezenta mai multe leziuni grave la nivelul capului. Tatăl copilului respectiv ne-a spus că micuţul plângea şi că l-a bătut”, a declarat dr. Mihai Polinschi, directorul Serviciului Judeţean de Ambulanţă Galaţi.

    Potrivit sursei citate, din declaraţiile bărbatului, reiese că acesta îşi îngrijea de unul singur copilul, mama micuţului fiind plecată la muncă în străinătate.



    Producătorii de ţigări se plâng că sunt trataţi la fel ca şi „chioşcarul din colţul străzii”


    Decizia Ministerului Finanţelor de a majora accizele va duce la creşterea cu 30% a preţului unui pachet de ţigări, începând cu 1 septembrie, şi




     la scumpirea băuturilor ieftine cu aproximativ acelaşi procent, potrivit estimărilor producătorilor.

    Prima scumpire a ţigărilor va surveni chiar de la 1 aprilie, când accizele vor fi majorate cu 7 euro la mia de ţigarete, alţi 7 euro urmând să fie adăugaţi în toamnă. După a doua tranşă de majorare a accizei, preţul unui pachet de ţigări va creşte cu 30-40%, iar contrabanda va spori la o cotă de 30% din piaţă, este de părere Gilda Lazăr, directorul pentru afaceri corporatiste al JTI România.



    Vezi aici cine sunt favoriţii la Oscar 2009

      In acest an, gala de decernare a premiilor Oscar, ajunsă la cea de-a 81-a ediţie, va avea loc la Teatrul Kodak din Los Angeles, o sală cu 3.400 de locuri.


    Gazda de anul acesta a galei va fi actorul australian Hugh Jackman, cunoscut în special pentru rolurile din „Prestige”, „Van Helsing” şi „X-Men”.

    Deşi la ceremonia de duminică vor fi decernate premii la 24 de categorii, Academia are pregătite 50, pentru eventualitatea în care fiecare categorie va avea mai mult de un câştigător.

    Pelicula cu cele mai multe nominalizări la Oscar, 13 dintre cele 24 de categorii, „The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Strania poveste a lui Benjamin Button) este printre favorite în cursa pentru Cel mai Bun Film şi Cel mai Bun Regizor. O urmează imediat producţia britanicului Danny Boyle, „Slumdog Millionaire”, cu doar 10 nominalizări, dar cu şanse egale la cele două categorii importante.

    Povestea vagabondului din mahalalele Mumbaiului poate să-i aducă lui Boyle Oscarul pentru Cel mai Bun Film, dar şi trofeul pentru Cel mai Bun Regizor.

    Un alt film în competiţie, de această dată la alte patru Oscaruri râvnite este „Doubt”. Pelicula reuneşte patru dintre nominalizaţii la categoriile celor mai buni actori şi actriţe în rol principal şi secundar: Meryl Streep, Viola Davis, Philip Seymour Hoffman şi Amy Adams.

    Cea mai probabilă adversară pentru Meryl Streep la titlul pentru Cea mai Bună Actriţă în Rol Principal este mai tânăra Kate Winslet, pentru rolul din „The Reader”.

    De cealaltă parte, Mickey Rourke, într-o revenire spectaculoasă cu rolul din „The Wrestler”, Frank Langella pentru „Frost/Nixon”, Brad Pitt pentru întruchiparea lui Benjamin Button şi Sean Penn pentru controversatul rol din „Milk” sunt în egală măsură favoriţi la Oscarul pentru Cel mai Bun Actor într-un Rol Principal.

    Un alt Oscar aşteptat este cel pentru Cel mai Bun Film Animat. Anul acesta, trei titluri intră în competiţie, „Bolt”, „Kung Fu Panda” şi „Wall-E” care porneşte în cursă ca favorit.


    Sursa: Realitatea TV

    Un turist din Constanţa a fost omorât de o avalanşă în Sinaia

    Tânărul de 22 de ani venise la Sinaia împreună cu prietena lui. Aseară a plecat pe traseul Drumul de vară, un traseu foarte dificil, interzis turiştilor, pentru a se da cu placa de snowboard. Ar fi trebuit să se întoarcă la cota


    2.000 în jurul orei 17.00 să se întâlnească cu prietena lui, însă nu a mai ajuns. 

    Salvamontiştii l-au găsit în această dimineaţă, după câteva ore de căutare. Se pare că tănărul a fost surprins de o avalanşă, pe care tot el o provocase.

    ”Tânărul s-a abătut din pârtia amenajată, a intrat într-un fir de vale unde zăpada este foarte mare. A mers pe firul de vale vreo 400-500 de metri, şi-a dat seama că a greşit şi a încercat să o ia în lateralul văii şi sigur a provocat avalanşa asta”, a precizat salvamontistul Dan Trif. 



    Chandra Levy’s slaying may end

    WASHINGTON – A Salvadoran immigrant convicted of attacking two women in the park where Chandra Levy’s remains were found was expected to be arrested in the next few days in the former intern’s slaying, a person close to the investigation said.



    An arrest would cap a revived investigation into the 2001 killing that had gone cold for years after destroying the career of former U.S. Rep. Gary Condit of California.

    Investigators in 2002 questioned Ingmar Guandique, now 27, in the slaying after he was convicted of attacking two women joggers in Washington’s Rock Creek Park. They didn’t charge him, but statements he made to people while in prison helped lead investigators back to him, said the person, who was not authorized to discuss the case publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity Saturday.

    A law enforcement official who has spoken to investigators said the break came in part from DNA evidence that was either retested or collected, and it was connected to Guandique. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the Levy investigation is ongoing.

    Local prosecutors have convened a grand jury in the District of Columbia, and an arrest warrant is expected within the next few days, the officials said. Levy’s father, Robert Levy, said Washington, D.C., Police Chief Cathy Lanier called his home late Friday and said the same thing.

    Chandra Levy was 24 and had just completed an internship with the U.S. Bureau of Prisons when she disappeared in May 2001 after leaving her Washington, D.C., apartment. The Modesto, Calif., woman was wearing jogging clothes when she vanished, and a man walking his dog found her skull and bones in the park a year later.

    Authorities questioned Condit, her congressman, in the disappearance, but he was never a suspect in her death. Condit, a popular Democrat for a dozen years in his district, was reportedly having an affair with Levy, and the negative publicity from the case was cited as the main reason for his overwhelming primary loss in 2002.

    Guandique was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for attacking two women in the park. The federal Bureau of Prisons lists an inmate in California with the same sentence and age, but with the spelling Guandigue instead of Guandique. A message seeking comment was not returned.

    One of his victims in the park attacks, Halle Shilling, told The Washington Post that new prosecutors and detectives apologized to her because prior investigators had never interviewed her in the Levy case.

    „They said they were so sorry it took so long to talk to me,” Shilling said. „They really want to get to the bottom of this, and they are not going to sleep well until they get a conviction.”

    Robert Levy said he and his wife, Susan, were not told who would be arrested, „but we all know who it is.” He would not elaborate but said they would favor a life sentence for the killer.

    „If someone is executed, they really don’t suffer too much,” he said from his home in Modesto.

    Abbe Lowell, an attorney for Condit, said the revelations clear the former congressman.

    Condit did not return several messages left by The Associated Press but said in a statement to WJLA-TV in Washington that he is glad the Levy family is finally getting answers.

    „I had always hoped to have the opportunity to tell my side of this story, but too many were not prepared to listen. Now I plan to do so, but I will have no further comments on this story at this time,” he said in the statement, posted on the station’s Web site.

    After Condit lost, he sued several media outlets that had connected him to Levy’s disappearance and death. He reached an undisclosed settlement with three tabloid newspapers.



    I ‘Never’ Hit My Child

    In a contentious, exclusive interview outside his Florida home, Ronald Cummings, the father of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, blasted new abuse allegations and told FOX News „never, ever have I ever hit my child.”


    „Me and my child have an agreement. Daddy, daughter. She has been spanked on her behind the way DCF says that you can take care of disciplining your children,” Cummings told FOX News’ Geraldo Rivera.

    Cummings also condemned new allegations that he hit Haleigh’s mom Crystal while she was pregnant, saying friends and family members making the accusations are ‘absolutely lying’ and threatening criminal charges against them.

    Responding to sources that told Rivera Cummings had told them he was 75 percent sure who kidnapped Haleigh, the missing girl’s father said, „There is no way — I do not know who took Haleigh. If I had — if I had, uh, five percent of where Haleigh was at, I would be there now and not here.”

    The family of Haleigh Cummings, who apparently vanished while she was sleeping, says they are afraid she was taken by a pedophile cousin.

    The 5-year-old’s mother and paternal grandmother said Friday the man in question is a cousin of Misty Croslin, the teenage girlfriend of Ronald Cummings.


    Dan Hardy Can Be a Star on Two Continents

    Hardy, who defeated Rory Markham by first-round knockout, may have been the single most impressive fighter at UFC 95, an event that made up for a lack of star power with plenty of punching power. In his second UFC fight


    , he needed just 69 seconds to dismantle Markham, out-boxing a good boxer and using a powerful left hook as his knockout punch.

    Hardy told me last week that England is going insane over the UFC, and it sure sounded that way from the reaction of the fans at the O2 Arena. The locals loved seeing their guy whip the American Markham, and the sheer jubilation shown by Hardy as he soaked in the cheers afterward was great. Already becoming a headlining attraction with UFC fans in Europe, Hardy can be a fan favorite in North America, too. He’s a likeable guy, tough and well-spoken, and he has a personal flair that he shows off with everything from his haircut to his Web site.

    Hardy has 27 fights under his belt, but the win over Markham was only the second time stepping into the Octagon, and I think he’s just scratching the surface of what he can do. He’s on a five-fight winning streak, and he’s won 10 of his last 11, with the only loss in that span coming to Yoshiyuki Yoshida in a 2007 Cage Force fight in which he was on the losing end of a questionable disqualification.

    How much better can Hardy get? I’d venture to say a lot better. He spends much of his time training in the United States, and he’s fanatical about watching so much film of his opponents that he can close his eyes and picture everything they do. Hardy was submitted three times early in his career, but he has worked hard at getting better at grappling, and he says he hopes his next opponent is a jiu jitsu specialist because he wants to test his ground game.

    Hardy is the first to admit that he’s not ready for a fight against one of the sport’s truly elite welterweights, like Georges St. Pierre or Jon Fitch. But even if it’s not against a world-class opponent, I’m looking forward to watching the next time Hardy steps into the Octagon. He can be a star.


    ‘I don’t really plan to go away soon’

    WASHINGTON – After the president of Harvard hailed him as a “national leader but a local servant,” after the pastor read the “Let us now praise famous men” passage from the Bible and after the cellist Yo-Yo Ma honored


     him by performing a Gershwin prelude, Senator Edward M. Kennedy lumbered across the antique stage.

    “I have lived a blessed time,” Mr. Kennedy told the audience at a special honorary degree convocation at Harvard in December. His voice started shaky, but gained strength. “Now, with you, I look forward to a new time of high aspiration for our nation and the world.”

    As the crowd rose, Mr. Kennedy waved buoyantly, as if trying to acknowledge everyone he saw: a special fist pump for his former staff member, Justice Stephen G. Breyer of the Supreme Court; a salute in the direction of Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.; a thumbs-up for his niece Caroline Kennedy


    „How I lost 57 lbs in two months with the easy

    My name is Linda Collier from Bethesda, Maryland.. I’m not a celebrity, fitness buff, someone with a lot of money to spend on a trainer or someone with a lot of willpower or anything like that.  I’m just a wife and a mother of 3


     who figured out a diet that works better than any famous program or exercise routine.. So first I’ll tell you the basics about me:  I’ve been married to my husband Rod for 5 years and we have a little boy and twin girls.  I also work as a nurse part time besides being a mom, so as you can imagine life is pretty crazy and I don’t have a lot of time.  I hope that my story can help you to be inspired to lose weight also.

    How did I gain all my weight?

    Before I was married and had my kids I used to weigh 122 pounds.  I wasn’t super skinny but I looked pretty good.  I was satisfied with my body and when I was younger it seemed like I could eat whatever I wanted to because my metabolism was fast and I just burned everything off without even working out.  My husband was attracted to me and made me feel good about myself.

    Then I had my son and I of course gained weight when I was pregnant.  I gained about 25 pounds.  I thought it would come off naturally but now I was running around taking care of him as a new mom and I kind of put myself last.  I was eating on the run and putting whatever was convenient into my mouth.  And I had no time to work out.  So instead of losing weight, I even gained another 5 pounds.

    Then I got pregnant with my twin girls, and I gained another 25 pounds.  When all was said and done, I had gained 57 pounds.  I felt uncomfortable being in my own skin.  I felt so bad about myself.  I felt like I had let myself go and wondered if I was still attractive to my husband any more.  I didn’t like the way I looked and I didn’t want anyone to see me- I stopped going out with my friends and sometimes I even felt embarrased just to leave the house because of how big I had gotten.

    I tried all the major diets like Atkins, Slim Fast, Jenny Craig.  I tried everything to lose weight.  I tried nutri system, the 3 hour diet, the grape fruit diet, everything.  I became obsessed with losing weight.  But nothing I tried worked.  I might lose 5 or even 10 pounds, but then the weight loss would stop.  Or I would be too cranky on the diet to continue on it.  Then I would gain the weight right back in the next few weeks.

    I felt like I was in a downward spiral, nothing that I did worked.  I wanted to lose fat but it never worked, so I just gave up and started eating whatever I wanted.  At my heaviest, I weighed 179 pounds. I know that people think that people who are overweight are lazy or have no self control.  But the truth is, there are a number of reasons why people gain weight.  Some have kids, some don’t have the time or energy to diet.  With a day full of work or school, who wants to come home and exercise or eat a salad?  I am like most Americans, I am not a superhero.  I couldn’t juggle work, a husband, kids, cooking, cleaning and everything else that comes with living and then after that go to the gym after eating a salad for dinner.  That is crazy and no one can do it.

    I really did try all the diets, and when they failed me, I felt helpless.  I thought that I would be fat forever.  Then one day I saw something on tv that changed my life.

    How watching Oprah turned my life around.

    One afternoon on my day off I was on my couch watching Oprah and this episode changed my life.  I can’t say that I wouldn’t still be overweight and miserable today if I hadn’t happened to see this show.  Oprah had Dr. Mehmet Oz on the show and they were talking about a new superfood called Acai Berry.

    Dr. Mehmet Oz is a famous doctor who Oprah has on the show a lot, maybe you know him if you watch it often.  He is a health guru and big on anti aging stuff, beauty stuff, and looking good.  He is also a vice-chair and professor of surgery at Columbia University so I knew he was a credible guy.  Besides, of course Oprah isn’t going to have any shady guy on the show so I knew that whatever he said was going to be true.

    He was talking about a new berry from the Amazon called Acai.  It is a more powerful antioxidant than pomegranite or red wine or blueberries.  It is put into easy to take supplement capsules.  The part that made me pay attention was when Dr. Oz started explaining how Acai helps you lose weight by reducing hunger and raising energy levels.  It seemed like what I had been waiting for all along.  After that I learned that CNN, CBS, ABC and the Wall Street Journal have also covered the health benefits of taking Acai berry.

    The day after, Dr. Oz was on a different show talking about another way to lose weight.  He was telling the audience about colon cleansing and that doing a colon cleanse was a great way to lose weight fast.  I’m not a doctor or know all the medical details, but basically what happens is years worth of gunk gets trapped in your colon and starts to build up on the lining of your colon.  All sorts of toxins get trapped there from any fattening or unhealthy food you have eaten.  It’s a thick slime and it adds inches to your waistline and extra pounds on the scale.  So you do a colon cleanse to rid yourself of this lining and you also instantly lose inches off your waist and extra pounds just by doing this, no diet or exercise needed.

    You can do a colon cleanse just by taking a pill that flushes all that stuff out.  It’s a supplement that will naturally clean out your colon.

    Dr. Oz explained that you can exercise and diet all you want and it won’t help if you don’t take the right supplements to clean this junk out and give you energy.  That made me think, maybe thats why all those fad diets failed me.  He explained that cleaning out this junk will automatically shed excess pounds in a way that diet and exercise can’t.

    I liked what I was seeing because Oprah and Dr. Oz weren’t actually selling anything themselves, so I knew they weren’t motivated to tell anything but the truth.  They were trying to get the public to understand the health benifits of Acai and Colon Cleansing.

    The Acai and this special Colon Cleanse combination melted off my extra weight like magic.

    Oprah and Dr. Oz talked about two amazing products- the acai and the colon cleanse.  They are sold seperately by two different companies, but because I saw both shows, I had the idea to use both at once and to combine them into a special diet.  Also, with three kids and the economy the way it is, I didn’t have the extra money to spend on something that might not work for me.  So after searching all over the internet I found a free trial of both products that Oprah and Dr. Oz were talking about!  I found a way to try them without spending money.  It was great.
    The two products I discovered, and still use, are Acai Berry and this special Colon Cleanse .
    This is how I combine them to make my special diet:

    Step 1:

    Acai Berry is the first and most important part of my diet. Acai Berry helps me:

    • Have more energy by giving me super vitamins and nutrients- I feel great!
    • Suppress my appetite- I’m not hungry anymore and don’t eat as much.
    • Evens out and stabillizes my metabolism so I burn more fat.
    • Tightens up and rejuvinates my complexion because of all the anti-oxidants.

    I found my 30 day free trial of  Acai Berry here and it’s so easy to use- just take one capsule in the morning and one at night.

    Step 2:

    This special Colon Cleanse is the second important step of my diet. While Acai Berry, suppresses my hunger, keeps me healthy and gives me tons of energy,  this special Colon Cleanse :

    • Gets rid of pounds of waste from my colon- out of my body and down the potty.
    • Now that my colon is clean, my body can now eliminate new fat more efficiently.
    • Makes the acai berry even more effective because I can now process it better.
    • Eliminates the toxins that were sitting in my colon making me healthier and giving me more energy.
    • This is a cycle that continues and makes me healthier and healthier.
    • Gets inches off my waist instantly and pounds off my body instantly
    • Takes no work and you can’t accomplish it through diet and exercise.

    I found my free trial bottle of this special Colon Cleanse here and I just take one supplement day and night at the same time I take my acai.  They are the perfect complement to eachother, they perfect weight loss duo.  This is how I achieved my amazing results and dropped pounds of fat off of my body


    At the same time Wall Street is losing jobs and prestige, the nation’s capital is gaining steam as it ramps up to fight the recession

    „Oversight alone will (mean) tons of new jobs,” enthuses Jill Landsman, a spokeswoman for the Northern Virginia Assn. of Realtors, who says the pace of home sales has picked up over the past year even as prices have continued to fall.


    Job-seeking Wall Streeters who jump on Amtrak’s Acela to Washington may be dismayed to find that the maximum pay for an FDIC bank review examiner is close to $180,000. That’s great for most folks, but paltry next to the bonus-swelled compensation many bankers are used to. The pay can be a lot better, though, at the Beltway Bandit consulting firms that are ramping up to assist the FDIC, Treasury Dept., and others. Consulting jobs for senior specialists in finance „can pay north of $200 an hour,” says Andrew Reina, a practice director for risk consultant Ajilon Solutions.

    Companies such as Computer Sciences Corp., Science Applications International Corp., or SAIC, and Booz Allen Hamilton employ tens of thousands of people in the Washington area and continue to expand. Even before the current crisis, professional and business services, which include private-sector lawyers, accountants, engineers, and consultants, made up 21% of metro Washington’s annual economic output, even more than the 20% made up by government itself, according to a BusinessWeek estimate based on government data. The financial crisis „creates opportunities for companies like ours” to provide expert assistance, says David Booth, Computer Sciences Corp.’s president of global sales and marketing.

    The New Talent Magnet

    By at least one measure, it’s Washington rather than New York that’s attracting the best and brightest these days: According to George Mason University’s Center for Regional Analysis, metro Washington leads the nation in the share of jobs that are in high-tech and the share of workers with advanced degrees.

    As for New York, the mix – and the outlook – is bleak. Finance typically accounts for 32% of the metro region’s output, mostly because finance jobs pay so well. But pay limits, combined with job cuts, will harm everything from condos to car dealerships. New York State Labor Dept. analyst James Brown says, „There will still be a need for capital-raising, but it’s pretty clear the sector won’t be as profitable or as large.”

    Adds Moody’s Economy.com economist Marisa Di Natale: „New York, we think, is going to have a pretty severe recession.”

    Staging a Comeback?

    In one measure of how dire things have gotten for New York’s finance sector, Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Feb. 18 announced a $45 million plan to retrain investment bankers, traders, and others who have lost jobs on Wall Street. The money will also provide startup money and office space for new businesses by the former Wall Streeters. According to The New York Times, city officials expect New York to lose 65,000 jobs in finance during this recession, and not gain them back any time soon.

    „We say good luck to the people in New York. We know they’re going through some tough times,” says Arnold Punaro, general manager of SAIC’s Washington operations.

    Then again, there is one resource that New York has in abundance, and that’s self-confidence. Regional Plan Assn. President Robert Yaro, whose nonprofit organization coordinates planning in a 31-county area, says New York has been declared dead over and over since the 1880s, but always springs back.


    Last Friday the 13th was supposed to be a special day for 14-year-old Amber Leeanne DuBois.

    She left her home in Escondido, California, around 7 a.m. for school with a check in hand, a down payment on a baby lamb that she was going to raise and care for as part of her Future Farmers of America class.


    It was a day that she’d been looking forward to for more than a year, her family says. But she never made it to school and hasn’t been heard from since, prompting authorities to launch a massive search for the missing teen.

    „She would not have given up that lamb for anything,” her mother, Carrie McGonigle, said. „She’s a wholesome kid. She doesn’t run amok like most teenagers. She did not run away, I guarantee it.”

    Her cell phone was turned on once for about 20 seconds the day after she disappeared and has not been turned on since then, Escondido Police spokesman Lt. Bob Benton said.

    Her mother and her live-in boyfriend voluntarily submitted to polygraph tests and passed, Benton said. Amber’s father, who lives in Orange County, California, and other relatives have been interviewed, he added.

    A classmate reported seeing Amber a week ago on Sunday, walking with an unidentified person about half a mile from her home, Benton said.

    „We don’t know the circumstances of her disappearance or the person she was walking with, but being 14 years old and missing as long as she has without ever having gone missing before is very suspicious,” Benton said.

    The FBI is assisting the Escondido Police in the investigation, said Special Agent Darrell Foxworth from the agency’s San Diego office.


    Those in search of a fresh start might head to these welcoming spots

    The country that once welcomed the tired, poor, huddled masses is now asking for a little reciprocation. And Canada, Germany and Australia are heeding the call.


    They top a list of the countries most welcoming to expats. There, relocators have a relatively easy time befriending locals, joining a local community group and learning the local language.

    In Depth: World’s Friendliest Countries

    Behind The Numbers

    The study surveyed 2,155 expats in 48 countries, spanning four continents, between February and April 2008. Respondents rated their country in four categories: ability to befriend locals, number that joined a community group, number that learned the language and percentage that bought property.

    „We conducted this survey to better understand expatriate needs and get insight into the emotions of expats. The banking business is all about trust, especially with the recent credit crisis,” says Martin Spurling, CEO of HSBC Bank International and Head of HSBC Global Offshore. „We want them to build a relationship with their wealth manager regardless of where they travel.”

    For Americans, traveling abroad to start over is becoming increasingly common. America used to have it all: good jobs, booming economy, skyrocketing stock market and plentiful housing. What a difference a year can make. The boom has gone bust and people are now heading for the exits en masse — with an eye abroad.

    It’s no wonder they likely find Canada so welcoming. It has an accessible language, diverse culture and low levels of government corruption, says Patricia Linderman, editor of Tales from a Small Planet, an online newsletter for expats.

    It also has other expats. This is important, Linderman says, since even the most gracious locals already have busy, established lives and can be unwilling to put in the effort to befriend someone they know could leave within several years.

    „I’m not suggesting that it’s good to live in an ‘expat ghetto’. It’s immensely rewarding to live among local people and make friends with them,” she says.

    Linderman says other expats are important because they share similar needs like making friends and adjusting to life in a new country. They also understand the frustrations daily life brings.

    Canada is the most welcoming; almost 95 percent of respondents to HSBC Bank International’s Expat Exploreer Survey, released today, said they have made friends with locals. In Germany, 92 percent were so lucky and in Australia 91 percent befriended those living there. The United Arab Emirates was found to be the most difficult for expats; only 54 percent of those surveyed said they’d made friends with locals. The U.S. ranks sixth among the 14 nations surveyed.

    „A significant expat community,” she says, „also means that there will be at least one truly international school, expat support groups and amenities like English-language bookstores.”

    Team Work

    Joining a recreational sports team or community group can help speed integration. Almost half of respondents reported taking this action, with Germany leading the pack at 65 percent. Churches, organizations and schools provide good places to forge friendships with people who possess common interests and beliefs.


    Corina Chiriac va lansa pe piaţă în luna martie, un album discografic

    2222222Materialul va cuprinde 20 de melodii de neuitat. În paralel, artista pregăteşte un album de suflet, un CD de autor semnat Nicolae Caragea – muzica,




    textele fiind semnate chiar de Corina Chiriac. „Este primul meu disc pe care îl voi înregistra după 7 ani de absenţă. Acest CD cuprinde peste 15 şlagăre româneşti. Credeţi-mă, va fi o bombă!”, spune artista.



    Poliţiştii argeşeni au tras 12 focuri de armă după un şofer pentru a-l opri.Vezi video

    Urmărire ca în filme. Poliţiştii piteşteni au tras sâmbătă noapte 12 focuri de armă după ce şoferul unei maşini nu a oprit la semnalul agentului de circulaţie. Oamenii legii au încercat să-l determine pe şofer să oprească prin

    semnale de amplificare vocale, dar fără rezultat. Urmărirea s-a terminat după şapte kilometri, în comuna Moşoaia şi asta după ce şoferul urmărit a pierdut controlul volanului şi s-a izbit de un copac. Conducătorul auto nu avea permis de conducere.



    vezi video aici

    Investiţia în aur, un rai pentru cei afectaţi de criză


    Bunurile cu risc scăzut ar putea fi cea mai bună investiţie la care ar putea apela investitorii privaţi, potrivit lui Gary Dugan. Aceste bunuri cu risc

    scăzut ar putea avea cea mai mare profitabilitate în 2009, cât timp guvernele din întreaga lume se străduiesc să găsească soluţii pentru a rezolva criza economică.

    Printre aceste bunuri se numără obligaţiuni cu risc scăzut ale corporaţiilor, dividende de pe urma acţiunilor în industriile de consum. Printre industriile cele mai sigure sunt cele care produc bunuri de care este nevoie şi pe „vreme rea”, cum ar fi cele producătoare de săpun sau pastă de dinţi.

    Un alt bun destul de stabil atât în perioada de criză, cât şi în perioadele prospere este aurul. Cu toate că nu a recomandat direct investiţiile în aur, Gary Dugan a explicat că metalele preţioase au fost preferate până acum de investitorii privaţi.

    „Lipsa de încredere fără precedent i-a împins pe investitori în zonele sigure, aurul fiind beneficiarul de top al acestei situaţii”. Aurul ar putea beneficia de pe urma unei potenţiale scăderi a valorii dolarului în cea de-a doua parte a acestui an, potrivit lui Dugan. De asemenea, el se aşteaptă ca lira sterlină să îşi revină după jumătatea lui 2009, în vreme ce monedele din ţările emergente vor continua să suporte presiunea pieţei.

    Sursa: thisismoney.co.uk

    Bugetul aprobat vineri susţine majorarea salariilor profesorilor cu 33%.Si restul ce facem?


    Ecaterina Andronescu a declarat că majorarea salariilor trebuie reglementată printr-un act normativ. Andronescu a subliniat însă că salariile




    cadrelor didactice vor creşte doar în funcţie de performanţa acestora.

    „Fiecare profesor va fi evaluat în baza criteriilor de performanţă, pe care ministerul educaţiei le elaborează acum cu sindicatele din învăţământ. Cadrele didactice se vor autoevalua dar se va ţine cont şi de părerea colegilor de catedră, a părinţilor şi a elevilor”, a afirmat Ecaterina Andronescu.

    Sursa: Realitatea TV

    Foştii demnitari nu vor să plece din casele de protocol


    Eugen Nicolăescu, fostul ministru al Sănătăţii, stă într-o locuinţă a RA-APPS de pe strada Polonă, despre care nu vrea să vorbească.




    Un alt fost ministru al cabinetului Tăriceanu care trebuie să părăsească locuinţa primită de la RAPPS este Karoly Borbely care a condus ministrul comunicaţiilor. Nici Georgiu Gingăraş, fost ministru al sportului în guvernul Adrian Năstase nu a predat locuinţa de serviciu pe motiv că fiica sa locuieşte acolo.

    „Acel apartament este într-o scară de bloc, care nu a avut nimic şi a trebuit să îl aranjez. Adică, dacă eu găseam un apartament mobilat şi veneam numai cu vesela şi cu hainele era normal, şi se termina mandatul, plecai. Aşa am zis: „Lăsaţi-mi copilul să îşi termine studiile” şi aşa că se interpretează în fel şi chip”, a declarat  Georgiu Gingăraş.

    Sunt şi foşti demnitari care justifică păstrarea casei de la RAPPS prin faptul că se judecă cu statul fie pentru acea locuinţă, fie pentru funcţia din care au fost eliberaţi. Fostul procuror general al României, Tănase Joiţa, nu mai are de ani de zile o funcţie publică, dar refuză să predea casa.


    Parents of twins at 15

    Despite their tender years delighted Sammii Humphries and Daniel Sargent vowed to be the perfect mum and dad to little Liam and Ryan. Their baby joy comes as a national debate continues over The Sun’s revelations about


    Alfie Patten — the baby-faced lad who became a dad at 13.

    Sammii conceived when she was 14 and had no idea she was expecting until she felt something move and went to a family planning clinic.

    The year 11 pupil discovered she was already 22 weeks pregnant.


    Sammii, from Southport, Merseyside, said: “I was shocked and upset. I didn’t know how to tell my mum.”

    That was sorted out by the clinic, who gave her mother Janet Gilbert a call.

    Janet said: “The family planning asked me to come down. My first reaction was shock, especially when they said it was twins. But what can you do?

    “Daniel stayed here at our house with Sammii the odd night and of course, it happened. You can’t stop young couples when they’re courting. If they weren’t here they would just go somewhere else.”


    The tots arrived after only 28 weeks and were immediately put on ventilators — with Liam weighing just 3lb and Ryan only 2lb 9oz.

    the sun

    ‘Nude Tube’ strip contest

    Now a new Internet competition is doing the same – but rewarding the naked variety instead. World Nude Day organisers are offering almost £10,000 in gold for videos of people doing everyday antics with no clothes on.



    Entries so far include the gymnast above, naked female footballers, stripped burger bar workers and starkers snowboarders.


    the sun

    Chandra Levy case solved

    The Metropolitan Police Department has no information available for release in this ongoing investigation. This case generated numerous bits of information, which we continue to follow up on,” Police Chief Cathy Lanier


     said in a written statement released Saturday morning.

    KGO-TV, in San Francisco, California, quoted a Washington television report that said police were pursuing an arrest warrant for a prison inmate named Ingmar Guandique.

    Guandique is being held at the Federal Correctional Institution-Victorville, a medium-security facility north of San Bernardino, California, an official there confirmed to CNN on Saturday.

    Police contacted Levy’s parents, Susan and Robert Levy, on Friday, informing them of the latest developments, the couple told CNN affiliate KXTV.

    „No, they didn’t say exactly when … she said it would be really soon,” Robert Levy said, without naming the police officer.

    „She didn’t say the name yet, but we think we know who it is. I don’t want to say until it’s official, though,” the father said.

    „We appreciate all the hard work they did,” Susan Levy, told another CNN affiliate, KXTV in Sacramento, California. „You want justice. You want the person incarcerated. It is still painful no matter what. Your child is dead and gone. But we are glad the police are doing something and making a difference.”

    Levy, 24, used her computer and then left her apartment May 1, 2001, and vanished. Her remains were found May 22, 2002, by a man walking his dog in a remote area of Washington’s Rock Creek Park.

    The search for Levy and massive publicity that accompanied it stemmed largely from her connection to Rep. Gary Condit, D-California.

    Condit and Levy, a federal Bureau of Prisons intern from Condit’s district, had an affair, and police questioned Condit many times in connection with the murder. Police never named Condit as a suspect.

    Condit, a member of Congress since 1989, lost the 2002 Democratic primary and left office at the end of his term. He later reportedly moved to Arizona.


    Sgt. Michael Leahy Jr., 28

     U.S. Army medic was sentenced Friday to life in prison with the possibility of parole after being convicted of murdering four detainees in Iraq, a U.S. military spokesman in Germany said.


    Sgt. Michael Leahy Jr., 28, was convicted on two counts of murder and premeditated murder for his role in the 2007 Baghdad area killings.

    Leahy was downgraded to private, his pay will be forfeited and he’ll get a dishonorable discharge if he is ever released from prison. The sentence was handed down Friday night.

    Two other soldiers also face courts-martial in the case, said military spokesman Lt. Col. Eric Bloom.

    Leahy was acquitted of murder in a separate incident involving the death of another Iraqi in January 2007.


    This year, the Oscars are on Hugh Jackman’s shoulders.

    The Australian actor, who earned rave reviews for his hosting of the Tonys, now has the Academy Awards to contend with. It’s a job that’s put Jon Stewart, Chris Rock, Whoopi Goldberg and David Letterman on the firing


     line, with only Billy Crystal and Johnny Carson emerging more or less unscathed in the last couple of decades.

    But with typical verve – after all, this is the guy who won a Tony for playing song-and-dance man Peter Allen in „The Boy from Oz” – Jackman cracks jokes about the task, telling ABC that one of his distinctions is that he’s the „tallest” Oscar host in recent years.

    To CNN’s Brooke Anderson, he was equally at ease. „Ultimately, the way I see it is if I’m not going to have a good time, then how can anyone else have a good time,” he said.

    Even if he’s not having a good time, you may not want to get in his way. After all, this is the guy who’s played the fearsome, sharp-clawed Wolverine in the „X-Men” movies and gets a solo turn as the superhero in the forthcoming „X-Men Origins: Wolverine.”


    Guvernul dă mai mulţi bani pentru reabilitarea termică a apartamentelor.


    Asociaţiile de proprietari care vor să-şi reabiliteze termic blocul ar putea plăti mai puţin sau chiar deloc pentru lucrări. Statul va plăti 50% din




    cheltuieli, mai mult cu 16% faţă de cât plăteşte în prezent.

    În prezent, proprietarii plătesc 33%, primăria 33%, iar statul, restul. Anul trecut în toată ţara au fost reabilitate termic doar 75 de blocuri, iar alte 39 de lucrări sunt aproape gata. Într-un top al oraşelor unde au fost izolate termic blocurile primele locuri sunt ocupate de Sfântu Gheorghe (16 blocuri) şi Târgu Mureş (10 blocuri). La polul opus se află Alba Iulia, Ploieşti şi Cristuru Secuiesc, cu câte un bloc reabilitat termic.

    Anul acesta au fost alocate pentru acest program aproape 360 de milioane de lei din care ar putea fi reabilitate termic aproape 60.000 de apartamente.

    Sursa: Realitatea.net

    Scandal in Plaza România

    Un reprezentant al firmei de pază a spus că, în urma incidentului, au fost mai mulţi răniţi, atât în rândul agenţilor de pază, cât şi al atacatorilor.  Christian Ciocan, purtătorul de cuvânt al Poliţiei Capitalei, a confirmat, la Realitatea

    TV, că a existat o altercaţie între un agent care asigura paza într-un centru comercial şi un cetăţean care a parcat neregulamentar, motiv pentru care acestuia din urmă i s-a blocat autoturismul, lucru ce a condus la producerea altercaţiei.

    La faţa locului au fost deplasate echipaje ale Serviciului Special al Poliţiei Capitalei pentru Intervenţie Rapidă şi echipaje ale Secţiei 22 Poliţie, s-a intervenit imediat şi s-a restabilit liniştea. „În acest moment efectuăm verificări pentru a restabili starea de fapt. Toate persoanele care se fac responsabile de acest eveniment vor răspunde potrivit legii”, a precizat Christian Ciocan.

    Reprezentanţii firmei de pază susţin că altercaţia a fost cu clanul Preda, clan care a mai fost implicat într-un incident pe 7 iulie 2008, când trei bărbaţi au fost înjunghiaţi în zona Plaza România. Eugen Preda, un membru al clanului Preda, a fost implicat în mai multe incidente care sunt cercetate de poliţie.

    Sursa: Realitatea.net

    Go for it !!Rio Carnaval. Foto and videos!

    This is it! The globe’s most spectacular annual cultural pageant, where the ancient world’s spirit of chaotic collective delirium and abandonment of self to the impulses of the body is unrivaled. Rio has a new team as it continues

    its dream of becoming the first Olympic City on its continent. Here you can find many Cinderella stories worth retelling as we seek the global stories everyone should share. Along with the well detailed story of samba culture giving us the collective power of song, dance and divinities to transform and unite a nation we think the birth of bossa nova and Rio beach bikinis at the dawn of the 60’s is a story for everyone 


    Obama tells Treasury to begin cutting taxes

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama ordered the U.S. Treasury on Saturday to implement tax cuts for 95 percent of Americans, fulfilling a campaign pledge he hopes will help jolt the economy out of recession.


    The tax cuts are part of a $787 billion economic recovery plan passed by the Democratic-controlled Congress over Republican opposition. The aim is to put more money in the pockets of Americans and stimulate the economy by increasing consumer spending.

    „I’m pleased to announce that this morning the Treasury Department began directing employers to reduce the amount of taxes withheld from paychecks, meaning that by April 1st, a typical family will begin taking home at least $65 more every month,” Obama said in his weekly radio address.



    Premiile Oscar 2009

    Meryl Streep – pentru rolul din Doubt. Actrita ar acumula cea de-a 15-a nominalizare la Oscar.


    Anne Hathaway – are mari sanse gratie rolului din “Rachel Getting Married”.
    Angelina Jolie – dupa ce a fost “lasata acasa” anul trecut, ea poate intra pe lista cu rolul din Changeling.
    Melissa Leo – mai putin cunoscuta, insa cu o prestatie remarcabila in Frozen River.
    Kate Winslet – este favorita pentru rolul din Revolutionary Road.
    Kristin Scott Thomas – pentru filmul “I ve Loved You So Long”

    Sally Hawkins – pentru rolul din Happy Go Lucky

    Frank Langella – pentru rolul din Frost/ Nixon
    Josh Brolin – pentru rolul George W Bush din “W”
    Sean Penn – pentru rolul din Milk
    Richard Jenkins – The Visitor
    Brad Pitt – The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
    Mickey Rourke – The Wrestler
    Leonardo DiCaprio – Revolutionary Road
    Will Smith – Seven Pounds

    Frost/ Nixon
    Slumdog Millionaire – Danny Boyle
    The Visitor
    The Wrestler
    Rachel Getting Married
    Changeling – Clint Eastwood
    Vicky Cristina Barcelona – Woody Allen
    Australia – Baz Luhrman

    Vezi cel mai AMUZANT gol in Copenhaga 2-2 Man. City

    Jesper Christiansen nu mai are nicio sansa acum sa intre in cartea de istorie a clubului Copenhaga. S-a facut de ras in meciul cu englezii de la City, cand in minutul 29 a scapat o minge usoara in poarta, trimisa de Onuoha.

    Chiar daca englezii au intrat usor in meci, cei de la Copenhaga au egalat in minugul 56 prin Ailton. 5 minute mai tarziu, mijlocasul Ireland a reusit sa o repuna in avantaj pe City, insa norocul din prima repriza s-a razbunat acum, iar Vingaard de la Copenhaga a egalat in minutul 91 al meciului.



    Presecan, Milosevici si Ungureanu se bat pentru 10.000 de euro.Rusine!

    O gramada de sportivi s-au inghesuit la ceea ce se numeste „World Nude Day”, care premiaza varietatea sportiva – fotbal feminin, gimnastica sau snowboard sunt cateva dintre sporturile unde persoane fara prejudecati


    s-au inghesuit sa participe.


    Daniela Grecco Muzzi noua devoratoare de fotbalisti

    Frumoasa Daniela Grecco Muzzi, are 28 de ani, este sotia portarului lui Liverpool si este una dintre cele mai frumoase femei din lume. Daniela a facut recent un pictorial fierbinte pentru o revista pentru barbati.

    vezi imagini aici




    Planul patronului: fără fotbalişti străini şi fără salarii de peste 100.000 de euro, el va miza exclusiv pe tinerii din propria curte, pe care speră să obţină sume mari cînd îi va vinde

    Am un plan în ceea ce priveşte Steaua, dar nu-l dezvălui”, a spus Gigi Becali în ultimele zile. Gazeta a aflat ce anume pregăteşte patronul din Ghencea şi cum îşi doreşte să arate echipa în cel mai scurt timp.



    Steaua are deja încasări de peste 20 de milioane €

    În plină criză financiară, Steaua se poate lăuda că rămîne în continuare numărul 1 în România din punctul de vedere al banilor. Începînd din finalul lunii iulie, de cînd a început actualul campionat, şi pînă acum, adică în fix 7

    luni, în conturile clubului au intrat deja 21,5 milioane de euro!



    Jean Valcis e dispus sa preia Rapidul

    Să nu credeţi că această tranzacţie poate fi făcută la lumină. Aş fi dispus să preiau echipa de la Copos, confirm acest fapt. Avem un desfăşurător de poziţie care ne spune că sunt 16.700.000 de milioane pe care Rapidul îi

    datorează. Am făcut în industria alimentară două dealuri mult mai mari, iar lumea trebuie să înţeleagă că banii nu sunt vărsaţi la club imediat, ci durează mai mult timp.

    Din 2006 spuneam că trebuie ca un club să fie gestionat cu rigoarea unei întreprinderi. Cu departamente, cu directori financiari, că un club trebuie gestionat cu capital propriu, nu cu împrumuturi! Asta spun din 2006 şi azi am ajuns la un punct în care Rapidul are datorii de minim 16,7 milioane de euro datorii”, a explicat Jean Valvis



    Memoriile unei calugarite zguduie lumea catolica

    Romanii care nu și-au vandut sufletele. La 94 de ani, Radu Marculescu, ”veteranul veteranilor” lagarelor sovietice, readuce la viața eroii anonimi care au scris, in deceniul ce a urmat celui de-Al Doilea Razboi Mondial,

    istoria ignorata a rezistenței romanești in Gulagul stalinist. Doar secolul trecut ar fi putut sa lucreze un asemenea destin. Viața lui Radu Marculescu este, fara exagerari, o nebunie. O calatorie inițiatica, precum in dramele antice, cu eroi salvatori și un noian de pilde. Cea mai importanta: capacitatea umanitații de a produce raul, in forma absoluta, este inegalabila, scrie EvZ.

    Mars pentru legalizarea marijuanei in Romania. Comunitatea pro-marijuana din Romania si-a facut un site de internet: www.legalizati-marijuana.com si un forum proaspat: http://legalizatimarijuana.ning.com/ , unde membri se inscriu pe baza de invitatie trimisa prin mail. In prezent, cadenta este de 3 inscrieri noi / minut! Dupa cum ii spune si titulatura, scopul site-ului si al forumului este lupta pentru legalizarea drogurilor usoare, in primul rand a marijuanei. Initiatorul miscarii, avand nick-ul „khiri” promite organizarea unui mars pro-marijuana in 2010, la Targu Mures, sustinand ca autoritatile nu au de ce sa se opuna, cata vreme manifestarea va fi pasnica, scrie Gandul

